Friday, April 24, 2009

Movie Deadpool Minimate Released

Deadpool Bugle reader Dizzy Anonymity sent in the tip that he found the movie Deadpool minimate figure at his local Toys R Us store. Other sites confirm that this figure is on sale everywhere. Thanks again to Dizzy Anonymity for the tip.


numb007 said...

I plan on getting this even though I do not collect them.

RaM said...

I just want the comic version minimate.

Anonymous said...

I may have to pick this up if they have it at my TRU.

DeadpoolAndFriends said...

Yeah, i'll get this. but i wish they would make a comic version of him.

Anonymous said...

"Yeah, i'll get this. but i wish they would make a comic version of him."

It's coming in a couple of months.

Probably just in time for the DVD release.

I believe the Wolverine Movie figures are series
26, series 27 is The Ultimates, then 28 is Wolverine Comic Series.

Although those last two may be reversed.

Valerie said...

Series 28 will have the comic version of deadpool.

Anonymous said...

I was uber excited to find this at Toys R Us. I rushed home excited to be the first to submit this to the site. I've been trying to find something awesome Deadpool related to add to contribute to the site, but the site always has it first.

- Dizzy

Anonymous said...

I admit the comic one is pure epic win but this is cool its wade wilson so we get onto the alternate costumes......agent of weapon x anyone? whatabout deadpool in his smiley boxers?

Anonymous said...

I admit the comic one is pure epic win but this is cool its wade wilson so we get onto the alternate costumes......agent of weapon x anyone? whatabout deadpool in his smiley boxers?X-Men/Jean Grey Deadpool? :P

- Dizzy

Anonymous said...

ohhh! he's so cute! ima pet it und feed it und call it Hannibal King!!!

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