Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Seven Page Preview of Deadpool: Suicide Kings #1

CBR has posted a seven page preview of the first issue from the upcoming four issue miniseries, Deadpool: Suicide Kings. Suicide Kings is being written by Mike Benson, who wrote the Deadpool one-shot, Games of Death. The series is being penciled by Carlo Barberi, who filled in for Paco Medina on issues 4 and 5 of the regular Deadpool series. Deadpool: Suicide Kings #1 comes out 4/1/2009. Thanks to Baird for the tip. [SOURCE]


Jeff said...

1st comment!
anyways this looks okay...

bairdduvessa said...

i was a little bummed to see what appeared to be the same recap page but otherwise I am very curious. And yay me for getting the tip credit!

numb007 said...

Looks awesome, gonna be a great book.

Anonymous said...

please don't be as bad as games of death PLEASE don't be bad as games of death...............

Blastback said...

Even if you didn't like Games of Death you should probably at least try Suicide Kings. It can take a writer an issue or to to get into a groove with a new character.

Anonymous said...

Deadpool's quite the business man acts like he doenst want the job till his employers start dropping 6 zeros lol.

xuicideking said...

FINALLY!!!?!? Some good ol' fashioned Merc with the Mouth KILLING action. Looks good. I'm cold!!! =D

xuicideking said...

***I'm SOLD*** :)

Anonymous said...

Games of Death was great! Loved it and this looks cool as hell.

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