Thursday, June 13, 2013

Deadpool Video Game Screenshots from E3

The Deadpool video game was shown off at E3 this week, and the following new screenshots have been revealed.

  • You Get to Play ME – DEADPOOL! – Bored after years of stealing the show as part of an ensemble cast, I’m finally delivering what all my loyal fans have asked for – nay, DEMANDED – an entire video game featuring me and what I want to do…or what I want you to do to me…no, wait, as me. That includes appearances by some of my X-MEN friends – Not ‘cuz I need help (I don’t), but ‘cuz Marvel paid me to (wink). I might have made a few changes so you see things like I do. (You can thank me later, Psylocke.)
  • So Many Shiny Toys, So Little Time! – No video game of mine would be complete without a lot of shiny new guns (bang!), blades (poke!), explosives (boom), duct tape (quack!) and a buttload of other things for me to play with! To capture all of my good sides, I made High Moon Studios make a third-person action game – and yes, my bottom is my best side.
  • An All-New Full Frontal Pictorial Story About Me! – My Marvel writing hostage buddy Daniel Way (Secret Invasion, Dark Reign) and I have been through many life-changing things together, including visits to a lot of authentic taco stands. (Free life lesson: If it’s hot going in, it’ll be HOT coming out!) Daniel has put together a story that shows off my specialness like never before!
  • Fourth Wall…Schmourth Wall!!! – I like breaking walls, especially the fourth one! Why play a game about me when we can’t even talk to each other? I like you. Don’t you like me? Let’s get married. Why are you ignoring me? FINE!!! I’m breaking up with you! I miss you so much. Let’s get back together. Hold me…(and that was just a taste…).
  • Did I Mention This is a DEADPOOL Video Game? – This is a DEADPOOL video game! That means you get to enjoy over-the-top-poop-your-pants action, smokin’ hot babes and tacos! Not necessarily all together or in that order. (What about that time when…?) Hey! NOT SAFE FOR WORK.

The Deadpool video game comes out 6/25/2013.
More Deadpool video game news can be found here
The Deadpool video game can be pre-ordered here
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