Thursday, May 28, 2009

First Preview Art from Deadpool: Merc With a Mouth #1 has posted the first look of preview art from Deadpool: Merc With a Mouth #1, which is the first issue in the new ongoing Deadpool series starting in July. Right now there is only one page posted, but additional preview art will be included in their weekly video show "Weekly Watcher" that comes out tomorrow. [SOURCE]

UPDATE: The new video has been posted with some glimpses of new art. [SOURCE]


Scrixx said...

Now how did Deadpool teleport into that situation? Lol.

DeadpoolFool said...

I like it, just as long a Deadpoool doesn't have hair

Anonymous said...

oh man..
So when does this take place? To me it seems like the guy writting him is a complete newbie to deadpool and may screw up.

Now I am gonna warn him YOU BETTER NOT TROLL MY FANDOM! like Buddie Escalera did.(that faggot)

mikelinabnit said...

It will turn into a better story than d way's

Daylok said...

I realy cant belive some pool fans only want to see there favorit character only once a month. I my self am very exsited to see him in the lime light. hech i have a deadpool shirt now. I realy do want Deadpool to get as big as wolvey and spidey. One they start makeing Deadpool boxers ill be like "HA!!! eat that spider-man."

Anonymous said...

Iwould had prefered a Ultimate Deadpool title. Thing is, now its gonna get really confusing to follow deadpool's story :S.

Anonymous said...

so thats the art??? WTF looks like a lame book to me so far but i could be jumping the gun i guess

Ericon IX said...

@ Anon

They had an Ultimate Deadpool (technically) fight Spider man and a few X-men. Even though, any pool-head could tell that wasn't really him. Just an old X-men villain posing as him.

But if you don't want to get confused, just picture it as this: The main series is what's really happening. If they reference what happened in the other book, it's canon. If they don't reference it, than the second book is merely what 'could' happen. Like a What if series, but less dramatic.

Blastback said...

There is a new Ultimate Alliance trailer up here, which really showcases Deadpool, includig a fusion with Thor.

theriseofzitboy said...

yay. i get 3 deadpool comics a month. :)
for a little bit anyways.
life is grand gentlemen, life is grand

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