IGN has just posted a video trailer for Deadpool in Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2. This comes shortly after the news that Deadpool would be a playable character in the game. Thanks to Eric and Clint who both sent in this tip. [SOURCE]
I wonder if I'll buy an Xbox 360 just for this game.. and the other ones... wii sucks lately.
BUT STILL YES! And some wisecreacks in the middle! "BULLLETS!!!"
May 18, 2009 10:51 PM
The man kicks ass better than the best of them! I can't wait.
May 18, 2009 11:00 PM
Wade Wilsons Tailor
That was hands down the coolest video I have ever seen in my life lol. I was never a fan of Deadpool's teleport attacks in the first game, but they actually look they pulled it off in this one. That shit gave me a bOoOoOooooner.
And Deadpool looks better with his chest harness I think, makes him look more modern and high-tech. It pissed me off that in the last game you had to start off with his 90's costume.
May 18, 2009 11:22 PM
The part where he teleports on the rock & plants a C4 looks like it's his "Fusion" move with Hulk because Hulk was carrying the rock & through under neath himself to kill the enemies.
I was going to make a smartass remark about how the harness serves no purpose and paints a GIANT TARGET ON HIS CHEST, but you've pretty much proved my point.
May 19, 2009 12:20 AM
@Daniel I don't see how the way the teleporter looks would make him seem any more of a target than wearing bright red does. Plus, it would probably be a good thing to have it shot instead of a bullet straight in the chest.
May 19, 2009 12:54 AM
Wade Wilsons Tailor
@ Danny the Douche'meister
Yeah, like wearing a bright red mask on your head "isn't just a massive bullseye." You're so fuckin stupid Danny lmao. Just shut up, seriously lol. You're annoying and everyone wants to spit in your face and kick dirt on your shoes. Id throw tomatoes at you if I could. Or a bunch of incredibly hot, HotPockets. You let one of those bad boys burst and get on your skin immedately after takin them out of the oven, and it will burn. Like the sun. Like 4 suns inside of an already burning sun.
But theres nothing you can say that will convince me that 90's Deadpool looks cooler than Zircher's take on the character. 90's Deadpool looks like, well...90's Deadpool. UDON and Zircher really brought him up to date, and honestly it kicks more ass than any of the lame shit you like lol. So I'm gonna have to ask you to just, go right ahead and just shut up. Just..take a seat, fold your hands.......and just shut up lol. Just shut your mouth (lol). Plus I'd rather have a cool looking harness than a never ending amount of useless lil pouchies =)
May 19, 2009 1:09 AM
Wade Wilsons Tailor
Anon beat me to it, damn anons.
May 19, 2009 1:11 AM
Less epic music, more talkie! Not.Even.One.Word?! Just/Complaining.
Looks awesome! I think Deadpool would at least make the harness go with his outfit better, black, with a DP logo in the middle. But yeah, Deadpool is pretty much a target all by himself, the harness doesn't change that one way or the other.
Yeah really really really should have had dialogue from the deadpool. It's not deadpool if he's not talking.
May 19, 2009 5:25 AM
Fucking awesome. And there will be dialogue from him, they just probably haven't done the voice overs yet, it ain't out till September.
May 19, 2009 6:00 AM
They may have made Deadpool the sickest character in the game ... or at least this video would make you think so ... When i first heard of the game and saw the initial character list i was pissed there was no deadpool and i was not planning on buying the game I couldn't be happier now and I'm gonna reserve that shit ASAP
It's not a teleporter. It's literally just there to look pretty. It wasn't a teleporter in C&D, it might be one in the story, but it's a realliy lame looking one if it is.
@ Wade Wilsons Tailor
Hahaha. You still say "lol" mid-sentence. Little kids are so cute! Heh "kick dirt on your shoes". Careful, your mom might see what you're typing!
The harness is bulky and provides no real tactical support. I imagine it's even harder to mvoe around with it sitting still.
A red mask with black dots is an attention getter, but a metal device to leads the eyes to the chest, and glows, is a helluva lot more of an attention getter.
A shiny new 'omg future-tastic' look serves no purpose.
Easily entertained kids...so cute!
May 19, 2009 7:13 AM
That look brilliant man.
I'm likeing that they went a little 'realistic' with his costume. Think it works pretty well.
May 19, 2009 7:26 AM
I think the harness looks kind of dumb too. I wouldn't care about whether it was practical or not if it looked good, but it doesn't.
There's something eery about seeing Deadpool jump around and not hearing a single quip.
May 19, 2009 7:54 AM
First off, while the harness only held his swords and had various pouches on it in the comics, here I'm thinking that the yellow part might be the power source for the teleporter.
Also, I've been reading the forums, and it looks like none of the attacks from the last game are going to be returning. everything is being rebuilt from the ground up so to speak.
Ok im not usually one to agree with Daniel because he is usually just turning this fansite into his personal warzone BUT that being said the harness is crap... it has looked good once and a while in the comics and isnt necessarily a bad thing but it doesnt yell Deadpool like his classic red suit utility belt and swords.. but who are any of us kidding... we love Deadpool even if he is just running around in his boxers... as long as his mouth isnt sown shut im in
May 19, 2009 9:43 AM
Wade Wilsons Tailor
@ Danny, the monarch of all douche bags
I'd actually rather be a little kid than a grown man who's seriously trying to argue about a fake characters fake harness and it's "tactical advantages," on the internet lol. The harness bothers you, but the skin tight mask with just two little white holes to look out of makes perfect sense to you? Danny, lol you are so fuckin stupid and annoying.
And the harness was described as an immolation charge, which is pretty fuckin awesome lol. It will burn you worse than the sauce and cheese that's inside of HotPockets when they're takin out of the oven and thrown directly at your face.
@daniel what business do you have telling people to be older when you are a prepubescent little twerp?
May 19, 2009 11:29 AM
Um wow seriously, Ok harness or no harness who cares, Deadpool is in the game, we're all huge DP marks, so we should all be pretty pumped. And um as far as "Tactical advantages" go.....dude its a fake world where people in brightly colored spandex outfits lift and throw buildings at each other, blast beams from their eyes, blow off chunks of the moon with a super sonic scream, or go to war with shape shifting aliens. I mean seriously, Tactical Advantages? Reality is kind of out the window and has been from the get go....so if it looks cool....who cares. Furthermore.....if you really do need that.....Dp has Marvels best healing factor, i dont think he cares if he gets shot bro, so the argument is pointless anyway.
May 19, 2009 1:10 PM
Digital Plague
The harness could be kool but its not sorta big and bulky. Also the black boots are lame.. Lukcy for us his moves are pretty bad ass.
May 19, 2009 1:59 PM
Man, Daniel, I suppose you took it to heart when your mother told you that you were all grown up on your fifth birthday, but let me tell you one of the grim facts of life: there is nothing adult in arguing about the aesthetics of a comic book character. It reflects particularly poorly on your maturity when you can't partake of such a discussion without peppering your opinion on such an inconsequential subject with snide remarks.
You seem pretty self satisfied without reason, so I guess your development has probably halted and you won't understand when you're older.
Actually I just act like an asshole, not a child. Nice try though.
It's odd how people here *love* Deadpool and his antics, but are put off by someone who is confrontational and loudmouthed. The irony is pretty amusing.
@ Anonymous
Ooh nice try. Swing and miss however. Debating on any subject, period can be handled with maturity. I just suddenly feel the need to go 'blargh' when people go "OMG THE ACTION LOL! AWESOME!" and "SO KEWL" and the like.
It's a shortcoming, I admit, but then so is being amazed by shiny objects and violence for the sake of violence.
I'm satisfied because humanity, myself included, are nothing but toys and similar styled objects. To be used, manipulated, cherished, etc.
Again, I love the irony that everyone is in love with Deadpool, but someone who is only minteuly like his un-PC loudmouthed pop culture referencing self is immediately looked upon with disdain.
@daniel, there is a difference between being enjoyable/entertaining and the need to off oneself. you fall in the latter. don't worry its not a sin in some cultures. hell it is considered honorable in some areas of the world. wouldn't you want to go out with honor? and not from a rupture of your lower colon after visiting with your priest? so come on at least do it for your parents/teachers/loved ones. Their pain will be brief. *hums suicide is painless*
Come on, if you are going to rip on his costume, at least rip on the part that's not remotely canon (helloooo, combat boots! What ARE those?). And really, Deadpool is Deadpool. He wouldn't be Himself if he didn't have some crazy stuff on his costume, like a bazillion pouches (even he points out no one knows why mercs need all of those). He can be badass even with a clunky harness. He was badass manacled hand and foot. He whupped Taskmaster's ass (and it was awesome!) We all know it's true.
Anyway, the harness and most of the details on their version of Deadpool come from one of my favorite ever badass pics of 'Pool (http://img164.imageshack.us/img164/336/deadpool5iy.gif) (I love that they put the leg knife and everything on him) and are completely canon from a long line of story arcs in which he has some sort of harness on the front and back. I'm just ecstatic they are trying to follow canon (Wolverine movie, I'm lookin' at YOU here.) I don't see why the harness is such a problem.
On another topic, despite following the comments over here often, I've held back on saying anything before, but after your comments on this post, I have to respond to something you said: You say you're confrontational and un-PC, and that's why people are getting annoyed with you. That's not really true. Really, you aren't just confrontational and loudmouthed, you're condescending and patronizing, and that's why people here are annoyed with you. No one likes to be told they're an idiot, particularly when they are not. I am puzzled as to why you feel the need to be like that. As you can probably see, it's really not necessary to have a fun and productive discussion. And, regardless, it's not a popular mode of interaction. No one likes it when you imply that you know more about the subject of conversation then they do on the basis of no evidence at all. Perhaps 99% of us are aware of the Hawkeye reference. Perhaps only 85% of us. Either way, you aren't the end-all be-all of character knowledge, and I don't see why you need to act like you are. You shouldn't assume other fans of the character being discussed are less knowledgeable than you. Because you will be wrong.
But hey, if that's the way you roll, fine. I can't stop you from continuing to insult others, and I certainly won't try. Just DON'T go comparing yourself to our beloved 'Poolman, because you fall way, way short of being anything like him. While he may be a loudmouthed, pop-culture referencing, crazy character, he is NOT condescending and patronizing to people. And he is funny. Which you, as yet, are not.
And on yet another topic entirely, which has nothing to do with Our Friend Daniel: I hope they get the guy who voiced 'Pool in Hulk vs. Wolverine to do his voice for the game, because that guy was faaaantastic.
Eh, it just happens when I see idiocy, I get ranty. As for the condescending nature, I hadn't noticed it until someone pointed it out a few weeks ago, and believe it or not, I am working on it. Albeit slowly as it's not on the top list of my priorities.
And what the heck are you talking about? Deadpool has been many times condescending and patronizing.
I know I'm not the be all end all of references, and I've actually asked for references from others as I've forgotten some details and the like. It just comes off that way. Character flaws.
Look at Deadpool's interaction with pretty much anyone at the Hellhouse. Or Monty in general. Or any interaction with a merc/thug/etc who's not him.
Nolan North I think the voice actor's name was though. Nolan something at least.
Sorry, to elaborate on "idiocy", I generally aim for people who are easily entertained by obvious attempts at cheap entertainment, shiny objects, violence for the sake of violence, things of that nature.
Yes yes yes, people say it's 'just a matter of opinion', blah blah blah. But i'm talking about the actual definition of the word: notably stupid or foolish. And It is foolish, but most people don't say anything about it.
@foresthouse i love that image too, if i didn't already have a deadpool tattoo (agent x 15) that is one of the two choices i'd go with today (the other is the c/d 15 cover)
You know, I never made any illusions to being funny, but I'll be god damned if your lack of subtlety and inability to present a joking 'go kill yourself' manner has ever been presented so plainly. And not even in a deadpan styling.
You know if you're going to keep doing personal attacks on me about suicide (which isn't even remotely funny) I'll have no choice but to bust out the fat jokes on your rotund ass.
"You don't need Wii fit, you need to stop eating cake" and the like.
@daniel "Sorry, to elaborate on "idiocy", I generally aim for people who are easily entertained by obvious attempts at cheap entertainment, shiny objects, violence for the sake of violence, things of that nature."
i'm guess you are one of those types that pretends that he understands grant morrison, just because if he didn't he'd feel dumb and common.
pretentious is not cool. so again i say, u+ the light = etc
@daniel fat jokes? i like being fat so give it your best shot. i'd like to see you contribute at least something positive to this discussion...and if that is what it takes then do it. if not than please go chop off your fingers and stop typing.
I appreciate that you are working on that. I think anyone can accidentally condescending now and again, but most of us aren't consistently so from my observations. Maybe a good starting point would be not to assume other people are idiots just because they don't know a fact or because they say something you don't agree with. Most of us are not stupid. Really! And differing opinions can be good for discussion, rather than something to automatically dismiss as incorrect. And treating others like equals leads to more interesting and productive conversations, in my experience. Condescention is more likely to lead to anger, hurt feelings, and shouting matches, which are generally much less fun.
While Deadpool may assume he is the best merc around sometimes (with good reason) he doesn't spend all his time telling the world that or treating everyone else like they're morons. Yes, there are examples where he says he's better at fighting or punches CF in the face for annoying him or whatever, but he's humble enough that he'd never claim to know more than anyone else about everything (witness his breakdown with Al before the Mithras encounter). And he often admits he doesn't know what he's doing (the failed Typhoid Mary experiment). And he REALLY doesn't like it when anyone else condescends to him/claims they know what's best for him (ah, the iconic Cable/Deadpool barfight, *sniff*). Trying that kind of attitude on 'Pool is liable to get you blown up. And sure, he took Monty out and tried to show him a good time because he assumed Monty's life sucked (which it pretty much did), but he was doing it to try to HELP Monty, not just for the sake of showing that he knew more than Monty.
But hey, I don't want to derail the subject of the comments here, which is the MUA game, after all! I think that was the voice actor's name. The bonus clip where he talked about doing the Deadpool voice was really neat. I'd much prefer him to the dude who did Deadpool in MUA 1. He was much too valley girl for me. I mean, I know DP lived in SanFran for awhile, but still. It definitely wasn't what I'd imagined Deadpool sounding like when I heard it for the first time.
Meh, Grant Morrison is hit or miss. I did like his take on JLA and X-Men, but not Batman or the Crisis stuff.
Loved Doom Patrol though. That was insanity and superheroics in a nice disturbing bow.
For someone who enjoys being fat, you sure do have a lot of exercise equipment on your wishlist....
Alright let's try with positive then:
The booties idea on the Deadpool image would fit more to the comic, but in a combat situation, steel toed boots are the way to go. The harness however, even if it is just to hold his swords really would just get in the way, especially with spinning around. The smaller white eyes though is an interesting look. Less Spider-man, and if we can still see the mmove when he speaks (next gen systems are awesome) it will be even more awesome.
P.S. What's wrong with a little bit of shiny-ness and violence? I certainly don't think 'Pool would protest. Sometimes it can be fun. It doesn't mean the person doesn't appreciate intellect as well.
Oh I never said Deadpool's condescending nature was consistent or anything. But you said "never".
And universal statements are rarely true.
He is condescending to those he considers below him. While I consider myself 'out of the line' instead of below or above it, the condescending nature generally comes from working in retail for a few years, traveling abroad, seeing that the ignorance that is society is pretty filling throughout western cultures.
Not to say everyone's an idiot. But those who center their tastes around the shiny boom boom loud loud heavy bass thumping music and explosive video games/movies/etc, generally are below everyone.
Years of psyche and sociology courses. That's where.
That's also why I say Deadpool's 'insanity' wasn't real and it was always bipolar mania, and go off on my whole "Fabian changed everything rant'. But i'm trying to keep from ranting about that anymore. Saving it for the giant Deadpool thesis i'm writing.
Maybe that's what those black toes on his boots are in some versions of the comic? He might have steel under there! Actually, I really like that idea. Heh.
I hope they give him the wierd "squinty-eye" look on occasion. Classic awesome 'Pool.
Actually what I *really* hope to see, what with next gen systems being amped up as they are, is one eye wide open and the other squinting, like a confused/disturbed Deadpool.
Again, I think the issue comes from assuming you have more experiences/knowledge than others. I have also traveled abroad, worked in a variety of jobs from menial to advanced, observed different cultures, taken psych and sociology classes, etc. I grew up with a parent who has a psych Ph.D and I am, myself, an attorney. I'm not trying to compare intellects here, or start some sort of "who's smarter contest" so please don't take it that way. I'm just trying to make the point that you don't know, automatically, that people are dumber than you or less qualified to have an opinion just because they like shiny things or disagree with you. Often on the internet people don't start with, "Hi, I'm a genius with 12 degrees." That doesn't mean you should assume they are NOT. I am often extremely silly or get excited over silly fun things - it doesn't mean I can't discourse on John Stuart Mill or hold a Socratic debate when called upon to do so.
A lot of us use Deadpool as a means to have a little light fun in life. And I myself think that's A-OK. I'd rather people be having a little fun or a rational discussion than sniping at each other about minute details of things!
@danial are you stalking me? because that is not cool. i honestly forgot about having that wish list. with the exception of the rowing machine (which was meant to keep my arms in shape due to not being able to kayack in the winter) and the wrist weights (physical therapy) all the exercise items were for an ex of mine
I know you didn't mean to start an intellectual pissing contest (god i never thought I'd get to type that anywhere) and I didn't either. I guess it's automatic because having dealt with people from retail to desk jobs to construction to tech support and dealing with people day to day, you become accustomed to the level of stupidity around you, and it translates to everywhere, online, off, driving, repairing a computer, referencing a character, etc.
That and even though I do come off as a jackass, the hypocrisy of those who start in on me for my tastes (not my method of delivery) and what to expect from Deadpool. I expect bipolar mania and whatnot, and others (at least the majority i've spoke to) expect insanity and badass stunts a la Fabian's run. But when I complain people say I'm expecting too much. When Daniel Way doesn't do it in his series, people complain.
Love the irony in that as well.
I like Deadpool for the dark humor and the psychological conflict. The off the wall violence has a time and a place of course. And I do enjoy pop culture references (even if I have to google them sometimes).
@daniel you have yet to even say a fat joke. whats a matter don't have a good one? fat comments didn't bother me when i was a kid, they don't bother me now. and yes they were on my wish list because i wanted to get her something nice, i did end up buying her some equipment and never updated the list.
Nah, I'd have to google you some more. But after having intelligence discourse with someone else, I really don't feel the need. It was actually *fun*!
You, or at least the 'you' that is presented here, really are more immature than I am. Very cute, and unable to deduce even rudimentary things. Just another easily entertained type. And that's ok. I forgive you.
@danial seriously if i was a doctor i'd prescribe two razors and tell you to cut length wise until you get it right. and before you argue hypocratic oath, remember that a doctor must do what they feel best for the patient, and i'd honestly feel that it would be for the best. saying i'm rudimentary because i think you are a waste of atoms? i'm sure your parents agree with me. so in the words of grumpy old men (and i'm paraphrasing mind you), "do the world a favor pull your lips over your head and swallow"
Very cute. And no, Hippocratic Oath supersedes it all.
But you're not a doctor. Just a young round man with no ability to use deductive reasoning.
Hell you can't even work a 'your parents hate you' joke in there right. Your timing is way way off.
Probably self loathing to a degree. And you feel the need to explain your actions, which is *adorable*, but pointless unless you feel the need to prove yourself.
Not sure what you're trying to prove to me, but you really are empty inside if you are trying to 'prove to me to kill myself'.
@daniel again i'm not joking. no parent would love a child like you. food isn't love? and yet the quickest way to a man's heart is through his stomach...
You only see snippets of me, you don't know what sorta guy I am. You're simply one of the ignorant proles I mentioned earlier. Just another person to convince me to assume everyone *is* an ignorant peasant.
It's only the way to his heart if you're fattening him up to eat him.
But that was mildly amusing. You get a 'meh'. Congrats!
You obviously need it. You have no idea what my personality is, whether i'm a 'tool' or not. Which is why you are filled with fail when trying to decide whether i'm a 'dead end or not'.
It's why I'm careful to word how I describe others saying "how it seems", etc.
Take a lesson, a chill pill, and a glass of iced tea. And try again.
I never tempted you into arguing with me you know. You just seem to feel the need to take it on yourself to prove something to me, or get my attention.
You could just 'ignore me' like so many others suggested. Or you could come out and admit you're madly in love with me.
AntiDaniel actualy isnt T RoLL. although he does find T Roll amusing at times. AntiDaniel is another lone citizen trying to clean the dirt offa these here streets.
AntiDaniel is also not bairdduvesa. Sorry for the gay remark, most gays are actually quite pleasent socially. AntiDaniel will never be figured out because AntiDaniel has only posted about twice on this site, but AntiDaniel was reading and just got annoyed with someone so... Willing to share an opinion but so unwilling to listen to them. I am Right you are Wrong. Silly really. AntiDaniel isnt silly. mostly :P
@daniel, sorry but no. and while i'm flattered that you think i could love you...i don't care for idiots. and i'm not saying that i suppose you're an idiot...i KNOW you're an idiot. i don't need to justify it either.
and ignoring you would only allow you to continue abusing other readers without hesitation.
if you actually contributed with intelligent conversation, or were respectful i wouldn't care...but i have yet to see you say anything worthy of praise.
go outside, go play with friends...learn to talk with people without being a complete ass.
just because some one disagrees with yo does not make them an "idiot" a "pole" or less of a person.
if you cannot get that then you really should go off yourself. if not physically, then metaphysically.
to overcome one's faults one must destroy their own limitations.
by stunting your own growth you are stunting the growth of others.
You don't know I'm an idiot, you're guessing based on my ranting. You haven't seen my contributing positively, but I have a few times actually.
By assuming I talk this way all the time, you just go to prove you have no idea who I am. It's very cute!
You still haven't grasped what I'm even saying when I call people a 'prole' (not pole mind you) given the criteria I listed. Not just the opinion factor.
What you really want is for me to not do that here. Say that without hiding it behind the "OMG YOU'RE AN IDIOT ALL THE TIME! I KNOW YOU YOU TOOL" and then we'll get down to the nitty gritty.
My posting was never to set you off to argue with me, or anyone argue with me.
A troll does it for no reason. I do it for a reason. Try to wrap your head around that, and always assuming I'm negative, and you *might* just have something there.
Self loathing fat manchild. Whereas I switch on my ups and downs, based on whatever I'm coming off of, you will always be fat and unhappy inside. Where you feel the need to defend others and prove yourself, I only feel the need to let go as soon as I get bored.
You sit, pissed and posting, where I post, watching Venture Brothers and continuing to do research.
@daniel...here i am having fun watching family guy, talking with a friend about abusive relationships, and you try to make fat jokes thinking they hurt. i'm fat and proud. if i were christian i'd make a living as a mall santa. the only downside to my weight is sweating in the summer..but thankfully i know how to use that to my advantage too. keep, trying with the fat comments when you say one that is actually funny i'll be the first to admit that.
HAHAHAHA! Exhibitionism on Twitter, you post it in public, and it's considered stalking when a fat manchild attempts to insult me and I click on the link from his profile?
If someone insults you, you don't want to use whatever you can against them?
You don't know any part of me besides what i've showed here.
You are unhappy, that's why you keep posting. That's why you felt the need to comment about it. If you really had no feelings about it, you'd let it go.
Again with the universal statements... I don't always post hateful comments. You're summing up what ones you've alone seen. Ignoring the neutral or even positive ones I've posted.
I doubt you'd have the balls to kill yourself, but at least read up on the basics of profiling if you're going to attempt to label someone as this or that.
Logic is really beyond you, as is reading comprehension. You see what you wish to see, instead of acknowledging anything I've done but what you consider 'trolling'.
Please, do the public a favor, keep up the overeating, die before national healthcare policies are passed, and keep the rates down for everyone else.
Wrap your mind around the big picture, outside what's in here:
You can only see what I post. You can't see what I do when I'm not here.
Hell you can't even see all of what I post if you only think I post negatively.
But what's even more amusing? You'll still hate and want me dead despite your ignorance, and raise your blood pressure every time you see me post, positive or not, but after I switch gears, I won't care.
And while I flip flop between moods here and there, I will always remember how much love you showed me tonight.
@daniel my blood pressure has neither raised nor fallen, despite your obvious attempts to convince yourself that over weight people are worse than you, i can guarantee i will live longer than you, if left to live naturally. as for "knowing anything" about you, based off of your posts here i have no desire to know anything about you. you on the other hand seem to have taken a fascination with me...going to my facebook and twitter.
i'm almost curious about how many of your ex lovers have had restraining orders on you...but that'd be sinking to your level
@everyone else-the boots don't bother me, i really doubt once the game play begins that you'll notice the boats or the harness...i'm basing this on the previous games where most of the time you see the characters from the top/back perspective. plus there will be numerous other visual stimuli to keep your eyes focusing on one spot for long. g'night
May 19, 2009 9:01 PM
cool he is gonna have a boat? A Deadboat would be awesome!!
The harness was used in over 50 Deadpool comics. What's the problem?
May 19, 2009 10:08 PM
please people like all these posts are sucha downer can you please just talk about deadpool and how awsome it is he is getting more popular like he deserves
May 19, 2009 11:08 PM
by the way i have been to this site alot but its my first time posting im sean btw
May 19, 2009 11:09 PM
@everyone, the true nature of Daniel...aka Daniella Hi everyone... This is why Daniella is a fucking pimple on society's face: -Daneilla has posted over 30 comments not on the Deadpool topic. -Daneilla is probably an unemployed fag that has nothing better to do in her life than refute every single claim everyone makes, even if it doesnt involve her -There is clear evidence above that Daniella has been stalking bairdduvessa. Daniella knows his weight and day to day activities. Daniella why dont you realize how wrong this is? I think you dont because you have lost control of your subconscious ever since your dad walked in drunk every night when you were a boy and butt fucked you with the pimple grease on your face until you became who you are today, a egotistic faggot. -Everybody who Daniella has verbally harrassed has given up responding...yet Daniella consistently responds to to herself on this blog to make her self feel better about wearing a sibbling's thong every night and jizzing in it to experience the same thrill experienced with your retard father. This proves that Daniella once again has nothing better to do. -Get a life you buttfucked, blemished, incestous faggot.
*@ Wade Wilson's Tailor, bairdduvessa, antidaniel, foresthouse, and all others that were personally offended by Daniel: As a dignified human being i want to apologize for this daniella faggot that turns an uncensored comic book blogspot into a fucking warzone.*
******To everyone out there, If daniel aka daniella responds to this comment and refutes every claim, then you will know that everything I said is true.*****
May 19, 2009 11:34 PM
What has happened to this topic's comment section? Has everyone lost their minds?
Can we get an AMEN for how cool Deadpool's teleporting is in the game? I really do love it, even if it's not purplish like the comics. I like it better than MUA 1 (although MUA 1's wasn't bad or anything. I just really like this effect).
...Ooh, a camel! *runs off*
May 20, 2009 1:56 AM
can people get banned here this is crazy and not deadpool fun crazy
Ahh when all else fails make up jibberish and go the internet tough guy routine. Sounds about right.
On topic post though:
Is the material that makes up his costume supposed to be leather-ish or what? Definately form fitting whatever it is, but with the ridges it looks less like spandex. Which I guess wouldn't make sense if they're going for a 'realistic' bit, what with the combat boots and all.g
May 20, 2009 6:11 AM
Damn it Daniel, go to a forum, not here, stfu, get out, or just stop discussing here, use a fucking forum
May 20, 2009 7:40 AM
well i personally think that the new MUA2 deadpool look is great.... it makes the charactor alot more beleivable and practical
May 20, 2009 8:18 AM
Ericon IX
@ Daniel Why don't you take your Hulk Vs, DVD and those few issues that DP was in that you actually liked and leave the rest of us alone? Aside from the forementioned, I haven't seen a single DP that you do like.
As a rule I don't moderate any comments, but I have a personal request that everyone try and keep the comments civil and more or less on topic with the post. I love that my site leads to Deadpool discussion, but someone interested in talking about Deadpool in MUA2 is probably going turned off by all the negative, off topic comments. I do have the ability to disable comments for specific posts, and I would hate to have to do that, but if this doesn't calm down I will close this post and hope this doesn't keep happening in the future. -Ben Deadpool Bugle
May 20, 2009 8:32 AM
Wade Wilsons Tailor
This site has become half about Deadpool, and half about roasting Daniel lmao
@ Danny Douche'areeno
The joke about the harness having a fail safe was in reference to Hawkeye's death. But the threat to incinerate Alex's pancreas was sincere. Reguardless though, you're still an annoying douche lol.
"It's odd how people here *love* Deadpool and his antics, but are put off by someone who is confrontational and loudmouthed. The irony is pretty amusing."
Did you just compare yourself to Deadpool? lmao Dude, not only are you a industrial sized bag of douche, but your delusional aswell!? I hate to break it to you, but you're more along the lines of the Comicbook Guy from The Simpsons crossed with Jimmy Fallons "Nick Burns, your companys computer guy" from SNL. The fact you would even think that, is fuckin amazing lol. But I seriously bet that when ever you talk, god just wants to wrap a mountain goat's skull around his fist and then punch you in the back of the head with it. And then take his god-finger and write "shut up, d-bag" with the clouds, so when you regain conciousness, you see the clouds in the sky telling you to shut up. All on account of how annoying you are lol.
Seriously though, could you imagine if god did that? That would be awesome/scary as shit.
May 20, 2009 10:05 AM
Wade Wilsons Tailor
Oh ok, so we're gettin back on track now. lol Cool.
So yeah, with Deadpool you guys goin pro-reg or not? I'm goin pro-reg all the way baby. Wade and Stark are gonna take it to Cap's ass, Robocop style. Then I'll replay the game as Cable (if he's in) for Cap's team. I don't really like Cap though. So that won't be as fun. Stark is just cooler. He drinks, fornicates, and has hand lasers. Cap just has a shield and ridiculous looking shoes.
May 20, 2009 10:15 AM
Okay, staying out of the bickering and on topic. I think that one of the possible reasons for why we havn't heard Pool speak yet is that they haven't finished recocording voices.
May 20, 2009 12:28 PM
@ Wade Wilsons Tailor:
Oh my god. A Nick Burns reference on a Deadpool site? Yep, this site is the #1 bookmark on my Firefox address bar for a damn good reason. Hilarious post, too.
Back on topic, I can't wait to hear how Deadpool's voiceovers are handled. I'm kind of crossing my fingers pretty tight for the game makers to bring in Nolan North, as I really don't like DP's usual game voice.
I did enjoy fighting as Cap in MUA 1, though. Some of his shield moves were really fun when he was all powered up. I mean, clearly I'm going to play with Deadpool first, but then I may try out Cap. Heh. (Iron Man does = WIN, though.)
@ Daniel
I did notice the thick texture of Deadpool's costume - I think they said in the Dev Diary that it's not spandex, which I was a bit puzzled about since he wears spandex in most of the comics, and it appears from his various wounds/tears in fabric that it's not padded or anything. But for me that's such a small nitpick (smaller even than the combat boots, hah) that I figured I'd just shrug it off. I'm so well pleased with the general result that I can manage that (unlike with Weapon XI Deadpool, whom I had to rant about).
@Deadpool Bugle
Sorry for my part in any derailment. It won't happen again if I can help it. Flamewars aren't generally my thing. :)
Just dropping in to say that I have officially completed my full Deadpool run with just about all of his guest appearances that I know of. I picked up the final issue that I needed (#54 of the original series) at the local comic shop today.
Alright, since the host person asked, I'll try to behaive.
@ Foresthouse
Combat boots make a lot more sense, but from the pic in the last MUA2 link, it looked like it had buttons on the side where the red meets the black. Kevlar would make more sense than leather, but i've not seen button up kevlar like that outside of bad Bruce Campbell sci-fi movies.
What i'm confused about though is the physical based heroes. I understand we need powerhouses and all, but do we really need Iron Fist, The Thing, Power Man *and* the Hulk? Conceeding that Hulk does have his standard hand slap, every one of those listed hits real hard. In the last game I limited my team to either Luke Cage or The Thing, didn't really see the need for more than one of those.
@ Wade Wilson's Tailor
Tony Stark doesn't drink anymore. Nor does he 'sex it up' as much. He kinda had to grow up and kick the playboy habit.
I didn't notice before, but they're using the upgraded Havok engine for gameplay. Delicious.
If you take a picture holding up aformentioned issue, wearing a white wig and a purple cape, that'd be just great.
/No Prize to those who get the reference.
May 20, 2009 5:12 PM
I think Cable can beat Deadpool anyday. Everyone just likes deadpool because of his ego. I mean seriously, all he is, is a regenerating and teleporting tightclothed guy with guns and a sword. I guess the makers just put him in the game because of his popularity. I just hope Cable gets in too:}
It all depends on who's writing Deadpool/Cable at the time. In hand to hand only it could be messy, and has. In a gunfight, due to Deadpool's manic behavior his tactics are unreadable to even a vet like Cable.
If Cable has his powers, then yeah, no real contest unless it's a writer who cares more about Deadpool.
Also, Deadpool's "ego" has nothing to do with it. Did you mean personality?
May 20, 2009 6:38 PM
@ Wade Wilsons Tailor
In the game, all superheroes and villains can be on either side, except Captain America and Luke Cage who are locked in Anti Reg, and Iron Man and Reed Richards who are locked in Pro Reg, but apparently some other persons are locked in sides, like Songbird in Pro Reg, and Iron Fist in Anti Reg.
May 20, 2009 8:16 PM
Thom Cruz
I love Deadpool, and sometimes in reading these blogs (I have not decided to leave any comments until now, but I really don't like Daniel) and it almost ashames me to be in the same category as Daniel as a Deadpool "fan" seeing as how it is very rare for him to say anything without A) either bashing someone else's opinion that is not his own or B) saying something negative about a Deapool related issue. Obviously you were never taught that "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."
I would also appreciate it if you never compared yourself to my beloved Deadpool ever again... Thank you.
Hmm, I wonder what disparaging comment he will have to say about that one.
May 21, 2009 1:09 AM
Thom Cruz
Ok, well in reading the 80 more comments since I was on here the other day, I see that it has been asked to settle down on the negative. That really makes me happy.
I had been checking in here daily to see if/when Deadpool was going to be released as a playable character since it was kept so hush hush. And when I saw that he was in the game on Friday, I am pretty sure I may have had a little seminal leakage... I was that excited. I love the fact that his following is getting large, regardless of when people started to follow the character. I have noticed that us Deadpool fans are very vocal on what we want. Ha.
May 21, 2009 1:21 AM
Having read most of what Dan said I can see where he's coming from. I don't necessarily agree with him on everything but I get what he's saying. Anyway on the topic OTHER than Dan, I just hope DP is a useful character in the game. Too often in these games with a large cast many characters end up useless or redundant. I guess its OK if you have a favorite character but I'd like reason to use others. I've been playing X-Men Legends II and found I was hard pressed to use more than a few of all the characters available. I hope that was worked on in this game. It LOOKS cool, I just hope its as satisfying to play.
May 21, 2009 2:13 AM
Wow!! Come on guys, we are all Deadpool fans here, why are we slamming and raggin on each other?
The fact is this. Deadpool is a great character who has been portrayed in different ways throughout the years.
Some people like some things about him, others like other things about him. That doesn't mean one person is smarter than another person.
I like Deadpool because he is a guy who is constantly crapped on, but he still TRIES to do the right thing. He is constantly battling with his own murderous nature and outside forces to try and be a good person.
He is scarred on the outside, but he tries to show that he is not scarred and horrifying on the inside.
Personally, if there was nothing more to Deadpool than wise cracks, swords and uzi's I wouldn't even be a fan of him. I don't dig brainless stuff like that.
But I'm not gonna slam someone else if they do. That is something you should learn Daniel. So stop being so high and mighty. What you say isn't set in stone, it's just your opinion, so don't rag on other people if they have a different opinion than you.
EVERY SINGLE COMIC BOOK CHARACTER IN THE WORLD HAS DIFFERENT TRAITS. And some people like the different traits more than others. It really is as simple as that. It doesn't make someone stupid if they like Deadpool because he is a bad ass killer. And it doesn't make someone intelligent if they like the other things I mentioned about the conflict within him and all that. It just means some people have different tastes. Which is amazing!!!! [/sarcasm]
May 21, 2009 3:14 AM
its true we all have common ground here deadpool rocks ... so lets please talk about that, and it you have alot of negitive feelings about something, say one thing ....not a hundred . anyway im really pleased about how deadpool looks in the game and how his is gaining popularity !!! i am new to the sight i am sean btw
For the love of christ, READING COMPREHENSION PEOPLE. I do not always post negative, that just happens to be what you guys want to see. I post positive quite a bit too.
I'm not going to go back and copy/paste every single one of them. But they exist in a good sized number. I simply dislike violence/random for the sake of random, and making Deadpool insane for the sake of a cheap audience pleaser.
I love Manic/Condescending/Anti-Normal-People/witty Deadpool.
Hopefully that isn't too hard to remember...
As for my bastardizing other people's comments, since the host person asked for peace, I'll try to keep it under control. It's just when I see easily entertained 'omg explosions lol' types i lose all sense of reasoning. It's a character flaw, really.
May 21, 2009 7:08 AM
This game is going to have sweet explosions and awesome fights. OMG I love it. I hope Deadpool makes crazy random comments during the fights like "did somebody say chimichanga?" or "This one's for you, Bea Arthur!" I hope the story is minimal so the focus can be on the epic battles!
May 21, 2009 9:59 AM
May 21, 2009 11:17 AM
@ Daniel
Joe Kelly raped Deadpool, he never used Pop Culture references and broke the fourth wall!!!
May 21, 2009 12:12 PM
C'mon people. Don't poke at him it just makes him angry. I wanted to have a nice day on the Bugle not another flame war. On topic: I hope Nolan North is used for the voice over. I prefer him to John Kassir, but if they choose John again it won't be the end of the world, he did a pretty good job on the first MUA.
Can't wait for this once they get the voice acting done. Hopefully, with all this limelight on DP, they will throw us some more dialogue and interaction for him.
Just kind of hope they don't offer the Wolverine Origins version as an alt costume.
May 21, 2009 1:19 PM
Deadpool's pistols (Which if I'm not mistaken seem to be M1911 (?)) appear to be fully automatic.
Craziness I tells ya, CRAZINESS.
Also, the shooting grenades out of the air looks pretty cool.
I think the outlandish costume, and attacks suit the equally outlandish, and larger than life nature of Deadpool.
It mostly makes me thirsty, not angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm thirsty. It means I have to make more iced tea.
As for the voice acting, they seem to be going with all new people, save Steve Blum who is a god among american voice actors, but I doubt they'll use Nolan. I kinda hope there's someonew ith a more gravely voice in it.
@ Jelnock
With those kinda pistols you can customize them so they fire fully auto. But accuracy goes out the window. Somehow I doubt they'll be that detail specific about it though.
May 21, 2009 5:43 PM
I am so thankful that Daniel has finally lost his negative voice and we can get back at topic. I left many personal requests to the deadpool bugle headperson and he said that he will be closely monitoring Daniel and kick him out if he posts one more off topic negative comment....cross your fingers everyone and let's all hope it happens
I love you too man. But you're not getting my Michelob Light.
The more I look at the shot, the more his harness looks more like reverse suspenders...especially if they do split in the back to house his swords.
May 21, 2009 6:06 PM
@ Daniel
Hi Dan, nice response for the cable vs deadpool thing. I totally agree. But I'm just curious, what do you think cable and deadpool would have as fusion powers?
Something involving telekinesis and a confined grenade explosion wrapped around an enemy.
May 21, 2009 6:19 PM
I do think cable can kick deadpool's ass with his powers, but i think i would choose deadpool as a fave because cable pretty much has a dull personality...kinda like his father, scott summers.
May 21, 2009 6:22 PM
Im pretty sure this is going to be a good game but it will probibly get average to negative reviews if its not spectacular. Reviewers these days seem to have some sort of a fetish to hating games which they deem to be Hack And Slash.
May 22, 2009 12:40 PM
In regards to the changes made to Deadpool's costume, if you read enough of the dev diary, you'll see the guy responsible for coming up with the appearances of the characters says that he wanted to stay true to what it was that fans loved, but at the same time offer something fresh. Ans he wanted the suit to feel functional. Now, if only Fox would take a similar position.
May 22, 2009 2:37 PM
i think deadpool would look like a HoTtiE in a SpEEdo;)
FUCKING AMAZING!!! The design for the suit is very realistic. Almost has a Snake-Eyes look to it, like a futuristic SpecOps commando with everything he needs to kick-ass. The fighting style is exactly how he should be portrayed in the movie. The way he uses his teleportation is very practical and just LOOKS FANTASTIC!!!!!
DUDE!! I so can't wait for this game!! But what the hell is that thing on his chest?? Ive always wondered that.
May 25, 2009 12:54 AM
Like i said before, I have no idea what it was for in the comics, but here with it being all glowy, I think maybe it's his suit's power source, thedesigner said he wanted everything to seem funcional.
In the comic, it was glowy and shiny. It's just a piece to look pretty and futuristic. It appeals to people who like 'omg future-tech' and the like. Nothing else to it really.
May 25, 2009 10:14 AM
Looks pretty badass to me. Am I the only one who hopes they change Deadpool's voice actor to Nolan North for UA2? I mean, he knocked it out of the ballpark in Hulk Vs. Wolverine.
wuauu sweet!
I wonder if he will keep some of he's old moves like the sword cyclone.
Looks frickin awesome! Cant wait!
First post =D
If I get One Liners during these attacks then i will love it. "Hey look everyone, I won I won"
He's so awesome.
Great now I'll be needing a religion to pray to a god about having a PC version of this game made.
That's cool. I hope he yells "BULLLETTTSSS!!!!" during that last move.
YAY. That's all the coherence I can manage now.
...i think i would go gay for deadpool.
I fancy that.
Glad this will be on ps2...since i'm not up to date on games yet...(besides DS and a broken PSP)
SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is freaking awsome!
Get rid of that ungodly thing on the chest and I'm sold.
It appears as if he has teleporter based attacks.
Full. Of. Win.
But...but we didn't get to hear his voice?!
Awesome. Can't wait to get an alternate costume tho... Just doesn't look DEADPOOL enough.
I wonder if I'll buy an Xbox 360 just for this game.. and the other ones... wii sucks lately.
And some wisecreacks in the middle!
The man kicks ass better than the best of them! I can't wait.
That was hands down the coolest video I have ever seen in my life lol. I was never a fan of Deadpool's teleport attacks in the first game, but they actually look they pulled it off in this one. That shit gave me a bOoOoOooooner.
And Deadpool looks better with his chest harness I think, makes him look more modern and high-tech. It pissed me off that in the last game you had to start off with his 90's costume.
The part where he teleports on the rock & plants a C4 looks like it's his "Fusion" move with Hulk because Hulk was carrying the rock & through under neath himself to kill the enemies.
@ Wade Wilsons Tailor
I was going to make a smartass remark about how the harness serves no purpose and paints a GIANT TARGET ON HIS CHEST, but you've pretty much proved my point.
I don't see how the way the teleporter looks would make him seem any more of a target than wearing bright red does. Plus, it would probably be a good thing to have it shot instead of a bullet straight in the chest.
@ Danny the Douche'meister
Yeah, like wearing a bright red mask on your head "isn't just a massive bullseye." You're so fuckin stupid Danny lmao. Just shut up, seriously lol. You're annoying and everyone wants to spit in your face and kick dirt on your shoes. Id throw tomatoes at you if I could. Or a bunch of incredibly hot, HotPockets. You let one of those bad boys burst and get on your skin immedately after takin them out of the oven, and it will burn. Like the sun. Like 4 suns inside of an already burning sun.
But theres nothing you can say that will convince me that 90's Deadpool looks cooler than Zircher's take on the character. 90's Deadpool looks like, well...90's Deadpool. UDON and Zircher really brought him up to date, and honestly it kicks more ass than any of the lame shit you like lol. So I'm gonna have to ask you to just, go right ahead and just shut up. Just..take a seat, fold your hands.......and just shut up lol. Just shut your mouth (lol).
Plus I'd rather have a cool looking harness than a never ending amount of useless lil pouchies =)
Anon beat me to it, damn anons.
Less epic music, more talkie! Not.Even.One.Word?!
Looks awesome! I think Deadpool would at least make the harness go with his outfit better, black, with a DP logo in the middle. But yeah, Deadpool is pretty much a target all by himself, the harness doesn't change that one way or the other.
that's what a fangasm feels like
Yeah really really really should have had dialogue from the deadpool. It's not deadpool if he's not talking.
Fucking awesome. And there will be dialogue from him, they just probably haven't done the voice overs yet, it ain't out till September.
They may have made Deadpool the sickest character in the game ... or at least this video would make you think so ... When i first heard of the game and saw the initial character list i was pissed there was no deadpool and i was not planning on buying the game I couldn't be happier now and I'm gonna reserve that shit ASAP
Zircher sux, that harness is just... clunky.
@ Anonymous
It's not a teleporter. It's literally just there to look pretty. It wasn't a teleporter in C&D, it might be one in the story, but it's a realliy lame looking one if it is.
@ Wade Wilsons Tailor
Hahaha. You still say "lol" mid-sentence. Little kids are so cute! Heh "kick dirt on your shoes". Careful, your mom might see what you're typing!
The harness is bulky and provides no real tactical support. I imagine it's even harder to mvoe around with it sitting still.
A red mask with black dots is an attention getter, but a metal device to leads the eyes to the chest, and glows, is a helluva lot more of an attention getter.
A shiny new 'omg future-tastic' look serves no purpose.
Easily entertained kids...so cute!
That look brilliant man.
I'm likeing that they went a little 'realistic' with his costume. Think it works pretty well.
I think the harness looks kind of dumb too. I wouldn't care about whether it was practical or not if it looked good, but it doesn't.
There's something eery about seeing Deadpool jump around and not hearing a single quip.
First off, while the harness only held his swords and had various pouches on it in the comics, here I'm thinking that the yellow part might be the power source for the teleporter.
Also, I've been reading the forums, and it looks like none of the attacks from the last game are going to be returning. everything is being rebuilt from the ground up so to speak.
Ok im not usually one to agree with Daniel because he is usually just turning this fansite into his personal warzone BUT that being said the harness is crap... it has looked good once and a while in the comics and isnt necessarily a bad thing but it doesnt yell Deadpool like his classic red suit utility belt and swords.. but who are any of us kidding... we love Deadpool even if he is just running around in his boxers... as long as his mouth isnt sown shut im in
@ Danny, the monarch of all douche bags
I'd actually rather be a little kid than a grown man who's seriously trying to argue about a fake characters fake harness and it's "tactical advantages," on the internet lol. The harness bothers you, but the skin tight mask with just two little white holes to look out of makes perfect sense to you? Danny, lol you are so fuckin stupid and annoying.
And the harness was described as an immolation charge, which is pretty fuckin awesome lol. It will burn you worse than the sauce and cheese that's inside of HotPockets when they're takin out of the oven and thrown directly at your face.
i agree with @Wade Wilsons Tailor
as for the harness i like it, i do. it worked in the comics to me and i think it looks fine here.
@ Wade Wilsons Tailor
Actually the immolation charge thing was a reference to Hawkeye and his needless death at Avengers Dissassembled.
Don't worry. You'll understand when you're older.
@daniel what business do you have telling people to be older when you are a prepubescent little twerp?
Um wow seriously, Ok harness or no harness who cares, Deadpool is in the game, we're all huge DP marks, so we should all be pretty pumped. And um as far as "Tactical advantages" go.....dude its a fake world where people in brightly colored spandex outfits lift and throw buildings at each other, blast beams from their eyes, blow off chunks of the moon with a super sonic scream, or go to war with shape shifting aliens. I mean seriously, Tactical Advantages? Reality is kind of out the window and has been from the get go....so if it looks cool....who cares. Furthermore.....if you really do need that.....Dp has Marvels best healing factor, i dont think he cares if he gets shot bro, so the argument is pointless anyway.
The harness could be kool but its not sorta big and bulky. Also the black boots are lame.. Lukcy for us his moves are pretty bad ass.
Man, Daniel, I suppose you took it to heart when your mother told you that you were all grown up on your fifth birthday, but let me tell you one of the grim facts of life: there is nothing adult in arguing about the aesthetics of a comic book character. It reflects particularly poorly on your maturity when you can't partake of such a discussion without peppering your opinion on such an inconsequential subject with snide remarks.
You seem pretty self satisfied without reason, so I guess your development has probably halted and you won't understand when you're older.
@ bairdduvessa
Actually I just act like an asshole, not a child. Nice try though.
It's odd how people here *love* Deadpool and his antics, but are put off by someone who is confrontational and loudmouthed. The irony is pretty amusing.
@ Anonymous
Ooh nice try. Swing and miss however. Debating on any subject, period can be handled with maturity. I just suddenly feel the need to go 'blargh' when people go "OMG THE ACTION LOL! AWESOME!" and "SO KEWL" and the like.
It's a shortcoming, I admit, but then so is being amazed by shiny objects and violence for the sake of violence.
I'm satisfied because humanity, myself included, are nothing but toys and similar styled objects. To be used, manipulated, cherished, etc.
Again, I love the irony that everyone is in love with Deadpool, but someone who is only minteuly like his un-PC loudmouthed pop culture referencing self is immediately looked upon with disdain.
It tastes delicious i say!
Minutely even.
@daniel, there is a difference between being enjoyable/entertaining and the need to off oneself. you fall in the latter. don't worry its not a sin in some cultures. hell it is considered honorable in some areas of the world. wouldn't you want to go out with honor? and not from a rupture of your lower colon after visiting with your priest? so come on at least do it for your parents/teachers/loved ones. Their pain will be brief. *hums suicide is painless*
@ bairdduvessa
Priest sex jokes? Come on, you can do better than that.
Again, nice try. It's very cute!
Suicide was a nice try, but instead of insinuating, you could just go off and say it outright.
@daniel, shhh it's okay...go into the light.
insinuate nothing, i was flat out saying, "please remove yourself from the gene pool."
not only would you be doing me a favor, but humanity as a whole would appreciate it. we will never evolve to the next stages as long as you are here.
you're a dead end.
end the pain now.
thank you.
@ bairdduvessa
That's one opinion, form a very skewed point of view. It's a very cute one though!
But sadly, your opinion doesn't count, since, well, you don't know anything about me but snippets.
Again. Very cute!
Who's a cute poster? Yes him is! YES HIM IS!
@ Daniel
Come on, if you are going to rip on his costume, at least rip on the part that's not remotely canon (helloooo, combat boots! What ARE those?). And really, Deadpool is Deadpool. He wouldn't be Himself if he didn't have some crazy stuff on his costume, like a bazillion pouches (even he points out no one knows why mercs need all of those). He can be badass even with a clunky harness. He was badass manacled hand and foot. He whupped Taskmaster's ass (and it was awesome!) We all know it's true.
Anyway, the harness and most of the details on their version of Deadpool come from one of my favorite ever badass pics of 'Pool (http://img164.imageshack.us/img164/336/deadpool5iy.gif) (I love that they put the leg knife and everything on him) and are completely canon from a long line of story arcs in which he has some sort of harness on the front and back. I'm just ecstatic they are trying to follow canon (Wolverine movie, I'm lookin' at YOU here.) I don't see why the harness is such a problem.
On another topic, despite following the comments over here often, I've held back on saying anything before, but after your comments on this post, I have to respond to something you said: You say you're confrontational and un-PC, and that's why people are getting annoyed with you. That's not really true. Really, you aren't just confrontational and loudmouthed, you're condescending and patronizing, and that's why people here are annoyed with you. No one likes to be told they're an idiot, particularly when they are not. I am puzzled as to why you feel the need to be like that. As you can probably see, it's really not necessary to have a fun and productive discussion. And, regardless, it's not a popular mode of interaction. No one likes it when you imply that you know more about the subject of conversation then they do on the basis of no evidence at all. Perhaps 99% of us are aware of the Hawkeye reference. Perhaps only 85% of us. Either way, you aren't the end-all be-all of character knowledge, and I don't see why you need to act like you are. You shouldn't assume other fans of the character being discussed are less knowledgeable than you. Because you will be wrong.
But hey, if that's the way you roll, fine. I can't stop you from continuing to insult others, and I certainly won't try. Just DON'T go comparing yourself to our beloved 'Poolman, because you fall way, way short of being anything like him. While he may be a loudmouthed, pop-culture referencing, crazy character, he is NOT condescending and patronizing to people. And he is funny. Which you, as yet, are not.
And on yet another topic entirely, which has nothing to do with Our Friend Daniel: I hope they get the guy who voiced 'Pool in Hulk vs. Wolverine to do his voice for the game, because that guy was faaaantastic.
@ foresthouse
Eh, it just happens when I see idiocy, I get ranty. As for the condescending nature, I hadn't noticed it until someone pointed it out a few weeks ago, and believe it or not, I am working on it. Albeit slowly as it's not on the top list of my priorities.
And what the heck are you talking about? Deadpool has been many times condescending and patronizing.
I know I'm not the be all end all of references, and I've actually asked for references from others as I've forgotten some details and the like. It just comes off that way. Character flaws.
Look at Deadpool's interaction with pretty much anyone at the Hellhouse. Or Monty in general. Or any interaction with a merc/thug/etc who's not him.
Nolan North I think the voice actor's name was though. Nolan something at least.
Sorry, to elaborate on "idiocy", I generally aim for people who are easily entertained by obvious attempts at cheap entertainment, shiny objects, violence for the sake of violence, things of that nature.
Yes yes yes, people say it's 'just a matter of opinion', blah blah blah. But i'm talking about the actual definition of the word: notably stupid or foolish. And It is foolish, but most people don't say anything about it.
Idiocracy is a prophecy of a movie I swear...
U+the light=peace
do it.
@foresthouse i love that image too, if i didn't already have a deadpool tattoo (agent x 15) that is one of the two choices i'd go with today (the other is the c/d 15 cover)
@ bairdduvessa
You know, I never made any illusions to being funny, but I'll be god damned if your lack of subtlety and inability to present a joking 'go kill yourself' manner has ever been presented so plainly. And not even in a deadpan styling.
You know if you're going to keep doing personal attacks on me about suicide (which isn't even remotely funny) I'll have no choice but to bust out the fat jokes on your rotund ass.
"You don't need Wii fit, you need to stop eating cake" and the like.
The things people leave in their profiles..
@daniel "Sorry, to elaborate on "idiocy", I generally aim for people who are easily entertained by obvious attempts at cheap entertainment, shiny objects, violence for the sake of violence, things of that nature."
i'm guess you are one of those types that pretends that he understands grant morrison, just because if he didn't he'd feel dumb and common.
pretentious is not cool. so again i say, u+ the light = etc
@daniel fat jokes? i like being fat so give it your best shot. i'd like to see you contribute at least something positive to this discussion...and if that is what it takes then do it. if not than please go chop off your fingers and stop typing.
I appreciate that you are working on that. I think anyone can accidentally condescending now and again, but most of us aren't consistently so from my observations. Maybe a good starting point would be not to assume other people are idiots just because they don't know a fact or because they say something you don't agree with. Most of us are not stupid. Really! And differing opinions can be good for discussion, rather than something to automatically dismiss as incorrect. And treating others like equals leads to more interesting and productive conversations, in my experience. Condescention is more likely to lead to anger, hurt feelings, and shouting matches, which are generally much less fun.
While Deadpool may assume he is the best merc around sometimes (with good reason) he doesn't spend all his time telling the world that or treating everyone else like they're morons. Yes, there are examples where he says he's better at fighting or punches CF in the face for annoying him or whatever, but he's humble enough that he'd never claim to know more than anyone else about everything (witness his breakdown with Al before the Mithras encounter). And he often admits he doesn't know what he's doing (the failed Typhoid Mary experiment). And he REALLY doesn't like it when anyone else condescends to him/claims they know what's best for him (ah, the iconic Cable/Deadpool barfight, *sniff*). Trying that kind of attitude on 'Pool is liable to get you blown up. And sure, he took Monty out and tried to show him a good time because he assumed Monty's life sucked (which it pretty much did), but he was doing it to try to HELP Monty, not just for the sake of showing that he knew more than Monty.
But hey, I don't want to derail the subject of the comments here, which is the MUA game, after all! I think that was the voice actor's name. The bonus clip where he talked about doing the Deadpool voice was really neat. I'd much prefer him to the dude who did Deadpool in MUA 1. He was much too valley girl for me. I mean, I know DP lived in SanFran for awhile, but still. It definitely wasn't what I'd imagined Deadpool sounding like when I heard it for the first time.
@ bairdduvessa
Meh, Grant Morrison is hit or miss. I did like his take on JLA and X-Men, but not Batman or the Crisis stuff.
Loved Doom Patrol though. That was insanity and superheroics in a nice disturbing bow.
For someone who enjoys being fat, you sure do have a lot of exercise equipment on your wishlist....
Alright let's try with positive then:
The booties idea on the Deadpool image would fit more to the comic, but in a combat situation, steel toed boots are the way to go. The harness however, even if it is just to hold his swords really would just get in the way, especially with spinning around. The smaller white eyes though is an interesting look. Less Spider-man, and if we can still see the mmove when he speaks (next gen systems are awesome) it will be even more awesome.
P.S. What's wrong with a little bit of shiny-ness and violence? I certainly don't think 'Pool would protest. Sometimes it can be fun. It doesn't mean the person doesn't appreciate intellect as well.
@ foresthouse
Oh I never said Deadpool's condescending nature was consistent or anything. But you said "never".
And universal statements are rarely true.
He is condescending to those he considers below him. While I consider myself 'out of the line' instead of below or above it, the condescending nature generally comes from working in retail for a few years, traveling abroad, seeing that the ignorance that is society is pretty filling throughout western cultures.
Not to say everyone's an idiot. But those who center their tastes around the shiny boom boom loud loud heavy bass thumping music and explosive video games/movies/etc, generally are below everyone.
Years of psyche and sociology courses. That's where.
That's also why I say Deadpool's 'insanity' wasn't real and it was always bipolar mania, and go off on my whole "Fabian changed everything rant'. But i'm trying to keep from ranting about that anymore. Saving it for the giant Deadpool thesis i'm writing.
@daniel what wish list?
@ foresthouse
Nothing wrong with bits of it, but like in my last post:
*Centering* your ideas of taste and entertainment around it is quite sad.
Yay, positive commenting!
Maybe that's what those black toes on his boots are in some versions of the comic? He might have steel under there! Actually, I really like that idea. Heh.
I hope they give him the wierd "squinty-eye" look on occasion. Classic awesome 'Pool.
@ foresthouse
Actually what I *really* hope to see, what with next gen systems being amped up as they are, is one eye wide open and the other squinting, like a confused/disturbed Deadpool.
And last comment for now, b/c I have to go out:
Again, I think the issue comes from assuming you have more experiences/knowledge than others. I have also traveled abroad, worked in a variety of jobs from menial to advanced, observed different cultures, taken psych and sociology classes, etc. I grew up with a parent who has a psych Ph.D and I am, myself, an attorney. I'm not trying to compare intellects here, or start some sort of "who's smarter contest" so please don't take it that way. I'm just trying to make the point that you don't know, automatically, that people are dumber than you or less qualified to have an opinion just because they like shiny things or disagree with you. Often on the internet people don't start with, "Hi, I'm a genius with 12 degrees." That doesn't mean you should assume they are NOT. I am often extremely silly or get excited over silly fun things - it doesn't mean I can't discourse on John Stuart Mill or hold a Socratic debate when called upon to do so.
A lot of us use Deadpool as a means to have a little light fun in life. And I myself think that's A-OK. I'd rather people be having a little fun or a rational discussion than sniping at each other about minute details of things!
Those are defiantly combat boots. Designed after them anyway.
Hi up the ankle, hard treads, and of course, steel toed.
But it looks like his costume is made of leather with buttons. That is really distracting.
@ Daniel
That's what I meant by the squinty-eye. One eye wide and the other half-open, like in the iconic "my common sense is tingling" pic.
*foresthouse out*
@danial are you stalking me? because that is not cool. i honestly forgot about having that wish list. with the exception of the rowing machine (which was meant to keep my arms in shape due to not being able to kayack in the winter) and the wrist weights (physical therapy) all the exercise items were for an ex of mine
@ foresthouse
I know you didn't mean to start an intellectual pissing contest (god i never thought I'd get to type that anywhere) and I didn't either. I guess it's automatic because having dealt with people from retail to desk jobs to construction to tech support and dealing with people day to day, you become accustomed to the level of stupidity around you, and it translates to everywhere, online, off, driving, repairing a computer, referencing a character, etc.
That and even though I do come off as a jackass, the hypocrisy of those who start in on me for my tastes (not my method of delivery) and what to expect from Deadpool. I expect bipolar mania and whatnot, and others (at least the majority i've spoke to) expect insanity and badass stunts a la Fabian's run. But when I complain people say I'm expecting too much. When Daniel Way doesn't do it in his series, people complain.
Love the irony in that as well.
I like Deadpool for the dark humor and the psychological conflict. The off the wall violence has a time and a place of course. And I do enjoy pop culture references (even if I have to google them sometimes).
@ bairdduvessa
You bring up suicide, I don't take it as a joking matter, and I told you that.
Don't complain after the fact.
"For my ex". Yeah. Right. Which is why it's on your wishlist.
Sorry couldn't resist.
Tell you what. You apologize for the suicide remarks, and I'll apologize for the fat jokes.
@daniel you have yet to even say a fat joke. whats a matter don't have a good one? fat comments didn't bother me when i was a kid, they don't bother me now. and yes they were on my wish list because i wanted to get her something nice, i did end up buying her some equipment and never updated the list.
@ bairdduvessa
Well I did make one, but it was snide, so I guess it didn't count.
Exercise equipment as a gift? Most women I know would take that as an insult, but hey, whatever. Maybe that's why she's an ex.
Either that or she got tired of finding crumbs in your rolls.
@daniel good try, do better.
@ bairdduvessa
Nah, I'd have to google you some more. But after having intelligence discourse with someone else, I really don't feel the need. It was actually *fun*!
You, or at least the 'you' that is presented here, really are more immature than I am. Very cute, and unable to deduce even rudimentary things. Just another easily entertained type. And that's ok. I forgive you.
@danial seriously if i was a doctor i'd prescribe two razors and tell you to cut length wise until you get it right. and before you argue hypocratic oath, remember that a doctor must do what they feel best for the patient, and i'd honestly feel that it would be for the best. saying i'm rudimentary because i think you are a waste of atoms? i'm sure your parents agree with me. so in the words of grumpy old men (and i'm paraphrasing mind you), "do the world a favor pull your lips over your head and swallow"
@ bairdduvessa
Very cute. And no, Hippocratic Oath supersedes it all.
But you're not a doctor. Just a young round man with no ability to use deductive reasoning.
Hell you can't even work a 'your parents hate you' joke in there right. Your timing is way way off.
Probably self loathing to a degree. And you feel the need to explain your actions, which is *adorable*, but pointless unless you feel the need to prove yourself.
Not sure what you're trying to prove to me, but you really are empty inside if you are trying to 'prove to me to kill myself'.
Just remember, food isn't love!
@daniel again i'm not joking. no parent would love a child like you.
food isn't love? and yet the quickest way to a man's heart is through his stomach...
@ bairdduvessa
Aww...poor deductive reasoning again.
Sigh, see if you can *read* this time:
You only see snippets of me, you don't know what sorta guy I am. You're simply one of the ignorant proles I mentioned earlier. Just another person to convince me to assume everyone *is* an ignorant peasant.
It's only the way to his heart if you're fattening him up to eat him.
But that was mildly amusing. You get a 'meh'. Congrats!
@daniel ignorance smgorance i know a tool when i see one, be them a wrench, a screwdriver or you.
@ bairdduvessa
Wow that was..completely uninspired. No no. Try again.
Sigh...i guess reading comprehension is beyond you.
But it's ok. Again. I absolve you of your ignorance.
@daniel absolution is for losers.
Daniel = http://www.craphound.com/images/xkcdwrongoninternet.jpg
I agree with everyone and everyone should be happy! Im antidaniel
Hi im AntiDaniel
Im everything Daniel isnt:
Im happy
Im mature
I like girls
and I dont argue about mindless things
@ bairdduvessa
Which is why it's perfect for you.
Oh come on you set me up for that.
You obviously need it. You have no idea what my personality is, whether i'm a 'tool' or not. Which is why you are filled with fail when trying to decide whether i'm a 'dead end or not'.
It's why I'm careful to word how I describe others saying "how it seems", etc.
Take a lesson, a chill pill, and a glass of iced tea. And try again.
I never tempted you into arguing with me you know. You just seem to feel the need to take it on yourself to prove something to me, or get my attention.
You could just 'ignore me' like so many others suggested. Or you could come out and admit you're madly in love with me.
@ AntiDaniel
T RoLL! I've missed you!
AntiDaniel is never mistaken about others identities.
@ AntiDaniel
See that was almost creative of you T RoLL.
AntiDaniel actualy isnt T RoLL. although he does find T Roll amusing at times. AntiDaniel is another lone citizen trying to clean the dirt offa these here streets.
so Exxo Factso Youso Dirtso Fatso
@ AntiDaniel
Ahh, bairdduvessa stops posting, makes a comment on his Twitter about me 'talking to myself'. Obvious now.
You got me! I admit it.
But you're still a sad little man. Gay jokes? Didn't you learn anything from the priest rape joke?
Scrw you guys, I'm gonna stop using this comment box thing...
@ bairdduvessa
It is interesting that you felt this urge to be the 'anti-daniel'.
Sincerest form of flattery and all.
You really are in love with me. I'm honored.
@ T Roll
What happened to your capital L's?
AntiDaniel is also not bairdduvesa. Sorry for the gay remark, most gays are actually quite pleasent socially. AntiDaniel will never be figured out because AntiDaniel has only posted about twice on this site, but AntiDaniel was reading and just got annoyed with someone so... Willing to share an opinion but so unwilling to listen to them. I am Right you are Wrong. Silly really. AntiDaniel isnt silly. mostly :P
@daniel, sorry but no. and while i'm flattered that you think i could love you...i don't care for idiots. and i'm not saying that i suppose you're an idiot...i KNOW you're an idiot. i don't need to justify it either.
and ignoring you would only allow you to continue abusing other readers without hesitation.
if you actually contributed with intelligent conversation, or were respectful i wouldn't care...but i have yet to see you say anything worthy of praise.
go outside, go play with friends...learn to talk with people without being a complete ass.
just because some one disagrees with yo does not make them an "idiot" a "pole" or less of a person.
if you cannot get that then you really should go off yourself. if not physically, then metaphysically.
to overcome one's faults one must destroy their own limitations.
by stunting your own growth you are stunting the growth of others.
sorry bub, anti-daniel isn't me, i say what i have to without hiding.
@ AntiDaniel
Uh huh. Sure. Sure.
Just another plebe...
It's so cute!
If you want to troll, I could switch from being myself to Troll mode if you like.
Wow now AntiDaniel wishes he was bairdduvessa.
@ bairdduvessa
Just another example of fail:
You don't know I'm an idiot, you're guessing based on my ranting. You haven't seen my contributing positively, but I have a few times actually.
By assuming I talk this way all the time, you just go to prove you have no idea who I am. It's very cute!
You still haven't grasped what I'm even saying when I call people a 'prole' (not pole mind you) given the criteria I listed. Not just the opinion factor.
What you really want is for me to not do that here. Say that without hiding it behind the "OMG YOU'RE AN IDIOT ALL THE TIME! I KNOW YOU YOU TOOL" and then we'll get down to the nitty gritty.
@daniel-gods forbid that you were any more of a troll...it isn't possible.
@ bairdduvessa
More of your ignorance:
My posting was never to set you off to argue with me, or anyone argue with me.
A troll does it for no reason. I do it for a reason. Try to wrap your head around that, and always assuming I'm negative, and you *might* just have something there.
@daniel bring it you lil bitch. i handle people worse than you every day before you've taken your morning piss
hey look a camel!
@ bairdduvessa
Awww swearing now! Adoooooooorable!
Self loathing fat manchild. Whereas I switch on my ups and downs, based on whatever I'm coming off of, you will always be fat and unhappy inside. Where you feel the need to defend others and prove yourself, I only feel the need to let go as soon as I get bored.
You sit, pissed and posting, where I post, watching Venture Brothers and continuing to do research.
You want me dead, and I want entertainment.
So keep it up fatty.
@daniel...here i am having fun watching family guy, talking with a friend about abusive relationships, and you try to make fat jokes thinking they hurt. i'm fat and proud. if i were christian i'd make a living as a mall santa. the only downside to my weight is sweating in the summer..but thankfully i know how to use that to my advantage too. keep, trying with the fat comments when you say one that is actually funny i'll be the first to admit that.
@ bairdduvessa
Never said it was a funny fat joke.
But if you were so proud you wouldn't have added the exercise stuff to your wishlist and tried to explain it away as 'gifts for the ex'.
That and your health. God I can only imagine what kinda heart problems and other crap you have to live with.
It hurts, inside, at least a bit, otherwise you wouldn't have to comment on how 'unfunny' they were.
Dance puppet! DANCE!
Well, as close as you can get to it without going over your target heart rate anyway.
HAHAHAHA! Exhibitionism on Twitter, you post it in public, and it's considered stalking when a fat manchild attempts to insult me and I click on the link from his profile?
Public education at it's best...
@daniel when you don't like what some one is saying so you go to their myspace and twitter? dude that is stalking at least on the internet levels.
seriously, is there a part of you that isn't a creep?
oh no some one likes me, so they must hat themselves!
sorry to disappoint you, but if i hated myself as much as you think i do i would take the advice i've been giving you all day.
i however am not a whiny little bitch with the need to attack anyone and everyone on the net just for being of a different mind frame from you.
do yourself a favor it punch yourself in your gonads until you piss blood.
then pay some transient he/she to jump on them.
because honestly at this point your screams are the only intelligent thing you have left to say.
No seriously you guys theres a camel like right over there.
@ bairdduvessa
Haha. Full. Of. Fail.
If someone insults you, you don't want to use whatever you can against them?
You don't know any part of me besides what i've showed here.
You are unhappy, that's why you keep posting. That's why you felt the need to comment about it. If you really had no feelings about it, you'd let it go.
Again with the universal statements... I don't always post hateful comments. You're summing up what ones you've alone seen. Ignoring the neutral or even positive ones I've posted.
I doubt you'd have the balls to kill yourself, but at least read up on the basics of profiling if you're going to attempt to label someone as this or that.
Logic is really beyond you, as is reading comprehension. You see what you wish to see, instead of acknowledging anything I've done but what you consider 'trolling'.
Please, do the public a favor, keep up the overeating, die before national healthcare policies are passed, and keep the rates down for everyone else.
Wrap your mind around the big picture, outside what's in here:
You can only see what I post. You can't see what I do when I'm not here.
Hell you can't even see all of what I post if you only think I post negatively.
@ bairdduvessa
It's been fun.
But what's even more amusing? You'll still hate and want me dead despite your ignorance, and raise your blood pressure every time you see me post, positive or not, but after I switch gears, I won't care.
And while I flip flop between moods here and there, I will always remember how much love you showed me tonight.
@daniel my blood pressure has neither raised nor fallen, despite your obvious attempts to convince yourself that over weight people are worse than you, i can guarantee i will live longer than you, if left to live naturally.
as for "knowing anything" about you, based off of your posts here i have no desire to know anything about you. you on the other hand seem to have taken a fascination with me...going to my facebook and twitter.
i'm almost curious about how many of your ex lovers have had restraining orders on you...but that'd be sinking to your level
@everyone else-the boots don't bother me, i really doubt once the game play begins that you'll notice the boats or the harness...i'm basing this on the previous games where most of the time you see the characters from the top/back perspective. plus there will be numerous other visual stimuli to keep your eyes focusing on one spot for long. g'night
cool he is gonna have a boat? A Deadboat would be awesome!!
The harness was used in over 50 Deadpool comics. What's the problem?
please people like all these posts are sucha downer can you please just talk about deadpool and how awsome it is he is getting more popular like he deserves
by the way i have been to this site alot but its my first time posting im sean btw
@everyone, the true nature of Daniel...aka Daniella
Hi everyone...
This is why Daniella is a fucking pimple on society's face:
-Daneilla has posted over 30 comments not on the Deadpool topic.
-Daneilla is probably an unemployed fag that has nothing better to do in her life than refute every single claim everyone makes, even if it doesnt involve her
-There is clear evidence above that Daniella has been stalking bairdduvessa. Daniella knows his weight and day to day activities. Daniella why dont you realize how wrong this is? I think you dont because you have lost control of your subconscious ever since your dad walked in drunk every night when you were a boy and butt fucked you with the pimple grease on your face until you became who you are today, a egotistic faggot.
-Everybody who Daniella has verbally harrassed has given up responding...yet Daniella consistently responds to to herself on this blog to make her self feel better about wearing a sibbling's thong every night and jizzing in it to experience the same thrill experienced with your retard father. This proves that Daniella once again has nothing better to do.
-Get a life you buttfucked, blemished, incestous faggot.
*@ Wade Wilson's Tailor, bairdduvessa, antidaniel, foresthouse, and all others that were personally offended by Daniel:
As a dignified human being i want to apologize for this daniella faggot that turns an uncensored comic book blogspot into a fucking warzone.*
******To everyone out there, If daniel aka daniella responds to this comment and refutes every claim, then you will know that everything I said is true.*****
What has happened to this topic's comment section? Has everyone lost their minds?
@ anonymous
You're right. Topic!
@ everyone
Can we get an AMEN for how cool Deadpool's teleporting is in the game? I really do love it, even if it's not purplish like the comics. I like it better than MUA 1 (although MUA 1's wasn't bad or anything. I just really like this effect).
...Ooh, a camel! *runs off*
can people get banned here this is crazy and not deadpool fun crazy
Daniel and anyone who argues with Daniel, start your own fucking forum so we don't have to put up with this shit.
I've been checking the bugle for a long time, and I gotta say, things were a lot peaceful with Daniel not around. 1st post BTW.
as much of a douche daniel is please don't use words like fagot, it is disrespectful to homosexuals by making their life choices insults.
i have several friends who are homosexual and there is nothing bad about them.
Ahh when all else fails make up jibberish and go the internet tough guy routine. Sounds about right.
On topic post though:
Is the material that makes up his costume supposed to be leather-ish or what? Definately form fitting whatever it is, but with the ridges it looks less like spandex. Which I guess wouldn't make sense if they're going for a 'realistic' bit, what with the combat boots and all.g
Damn it Daniel, go to a forum, not here, stfu, get out, or just stop discussing here, use a fucking forum
well i personally think that the new MUA2 deadpool look is great.... it makes the charactor alot more beleivable and practical
@ Daniel
Why don't you take your Hulk Vs, DVD and those few issues that DP was in that you actually liked and leave the rest of us alone? Aside from the forementioned, I haven't seen a single DP that you do like.
As a rule I don't moderate any comments, but I have a personal request that everyone try and keep the comments civil and more or less on topic with the post. I love that my site leads to Deadpool discussion, but someone interested in talking about Deadpool in MUA2 is probably going turned off by all the negative, off topic comments. I do have the ability to disable comments for specific posts, and I would hate to have to do that, but if this doesn't calm down I will close this post and hope this doesn't keep happening in the future.
Deadpool Bugle
This site has become half about Deadpool, and half about roasting Daniel lmao
@ Danny Douche'areeno
The joke about the harness having a fail safe was in reference to Hawkeye's death. But the threat to incinerate Alex's pancreas was sincere. Reguardless though, you're still an annoying douche lol.
"It's odd how people here *love* Deadpool and his antics, but are put off by someone who is confrontational and loudmouthed. The irony is pretty amusing."
Did you just compare yourself to Deadpool? lmao Dude, not only are you a industrial sized bag of douche, but your delusional aswell!? I hate to break it to you, but you're more along the lines of the Comicbook Guy from The Simpsons crossed with Jimmy Fallons "Nick Burns, your companys computer guy" from SNL. The fact you would even think that, is fuckin amazing lol. But I seriously bet that when ever you talk, god just wants to wrap a mountain goat's skull around his fist and then punch you in the back of the head with it. And then take his god-finger and write "shut up, d-bag" with the clouds, so when you regain conciousness, you see the clouds in the sky telling you to shut up. All on account of how annoying you are lol.
Seriously though, could you imagine if god did that? That would be awesome/scary as shit.
Oh ok, so we're gettin back on track now. lol Cool.
So yeah, with Deadpool you guys goin pro-reg or not? I'm goin pro-reg all the way baby. Wade and Stark are gonna take it to Cap's ass, Robocop style. Then I'll replay the game as Cable (if he's in) for Cap's team. I don't really like Cap though. So that won't be as fun. Stark is just cooler. He drinks, fornicates, and has hand lasers. Cap just has a shield and ridiculous looking shoes.
Okay, staying out of the bickering and on topic. I think that one of the possible reasons for why we havn't heard Pool speak yet is that they haven't finished recocording voices.
@ Wade Wilsons Tailor:
Oh my god. A Nick Burns reference on a Deadpool site? Yep, this site is the #1 bookmark on my Firefox address bar for a damn good reason. Hilarious post, too.
Back on topic, I can't wait to hear how Deadpool's voiceovers are handled. I'm kind of crossing my fingers pretty tight for the game makers to bring in Nolan North, as I really don't like DP's usual game voice.
@ Wade Wilsons Tailor
I did enjoy fighting as Cap in MUA 1, though. Some of his shield moves were really fun when he was all powered up. I mean, clearly I'm going to play with Deadpool first, but then I may try out Cap. Heh. (Iron Man does = WIN, though.)
@ Daniel
I did notice the thick texture of Deadpool's costume - I think they said in the Dev Diary that it's not spandex, which I was a bit puzzled about since he wears spandex in most of the comics, and it appears from his various wounds/tears in fabric that it's not padded or anything. But for me that's such a small nitpick (smaller even than the combat boots, hah) that I figured I'd just shrug it off. I'm so well pleased with the general result that I can manage that (unlike with Weapon XI Deadpool, whom I had to rant about).
@Deadpool Bugle
Sorry for my part in any derailment. It won't happen again if I can help it. Flamewars aren't generally my thing. :)
Just dropping in to say that I have officially completed my full Deadpool run with just about all of his guest appearances that I know of. I picked up the final issue that I needed (#54 of the original series) at the local comic shop today.
Alright, since the host person asked, I'll try to behaive.
@ Foresthouse
Combat boots make a lot more sense, but from the pic in the last MUA2 link, it looked like it had buttons on the side where the red meets the black. Kevlar would make more sense than leather, but i've not seen button up kevlar like that outside of bad Bruce Campbell sci-fi movies.
What i'm confused about though is the physical based heroes. I understand we need powerhouses and all, but do we really need Iron Fist, The Thing, Power Man *and* the Hulk? Conceeding that Hulk does have his standard hand slap, every one of those listed hits real hard. In the last game I limited my team to either Luke Cage or The Thing, didn't really see the need for more than one of those.
@ Wade Wilson's Tailor
Tony Stark doesn't drink anymore. Nor does he 'sex it up' as much. He kinda had to grow up and kick the playboy habit.
I didn't notice before, but they're using the upgraded Havok engine for gameplay. Delicious.
@ thecollector22
If you take a picture holding up aformentioned issue, wearing a white wig and a purple cape, that'd be just great.
/No Prize to those who get the reference.
I think Cable can beat Deadpool anyday. Everyone just likes deadpool because of his ego. I mean seriously, all he is, is a regenerating and teleporting tightclothed guy with guns and a sword. I guess the makers just put him in the game because of his popularity. I just hope Cable gets in too:}
@ Anon
It all depends on who's writing Deadpool/Cable at the time. In hand to hand only it could be messy, and has. In a gunfight, due to Deadpool's manic behavior his tactics are unreadable to even a vet like Cable.
If Cable has his powers, then yeah, no real contest unless it's a writer who cares more about Deadpool.
Also, Deadpool's "ego" has nothing to do with it. Did you mean personality?
@ Wade Wilsons Tailor
In the game, all superheroes and villains can be on either side, except Captain America and Luke Cage who are locked in Anti Reg, and Iron Man and Reed Richards who are locked in Pro Reg, but apparently some other persons are locked in sides, like Songbird in Pro Reg, and Iron Fist in Anti Reg.
I love Deadpool, and sometimes in reading these blogs (I have not decided to leave any comments until now, but I really don't like Daniel) and it almost ashames me to be in the same category as Daniel as a Deadpool "fan" seeing as how it is very rare for him to say anything without A) either bashing someone else's opinion that is not his own or B) saying something negative about a Deapool related issue. Obviously you were never taught that "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."
I would also appreciate it if you never compared yourself to my beloved Deadpool ever again... Thank you.
Hmm, I wonder what disparaging comment he will have to say about that one.
Ok, well in reading the 80 more comments since I was on here the other day, I see that it has been asked to settle down on the negative. That really makes me happy.
I had been checking in here daily to see if/when Deadpool was going to be released as a playable character since it was kept so hush hush. And when I saw that he was in the game on Friday, I am pretty sure I may have had a little seminal leakage... I was that excited. I love the fact that his following is getting large, regardless of when people started to follow the character. I have noticed that us Deadpool fans are very vocal on what we want. Ha.
Having read most of what Dan said I can see where he's coming from. I don't necessarily agree with him on everything but I get what he's saying. Anyway on the topic OTHER than Dan, I just hope DP is a useful character in the game. Too often in these games with a large cast many characters end up useless or redundant. I guess its OK if you have a favorite character but I'd like reason to use others. I've been playing X-Men Legends II and found I was hard pressed to use more than a few of all the characters available. I hope that was worked on in this game. It LOOKS cool, I just hope its as satisfying to play.
Wow!! Come on guys, we are all Deadpool fans here, why are we slamming and raggin on each other?
The fact is this. Deadpool is a great character who has been portrayed in different ways throughout the years.
Some people like some things about him, others like other things about him. That doesn't mean one person is smarter than another person.
I like Deadpool because he is a guy who is constantly crapped on, but he still TRIES to do the right thing. He is constantly battling with his own murderous nature and outside forces to try and be a good person.
He is scarred on the outside, but he tries to show that he is not scarred and horrifying on the inside.
Personally, if there was nothing more to Deadpool than wise cracks, swords and uzi's I wouldn't even be a fan of him. I don't dig brainless stuff like that.
But I'm not gonna slam someone else if they do. That is something you should learn Daniel. So stop being so high and mighty. What you say isn't set in stone, it's just your opinion, so don't rag on other people if they have a different opinion than you.
EVERY SINGLE COMIC BOOK CHARACTER IN THE WORLD HAS DIFFERENT TRAITS. And some people like the different traits more than others. It really is as simple as that. It doesn't make someone stupid if they like Deadpool because he is a bad ass killer. And it doesn't make someone intelligent if they like the other things I mentioned about the conflict within him and all that. It just means some people have different tastes. Which is amazing!!!! [/sarcasm]
its true we all have common ground here deadpool rocks ... so lets please talk about that, and it you have alot of negitive feelings about something, say one thing ....not a hundred . anyway im really pleased about how deadpool looks in the game and how his is gaining popularity !!! i am new to the sight i am sean btw
Alright last time posting off topic for now:
For the love of christ, READING COMPREHENSION PEOPLE. I do not always post negative, that just happens to be what you guys want to see. I post positive quite a bit too.
I'm not going to go back and copy/paste every single one of them. But they exist in a good sized number. I simply dislike violence/random for the sake of random, and making Deadpool insane for the sake of a cheap audience pleaser.
I love Manic/Condescending/Anti-Normal-People/witty Deadpool.
Hopefully that isn't too hard to remember...
As for my bastardizing other people's comments, since the host person asked for peace, I'll try to keep it under control. It's just when I see easily entertained 'omg explosions lol' types i lose all sense of reasoning. It's a character flaw, really.
This game is going to have sweet explosions and awesome fights. OMG I love it. I hope Deadpool makes crazy random comments during the fights like "did somebody say chimichanga?" or "This one's for you, Bea Arthur!" I hope the story is minimal so the focus can be on the epic battles!
@ Daniel
Joe Kelly raped Deadpool, he never used Pop Culture references and broke the fourth wall!!!
C'mon people. Don't poke at him it just makes him angry. I wanted to have a nice day on the Bugle not another flame war.
On topic: I hope Nolan North is used for the voice over. I prefer him to John Kassir, but if they choose John again it won't be the end of the world, he did a pretty good job on the first MUA.
Can't wait for this once they get the voice acting done. Hopefully, with all this limelight on DP, they will throw us some more dialogue and interaction for him.
Just kind of hope they don't offer the Wolverine Origins version as an alt costume.
Deadpool's pistols (Which if I'm not mistaken seem to be M1911 (?)) appear to be fully automatic.
Craziness I tells ya, CRAZINESS.
Also, the shooting grenades out of the air looks pretty cool.
I think the outlandish costume, and attacks suit the equally outlandish, and larger than life nature of Deadpool.
@ T RoLL
I see you got your capital L's back. Congrats.
It mostly makes me thirsty, not angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm thirsty. It means I have to make more iced tea.
As for the voice acting, they seem to be going with all new people, save Steve Blum who is a god among american voice actors, but I doubt they'll use Nolan. I kinda hope there's someonew ith a more gravely voice in it.
@ Jelnock
With those kinda pistols you can customize them so they fire fully auto. But accuracy goes out the window. Somehow I doubt they'll be that detail specific about it though.
I am so thankful that Daniel has finally lost his negative voice and we can get back at topic. I left many personal requests to the deadpool bugle headperson and he said that he will be closely monitoring Daniel and kick him out if he posts one more off topic negative comment....cross your fingers everyone and let's all hope it happens
@anonymous hey man, don't get him riled up for the sake of it. i apologize for his and my argument the other day.
@ Anonymous
I find your lack of trolling ability disturbing. But it is cute. You'll always hold a special place in my colon.
As for the game:
Needs a special sheep launcher weapon. DLC if need be.
@ bairdduvessa
I love you too man. But you're not getting my Michelob Light.
The more I look at the shot, the more his harness looks more like reverse suspenders...especially if they do split in the back to house his swords.
@ Daniel
Hi Dan, nice response for the cable vs deadpool thing. I totally agree. But I'm just curious, what do you think cable and deadpool would have as fusion powers?
@ Anonymous
Something involving telekinesis and a confined grenade explosion wrapped around an enemy.
I do think cable can kick deadpool's ass with his powers, but i think i would choose deadpool as a fave because cable pretty much has a dull personality...kinda like his father, scott summers.
Im pretty sure this is going to be a good game but it will probibly get average to negative reviews if its not spectacular. Reviewers these days seem to have some sort of a fetish to hating games which they deem to be Hack And Slash.
In regards to the changes made to Deadpool's costume, if you read enough of the dev diary, you'll see the guy responsible for coming up with the appearances of the characters says that he wanted to stay true to what it was that fans loved, but at the same time offer something fresh. Ans he wanted the suit to feel functional. Now, if only Fox would take a similar position.
i think deadpool would look like a HoTtiE in a SpEEdo;)
That was awesome, great action sequence. One thing is for sure, it will make us forget the DP appearence in the Wolverine movie a bit sooner:).
In case anyone is interested:).
@ Deadpoolite
Christ you're just begging for people to read your crappy self interview.
OMG, I actually I agreez with Daniel!
@ T RoLL
You'll find it's an acquired taste. And it's quite chewy.
But it gets easier once you realize that i control every aspect of time and spice.
The design for the suit is very realistic. Almost has a Snake-Eyes look to it, like a futuristic SpecOps commando with everything he needs to kick-ass. The fighting style is exactly how he should be portrayed in the movie. The way he uses his teleportation is very practical and just LOOKS FANTASTIC!!!!!
DUDE!! I so can't wait for this game!! But what the hell is that thing on his chest?? Ive always wondered that.
Like i said before, I have no idea what it was for in the comics, but here with it being all glowy, I think maybe it's his suit's power source, thedesigner said he wanted everything to seem funcional.
@ LaughingBoyhahaha & Blastback
In the comic, it was glowy and shiny. It's just a piece to look pretty and futuristic. It appeals to people who like 'omg future-tech' and the like. Nothing else to it really.
Looks pretty badass to me. Am I the only one who hopes they change Deadpool's voice actor to Nolan North for UA2? I mean, he knocked it out of the ballpark in Hulk Vs. Wolverine.
Dude, Nolan North was sweet as Deadpool in that movie. Lionsagte needs to make another cartoon with deadpool as nolan north.
whoops! i mean Nolan North as deadpool lol
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