Below are a collection of reviews for Deadpool #9.
Book Spot Central
Though I loved the previous issue, it feels like enough, and I hope in the next (the last) issue of the crossover we get that moment that gives credence to the title of crossover.
Comics Bulletin - 3.5/5
If you haven't been following Deadpool, you should really be ashamed of yourself. That's right. I'm going to guilt you into reading it! Why? Few mainstream comedy comics have ever been this clever and funny-- and consistently so for nearly a year. And Deadpool #9 is just the latest proof of it.
IGN - 7.1/10
What it boils down to, then, is that Deadpool fans are probably ecstatic over his treatment in this storyline, while T-Bolts readers may be bristling over the newly-minted team's ineptitude in a mission against someone so brazenly ridiculous. Still, as an issue Deadpool #9 does what it says on the box and provides some chuckles and cleverness along the way.
Weekly Comic Book Review - B
Deadpool #9 works better as an issue of Deadpool than it does as the third chapter of “Magnum Opus.” I found it to be extremely entertaining (hence the high grade), but couldn’t really shake the fact that it didn’t lend itself well to the whole crossover thing. It just seems like “Magnum Opus” could be (or should have been) so much more.