Gamescom 2012: Impressions of the Deadpool Video Game
High Moon Studios showed a very early demo of the Deadpool video game to journalists at Gamescom 2...
High Moon Studios showed a very early demo of the Deadpool video game to journalists at Gamescom 2012, where the game earned a nomination for Best of Show. Below are links to several sites that wrote their impressions of the demo that was shown at Gamescom.
Please send links to any other sites that wrote reviews of the game from Gamescom
The gameplay itself is still in a very early state. For the most part, it currently looks like your average third-person character action adventure that's gunning for an M-rating (as it should!). The combat features plenty of blood to go along with the button mashing. If you think back to X-Men Origins: Wolverine from a couple years back, we're treading a nearly similar path.
This demo excelled at capturing the essence of Deadpool. His humorous--and vulgar--personality was well represented, and his attack animations were a mix of lethal and goofy. It was everything around Deadpool that came up short. Someone as over-the-top as Deadpool begs to be put in over-the-top situations. But the sections shown looked very tame by today's standards--and we're not just talking about the helicopter turret sequence. Granted, the game is early in development, so High Moon has plenty of time to add in some extra crazy.
The game allows players to slice and dice through enemies or go in guns blazing (with some very big guns). All the while, Deadpool is in on the fact that he's starring in a game -- even breaking the fourth wall regularly. The game also highlights the character's insanity by allowing players to hear the multiple voices in his head. Which one you follow is completely up to you, but expect a funny, gory ride that's nothing like other comic book games.
The game looks like a lot of fun but ultimately the writing will have to be pitch-perfect to make Deadpool a success. If it strays too frequently, becoming more crass than clever, it could easily fall into the trap of becoming the kind of game it’s attempting to parody.
Games Trailers
So far the game looks like a straightforward third-person combat with a levels system to unlock new combos that make Deadpool Deadpool. Namely killing people in a horrible, yet funny, way.
Interview with Sean Miller, Director at High Moon Studios
Polygon / The Verge
"Video games take all kinds of different approaches to humor: Puerile one-liners, irony, surrealism, pop culture allusions, excessive violence and sexuality, subtle self-references, and so on. Deadpool, the next project from Transformers developer High Moon Studios, takes all of those approaches. It doesn't hone in on a specific comedy styling, per se. All of the comedy that there is — the entire gamut — is delivered in constant salvos, with little pause in between."
"High Moon is focusing its efforts on what makes Deadpool truly different: the fact that he's absolutely and irreversibly a total nutbar."
"Though a few of the demo's jokes fell flat, there were more than plenty which elicited roaring laughter from the whole room. I'm not saying it can't be both, but there are already a lot of great games in the world —funny games are few and far between."
"There was one amazing point where Deadpool sang along to a song while riding up an elevator. Developer High Moon Studios looks like they're going to stay true to Deadpool's character."
"High Moon Studios have done an amazing job with the Transformers license so I'm not too worried about them pulling it off. "
"High Moon Studios is on the right track, and I'm looking forward to seeing more for sure. The Deadpool charm is there, they just need to get the gameplay up to strength."
"Anyway, screens look good, as I would expect from High Moon Studios. So far this is looking like it'll be a great game. I could definitely use another solid comic book property in my gaming library."
"If one thing is clear however, it's that the action promises to be intense as Deadpool engages in a mix of ranged and hand-to-hand combat across the platform and light puzzle-based levels…It might be gratuitously action-heavy but the real star of the show is Deadpool's deranged character, with his fourth-wall breaking split personalities proving a real highlight as he wisecracks his way through the game."
"It all makes for a silly, entertaining and surprisingly unique take on the action genre. We're looking forward to seeing more of Deadpool before it's Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 release next year."
Metro UK
"As a character he’s at his most endearing when he enters a lift and starts singing Patsy Cline’s Crazy. There’s no apparent reason for this (other than he is actually crazy) and no gameplay element, but it’s a fun character moment that does more than several minutes of cut scenes ever could."
Xbox 360 Achievements
"…[It's] bat shit mental…As far as the anarchic spirit and off-the-wall smirks go, it seems that High Moon is certainly on the right track, and from the moment our first look demo gets underway, there's a manic energy that doesn't let up."
"Based on this first look demo, High Moon Studios appears to have a strong grasp on Deadpool's enduring appeal, and as the character becomes increasingly popular among Marvel comics fans, there's going to be more pressure on the developer to get it right. While it's evident that the game could still use a lot of work, it's clear that the character, his personality and his abilities have already been nailed, which means that if the gameplay follows, then there's no reason why Deadpool can't be a genuinely exciting proposition when it releases next year. It's hard to tell how well the game plays at this point, but it looks like a dose of raucous hack and slash fun all served up with a hefty side salad of unhinged comedy. Ultimately it'll be the depth and nuance of the combat system that'll decide whether Deadpool flies or dies, regardless of how well it manages to capture the comic books, but we can't wait to find out how the game shapes up in the coming months."
Lazy Gamer
"…what followed has been one of my favourite Gamescom 2012 moments as we were taken through the history of Deadpool, how he breaks the fourth wall and interacts with the player and how he is entirely and utterly insane. The character has easily become my favourite comic book hero and thankfully the game doesn’t disappoint this new found addiction of mine."
"While the gameplay and graphics are all perfectly acceptable it’s the oddball insane humour that makes this game stand out and has placed it so high on my must have list that it is now overshadowing virtually everything else."
Please send links to any other sites that wrote reviews of the game from Gamescom