Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Deadpool: Merc With A Mouth is an Ongoing Series

In an email with the Deadpool Bugle, Deadpool: Merc With A Mouth writer Victor Gischler confirmed that this is actually an ongoing series, and not just a miniseries as previously thought:

"Yes, this is an ongoing series. I'm hoping I can live up to the responsibility of writing such a cool, popular character."


Bob said...


Scott said...

that is ridiculously awesome news. DP getting 2 concurrent ongoing series? Marvel must know who the new cash cow is.

Widdle Wade said...


RoQ said...

Fuck yeah!

Jeff said...

This is awesome news, it just made my day!
Wow DP with two ongoing series....

brandillio said...

siiiick!!! DP is on fire! i knew it was only a matter of time. i think the DP movie is pretty much a given now. how could they NOT want to go forward with it? SICK!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

A new deadpool ongoing at $3.99 and issue on top of the regular 2.99 series? I might try out the first issue and decide which one I'm going to stick with, but both seems a tad excessive.

Deadpool Bugle said...

The first issue also includes a reprinting of Deadpool's first appearance ever, in New Mutants #98. This probably is the reason for the higher price on the first issue, though until we receive information on the second issue that cannot be confirmed.

Daddypool said...

Why a second series? Why not do a Brand New Day thing and publish DP twice a month? It is working for Spiderman..

Gischler and Way can take turns writing story arcs.....

Daddypool said...

Here's a link to an interview with Gischler about the series:

Dirty Dom said...

What tha?
Mayne thats some awesome news!!
2 ongoing and a miniseries at the same time?
And a movie appearance?
Its Deadpools year fo' sho'!
Hope it will be better then Way's DP and that they'll come up with a new idea and don't continue the schizophrenic thing...

Bob said...

@Dirty Dom:

maybe this is an answer to Way's Schizo'pool. hopefully Gischler brings back the DP of old -- w/o white boxes.

MrPopular said...

@Bob & Dirty.

He said he's excited for Pool-o-Vision.. So i wouldn't be to hopeful

Bob said...

hrrm...well, after reading that interview (thanks for the link, Daddypool), seems Gischler likes Pool-O-Vision...

it'd be really, really disappointing to have not only Benson's mini, but Gischler's ongoing be based off of Way's DP. we need a different flavor of 'pool.

Bob said...

damn, can't edit my post...

yeah, seems that way, MrPopular.

DeadpoolAndFriends said...

Awesome. Super Awesome!

Anonymous said...

t-t-t-t-wo series? sweeeeeeeeeeeeet

numb007 said...

So 2 series going at the same time, awesome. He is our generation's Wolverine.

Anonymous said...

Told you guys it was an ongoing.
I don't know how to do the profile thing, or I would, but yeah.
You're welcome.

Daniel said...

As much as I enjoy random violence and wackiness, I really do miss Joe Kelly's, and even Priest's introspective 'Pool. Everyone just accepts that Wade is a loudmouth and that's all he is. Almost a joke of himself like Wolverine has become...

Well, I dunno. Never read any of this guy's other stuff. Guess I'll just have to wait to see.

Anonymous said...

Deadpool....and Zombie Deadpool? THANK GOD!!!!

Jetstorm said...

This character deserves it!! if wolverine has like 8 series deadpool should have at east 3

Jack said...

Yeah I can preorder the second deadpool issue for 2.99 so that leads me to believe only the first issue is 3.99 at least until they do some sort of double sized special.

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