Monday, May 25, 2009

Joe Kelly Hints at Future Deadpool Projects

IGN recently posted a an interview with former Deadpool writer Joe Kelly. When asked if he would be writing Deadpool again since he is back at Marvel, Kelly hinted that he has been asked an that he believes he will.
"It has come up a lot recently. For a long time I didn't know if I could really work on Deadpool again, for much the same reason I would have trouble going back to I Kill Giants. I have a tough time going back to things, you know? That's how my brain is hardwired. I was really hesitant to jump back into Deadpool. But I've been at Marvel for a little while again, and thanks to Spider-man I feel a little more comfortable in that world. Now that Deadpool is popping up and he's all popular, I've been asked to do a couple things, and I think it'll happen. So I believe there will be more Deadpool stuff by me soon."

Thanks to Gabriel Zero and Mr. Wilson for the tip. [SOURCE]


mikelinabnit said...

Oh thank goodness, Joe Kelly

pitalla said...

this interview came out quiet a while ago.
I am glad it was posted.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Daniel said...

Here's to hoping he still has it!

Jeff said...

I was a lil guy back then so i missed basically his whole i may get my chance!

Michael said...


Bob said...


Anonymous said...

Joe Kelly!!! I just jizzed in my pants.

Whistletock said...

Somewhere, someone is answering DP fan prayers. This should get marked as News of the Month.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

the times they are a changing , but its come full circle !!! thank god

Scrixx said...

This is awesome news!!

Spidey42410 said... nostalgic

Tom said...

Wow, it should be amazing. Hopefully it will push the current DP writers to write even better.

I hope.


LaughingBoyhahaha said...

Does anybody know where I can get some of Joe Kelly's deadpool work? I was like 5 or 6(or something like that) when he did his DP stuff. Plus I didn't start getting into deadpool until the Cable & Deadpool series. And when was Joe kelly's run on deadpool anyway?

DeadpooltheHun said...

Get DP classics vol 1 (dps two limited series plus Deadpool #1, whih is the start of Joe Kellys series) Then Dp Classics vol 2 which is all Kelly (-1#, 2-8, Daredevil/Deadpool Annual.

bairdduvessa said...

am i the only deadpool fan that doesn't worship Kelly? i've read most of his run, and while it was a fun read, it really did nothing for me.

granted i really didn't get into wade until gail (after a few Tieri issues i loved but couldn't find runs of).

but still...gotta be better than Way

JasonLeeIsGod said...

This news made my day! JOE KELLY made Deadpool...I cant wait!

Anonymous said...

I agree, this is the best news I have heard all day! Woo!

Dave said...

YEAH!!!!! Now HE would sell out!

foresthouse said...

OMG! *does the happy dance*

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


T RoLL said...


DeadpooltheHun said...

No? explain *slowly pulls out switchblade*

LaughingBoyhahaha said...

*sees someone pulling out a switchblade*...
..*Fastly pulls out 2 ninja swords*

storm-dragoness said...

Is this a sign that God truly exists?

LaughingBoyhahaha said...

No, this is a sign that every god of every religion exists!!lol

T RoLL said...

*pulls out gun and makes Joe Kelly my hostage*

Don't come closer or I'll blow his brains out!

DeadpooltheHun said...

*Grudgningly puts blade down* Dont make me call Wolverine...

T RoLL said...

Lol wut. Wow DeadpoolTheHun turned this into an roleplay spot lol

T RoLL said...

And also *hold Joe tighter* WOlvy? Haha. I want Robert Lefield back to write Deadpool!!! Or else! *points with gun at Joe Kelly*

storm_dragoness said...

I'll believe every God exist only if Fabian Nicieza comes back to DP.

chimichanga said...

I'll believe every God exists only if Kelly & Nicieza co-write it and Alvin Lee with Patrick Zircher,Paco Medina & Ed McGuiness do the art..

Anonymous said...

I believe taht everyone is overreacting a bit to teh fact that we might get a maybe a couple of one shots and perhaps a short series out of Kelly, as he stated that he has been asked to do a "couple of things" and not take over.

Then again one never knows

Micky said...

So Joe Kelly got my email.

Blastback said...

Sheesh, I can't belive no one has said this yet, you all disapoint me. :p


*Comes up behind T Roll and whacks him on the head*

Also, n possible Deadpool film news, Katee Sackhoff, aka Starbuck, has been seen reasearching Typhoid Mary.

Anonymous said...

*Frees Joe Kelly*

This is the best news all week!

theaceofknaves said...

Great news! Kelly is the don, I loved his run, I'm re-reading it now.

The Deadpool/Daredevil story has gotta be one of my favourite comics ever.

Anonymous said...

starbuck sucks cock.
She would do a horrible typhoid mary, I dont like her.

The movie needs to be about sins of the past.

theaceofknaves said...

Well I think seeing as a Deadpool movie would be satirical, I think a twisted play on the love triangle could work.

Have Typhoid Mary trying to get Wade to realize he is just a killer. Then someone like Siryn trying to make him see that he can be a hero.

Then obviously have another villain thrown into the mix, I'd go with Taskmaster as a rival merc who keeps popping up on DPs jobs, taking the glory. Untill DP catches up to him...

Anonymous said...


Daniel said...

@ theaceofknaves

You're forgetting it's a Fox movie, so it's probably only going to be an hour and a half. They don't have the time to tell who both Siryn and Typhoid are and still develop a plot. I see the Typhoid angle as more of a sequel aspect once the audience gets to know Deadpool.

And the Mithras bit would be the 3rd part in a trilogy. How to start it off though..hard to do without including *every* freakin' mutant backstory and having it turn out as cheap and hollow as Wolverine's plot.

As for both Kelly *and* Fabian writing? Yeah that won't happen. Both completely different styles.

Kelly is darker, satirical, subtle.

Faiban is cheap fart jokes and making deadpool coo-coo for cocopuffs instead of mildly deranged.

I just hope Kelly returns the character back to his roots, reveals the intended secret ending for Blind Al/Deadpool and possibly more of his first days at Weapon X before he washed out.

DeadpooltheHun said...

I gotta agrre with o-danny-boy on that one. Make the villian Ajax or Black Tom.

pitalla said...

yeah, I am with daniel on the plot that kelly didnt got to show.

Tought I would like kelly to do the script of the movie.Not fabian.

A movie based on Sins Of The Past would be IDEAL!
Shows deadpool right into the action! You get to know where he comesfrome and what happened to him.
It has Rommance for the girls, an entertaining Black Tom that could be done by hugh laurie too, and the juggernaut!

Daniel said...

@ DeadpooltheHun

If you're going to call me that, at least make it Boyo.

@ pitalla

Something with Black Tom does seem interesting...I just don't want 30 unneeded mutant cameos like in Wolverine. And that writer of that movie should be allowed no where near cinema. Ever. Ever. Again.

Anonymous said...

I would love to see a Slayback done right - dude's even sicker than deadpool and the visual possibilities with his techno-organic abilities (if done RIGHT) would be pretty damn cool.

Anonymous said...

OMG! PLEEAASEEE! I want to see Dr House saying BOYO!

Yeah! put Dr House as Black Tom!
And plz , plz ,plz!!!!
Joe Kelly! for script!
As a matter of fact! what if we start a campaign or something to persuade Reynolds to have Joe Kelly to write deadpool's movie?

Anonymous said...

I second the Hospice/Revenge of Ajax storyline for the movie.

BlueNight said...

Joe Kelly's Deadpool run got me into what I like to call "morality fiction." In that type of story, every decision made by the main character illuminates our understanding of his character: the goals he sets for himself, the lengths he's willing to go to, the things he's willing to give up along the way.

Other authors that have hit that sweet spot are few and far between, but Michael Woodring Stover is right there. His novel Heroes Die and its sequels are the most jaw-droppingly awesome sci-fi/fantasy mix I've ever read. He also did the Star Wars: Episode III novelization, and made me wish they had filmed his version instead.

Also, the film version of The Prestige, which is, IMHO, better than the novel. (The novel was written by somebody named Christopher Priest, who is ironically NOT the same guy who followed Joe Kelly's run.) And the entire Ender's Game series.

Deadpoolite said...

This is such good news. I bet this has been the secret wish of every DP fan since since... well since forever really:).

Let's not choke the guy with ridiculously high expectations however. One can only hope that he is going to come up with something special.

DeadpooltheHun said...

I dont think this wish was exactly a secret...

Daniel said...

@ Bluenight

Check out 100 Bullets. Ultimate in moral fiction and criminal punishment in American society.

Plus, who doesn't love film noir stylings?

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure how I feel about Joe Kelly possibly writing Deadpool again. On the one hand, he wrote some of my favorite issues ever. On the other hand, he wrote some of my least favorite issues ever, too. He's really hit-or-miss if his run is any indication. If he does get back into Deadpool, I hope it's not a miss.

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