Comic Haven
"Deadpool #16 finally returns Deadpool to top form. By that I mean the comic does everything it used to do and does it better than it has in a long time."
iFanboy User Review - 4/5
"So Deadpool may very well be a member of the X-Men. When I cheered earlier I did forget to mention that he is only being 'considered' and not a full blown member yet. But I'm sure he will be inducted into the team....What could possibly go wrong with this idea?"
Comic Vine - 4/5
"While not a spectacularly funny issue, Deadpool #16 was a solid and interesting read."
Comic Reviews by Walt - 8/10
"[T]here’s some dark, violent stuff to this series…there’s a warped sense of fun about it, too, that makes it simply an enjoyable book to read, with some amusing gags and pokes through the 'fourth wall.'"