Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Amazing Spider-Man #611 Reviews

Big thanks to Tom for collecting all these reviews.

Comics Bulletin - 4/5
"This is one of the best issues of Amazing Spider-Man in quite a while, and one that's worth a look even if you're not a regular follower of the title. For regular readers, however, there's added interest here, as elements of this story play into the setup for "The Gauntlet," the latest big Spider-Man epic to be lined up by the Spidey braintrust. Whilst I still can't say that I'm hugely enthused for that story, I had a good time with this one."

Weekly Comic Book Review - D
"While I appreciated the raw energy apparent in the work, this issue ofAmazing Spider-Man never rises above being the equivalent of someone explaining the punch line of a joke, and then asking, “Get it? Get it?” I got it. I just didn’t like it very much."

IGN - 8/10
"Obviously the book's main attraction is seeing Kelly return to Deadpool, the character that first introduced the writer's brand of humor and creativity to a wide audience. Kelly doesn't disappoint with his return to the Merc with a Mouth, either, and it's a hoot to see him play Deadpool off of Spider-Man in such a free-wheeling, irreverent and unapologetically manic fashion."

CBR - 4.5/5
"Amazing Spider-Man #611 shows that this series doesn't have to be bound up in pathos to be great. It can just cut loose and have fun."

ComicVine User Reviews
"Overall If you looking for a mindlessly fun, hilariously funny, action packed extravaganza, then this is the comic for you. Pick it up and enjoy, because very rarely will you ever get Deadpool and Spidey attacking each other with "Your Momma Jokes" in a comic book."

Urban Culture Blog - A
"The art in this issue was dope – I’ve been seeing a lot of comics come out with this wack look to them, artistically, where shit’s trying to look TOO realistic, but it ends up losing what I liked in it initially. The normal Deadpool issues look like jacked-up caricatures of people, which works fine, but this one is a lil’ dirtier. It suits the zany fast-pace of the action and dialogue, and gets an A in my book."

comiXtreme - 3/5
"Overall, the issue was enjoyable, and perhaps it was more enjoyable than I let on at the beginning of the review. I think that when I started writing, perhaps I was more bothered about what wasn't was, rather than discussing and reviewing what the issue ended up being. It wasn't a horrible miss, but there were most definitely some missed potential, as the artwork failed to really impress, and Deadpool's characterization wasn't nearly as spot-on as one would expect from Kelly."

TheCoreBurner - 4.8/5
"[I]f you don't like goofy, some-what immature, over-the-top humor, steer clear of this one; otherwise, I advise you to dig in and enjoy the fun. It's good to see this book not sucking again."

Reporting on Marvels and Legends
"This is a strange issue, because I feel like I just described a lot of stuff happening, but when I finished reading it, I was distinctly unsatisfied."

iFanboy User Reviews
This was a pretty good issue of Amazing Spider-man. I absolutely love the cover, it is hilarious. The story was also very well done. My only complaint was that it was written more as a Deadpool comic than a Spider-man comic, but I am alright with that since it is only for one issue.
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