In an interview with MTV, Ryan Reynolds confirms that the scarred, single clawed, character seen in the trailers for X-Men Origins: Wolverine is Deadpool and that he is the actor in the makeup. It was confirmed by toys released earlier that this character was Deadpool, but internet speculation was that this was not Deadpool. [SOURCE]
I looked at the pictures of the guy playing weapon xi and ryan reynolds and if u cross reference them you can tell that this is in fact ryan reynolds. He has the same ears, nose and the larger hair line. The other guys nose is obviously different and his ears, plus the other guy has more of a odd shaped head. Im really happy this isnt weapon xi and that it is deadpool. At least my brain can accept something true.
March 17, 2009 1:06 PM
Lil Wade
Well he is Weapon XI, but his name is Deadpool like...
Weapon X: Wolverine
March 17, 2009 1:16 PM
I think its cool, I am glad that he is getting a little different look of deadpool/weapon xi...
This is not the 616 Universe, this is obviously a different # so why would it be 100% accurate?
I'll admit I never thought of it that way. That is a good way to look at it though. Everything that happens in the X-Men Movies, Wolverine Movies, and all future spin offs happen in the Marvel Fox-Universe
So can someone give me a good reason NOT to torrent this? Unless me paying $12.50 is a solid guarantee that there will be a separate Deadpool movie, there isn't any reason to support this. I'll see it, but I refuse to pay for it.
@anon 1:28. Make no mistake, this is the 616 universe and this origin story is pretty much following what we have now. The only difference is the Weapon X team, which I understand because an Alpha Flight movie wouldn't be too entertaining I believe. This isn't a case of being 100% accurate, this is a case of being 0% accurate. I've never seen a more drastic departure from the comic character in ANY movie.
but at the same time why does fox feel it necessary to take such a staple character and alter it THIS much, i mean, it's not simply taking the character and making him look a bit different, like sabertooth. its taking deadpool, covering up his mouth and giving him frickin' laser beams! i mean, its insane honestly. it would be like giving wolverine the ability to teleport or freeze people. it just doesn't make sense. Iron man was not completely distorted, but xmen and now wolverine are?! why?! How are die-hard marvel fans just sitting it out? why do we continue to pay for movies that we don't like? We don't need more alternate universes, lol
Its because we are fans, and we can complain and moan, but when it comes down to it we want to see these characters. Even if we know it will not be want we want, we have to see what has happened to these characters so we can complain more or love it in the end. Its a cycle that will never be broken, even if they turned deadpool into wilma wilson we still would go see it and complain afterwards
March 17, 2009 2:10 PM
There is no way this is the 616 none of the movies are, the only 616 is the normal continuity of marvel comics. The movies are not the books, therefore it isn't the 616. So Fox can do anything they want to these movies and not really feel they differed from the books becuase its just like AoA or Ultimate Universe its different.
March 17, 2009 2:55 PM
I agree 100% I really didn't consider Astonishing X-Men as a 616 continuity book until issue 25, so there is no way the movies are in that universe. There is too many differences, the only way it would be a 616 movie is if they were 100% correct and that probably wont ever happen
March 17, 2009 3:10 PM
wow.... fox..... its time for you guys to pay for this.. by- assuring fans a deadpool spinoff will happen and giving us fans a reason not to hate you now for what you guys done to our beloved deadpool
March 17, 2009 3:10 PM
I guarantee that by the end of the movie, this "Weapon XI" will be on its way to becoming the Deapool we all know. I'm sure it's just a detour the makers of the flick took to allow there to be some huge climactic fight scene. Am I happy about that? Not particularly ... Am I still going to pay $13 to see it in theatres? Absolutely!
I think people are forgetting this isn't a Deadpool movie. It's called WOLVERINE ORIGINS. I would understand people getting mad if this was a Deadpool movie and all we were getting was this, but it's not a DP movie. And honestly, it's just a change of his origin. They're not fucking up his character because he isn't really Deadpool yet. He's Wade Wilson through out most of the movie until he becomes Weapon Xl. Then after possibly becoming to what we know and love as Deadpool, but that won't be shown because it's not the purpose of the movie.
This is a Deadpool fan site but I see what Thisguy is saying, this is Wolvy's movie. The best part of this is Ryan Reynold's as Wade Wilson, everything else will get sorted out if a Deadpool movie is really meant to be. If not, we still have the books.
March 17, 2009 3:23 PM
The only thing that really bothers me is the laser eyes... guess we'll have to see what's going on here.
I just don't see a full fledged Deadpool with the comic book personality blending in well with the tone of the film. It's something I don't think the "I'M GONNA WRITE ANGRY LETTERS TO FOX AND BOYCOTT THE FILM" people put into consideration. I think we're lucky we're even getting a mild deadpoolish Wade Wilson out of it for comedy relief, let alone making him the main villain so it could open the possibility of his own movie. Keep in mind, he was originally just meant to make a small cameo appearance.
March 17, 2009 3:37 PM
I agree with Thisguy. I'm going to seriously enjoy the wise-cracking Wilson that Reynolds will definitely play. Anything along the lines of Hannibal King from Blade Trinity will be a-ok by me. I just appreciate that he's there at all.
This is horrible, i hate FOX. This looks like what deadpool always say's he has, like radio-active, laser shooting out of his eye's, bit by a spider, hit by a gamma bomb, ect. Maybe FOX thought he was seriuos.
March 17, 2009 5:38 PM
ppl say we bitch, moan , but see it anyway, if you really wanna make a change then DONT see iot, show we want the characters we have, i know ill watch this on the internet, and wont buy the dvd, ill go with the hulk vs wolverine movie for my deadpoll fix, u should too...
March 17, 2009 6:02 PM
hm...seems a lot of ppl hate this...well we know deadpool is a failed experiment an this weapon xi will fail at the end obviously an then hopefully we can get a descent DP movie in the future (hopefully not by fox). Either way I will be seeing this movie!
March 17, 2009 6:22 PM
Well i can say right now, I am not going to see the movie if thats what Deadpool looks like
I'm still gonna see it. Actually i'm kinda excite. Blastphemous... i know. But different universe, different origin if they need be. As long as they don't end him like that, i'll be okay with it. But yeah Definantly Expect a response video after the movie.
well i or one dont belive yet until i see the movie for myself i mean fox did good with the xmen films look at the characters just like they where shown in the comics deadpool doesnt have lasers from his eyes, blades from his arms so if fox is going the smen route staying true to there charcters this may not be deadpool.
who knows maybe renoylds is throuhg us curve ball like m bay is doing with tformers film reveng of the fallen bay said there will be alot of false , & true leaked stuff that will be going ot be internet what you decide is to be true is your choice maybe thats what fox is doing lying to us & keeping deadpool true final form a scret like there doing with cobra commander.
but for right now im in the negative review side true or not true ill go see this film when its in theaters if i find out that truly is deadpool when this get released i will be pissed/dissapointed but until then ill wait patintly until i seee the film myself.
Ryan Reynolds holds more cred in my eyes than Imdb and Fox right now so i believe it... but this just blew my mind.
Ryan Reynolds really did calm me down from a frustrated state though with these interviews. I mean yeah, I know they F'ed up my favorite comic book character but he seemed to anesthetize the wound because he's in our shoes. It's like he took away the bitterness in all of our mouths and saved Fox from random onslaughts of arson that they would suffer on May 2nd. Reynolds was perfect for this character. No one would have been a better fit or deserved it more even if Fox killed it.
March 17, 2009 9:59 PM
look, Wait til the movie comes out, only then will we know just how bad they screwed it up. if you dont want to pay to see it, then wait, surely on this website and 100 others people will write what they think about his portrayel. Ive loved deadpool since the begining, seriously, I bought the circle chase #1 when it was a new release. Ryan has all my respect he obivously loves the character. god knows they may find a good way to reconcile it at the end that sort of makes it ok. There is a large section of deadpools past missing and this could serve as some filler, a ridiculous one maybe, but a filler. If it ends up that bad, do what im going to do, write. we flood letter and websites and whatever and if it happens enough it should bring to light what a mistake it is to depart from a character this much. deadpool can be a martyr for future characters, he will be like Marvel's Jesus.
March 18, 2009 12:59 AM
He mentions he plays the creature that BECOMES deadpool.
Can we stop talking about this now? The tattooed guy becomes deadpool, he said it himself.
March 18, 2009 1:10 AM
umm...... hey look, i hate to sound like a buzzkill here, but checkout all the interviews, he seems to be avoiding or wording the questions differently to answer them, just my opinion of reading the answers, but we may be screwed...
March 18, 2009 1:59 AM
WHAAAAT?!?!? That is "Scott Adkins" (Undisputed II
and he's!! playing the "baracka/cyclops dude" whick is weapon 11 not ryan reynolds
March 18, 2009 2:17 AM
Widdle Wade
Personally, Im happy we got Deadpool at all! So all of you stop whining, and if you bombard Fox with hate, it will only encourage them to not make a spin off, cause they will think they failed adapting Deadpool. Where as if you send letters of praise, then they might green light, with Ryan Reynolds able to steer the course into something we all Love!
And on the topic of his origin! I actually like what theyre doing its giving him more depth as a character, more reasons to be pissed with his life...cause thats just not a healing factor theyre implanting in him, thats 4-5 different powers, hes gonna be fucked. So I like it, and im a long term Deadpool fan. This is the Movieverse, and if you want the real Deadpool your gonna have to read 616!
March 18, 2009 6:59 AM
I'm seriously 100% okay with this..
The fact that Ryan Reynolds knows & respects the character is a good thing..
And i think the fact that it focuses on a part of his life we haven't seen.
Seeing How Ryan says you get to see home Wade becomes deadpool... so i assume that in the spin off or something they will say killbrew took away his powers except the healing factor and maybe the teleport power from Wraith.
as f'd up as fox made it i'm still kinda giddy about it.
When are they gonna sell a wade/deadpool poster i want 1/
March 18, 2009 9:16 AM
Widdle Wade
I 2nd the poster comment!! I want my Deadpool poster too!!
March 18, 2009 9:26 AM
Wade Wilsons Tailer
lol Poor Reynold's, he's got a look on his face like he's expecting fanboys to hunt him down and burn him at the stake.
This "movie version" of Deadpool does suck really really, really, bad, but at the same time there aren't even that many great movie versions of comic book characters in general. Just so happens that Deadpool falls victim to the long list of corny adaptations.
But I think we should thank FOX for lettin us know ahead of time, as opposed to makin us wait for the movie. lol For a bunch of hacks, at least they showed us some mercy.
March 18, 2009 12:16 PM
I really, really don't get it anymore. I thought Scott Adkins was ognna play Weapon XI, but here Ryan Reynolds says he's playing the scarred guy! I really really am confused now. If that's Reynolds, then who does Adkins play? Are they screwing us?!?
March 18, 2009 1:18 PM
honestly i think they are screwing with us. thats obviously not ryan reynolds in the trailers, and he really didn't seem like he was telling the truth for some reason.I pray this is all a joke. Some reason it just seems like something fishy is goin on....
March 18, 2009 1:48 PM
Lil Wade
Scott Adkins is his stunt double. So Adkins is Weapon XI/Deadpool but only as a stunt man. For close ups it is Ryan Reynolds.
March 18, 2009 1:50 PM
not to sound like the type of guy that stares at ryan reynolds body, but those shots of weopon xi do not look like his body at all,it looks more compressed.
March 18, 2009 1:53 PM
I think that the close ups are reynolds but the stune double is adkins, explains evrything
Marvel sucks at making movies. Iron Man and the recent Hulk were exceptions, but X-Men and Spider-Man 1-3 were so typically Hollywood "enhanced". Altered storylines why? So we can excite the masses.
Look what happened to Watchmen: blasted in the reviews despite the fact that it was 98% true to the source.
Screw, Marvel, screw Fox but...
After getting his book canceled years ago, I was scared it was the last I'd see of him. Now he's got a huge part in a movie. There is reason to celebrate.
If they hollywood DP the movie...I'll meet you guys up at Fox. You bring the gas cans and matches, I'll bring the hotdogs - BBQ anyone?
March 18, 2009 6:01 PM
thats pretty bad, arson is serious man... its just a movie... plus Marvel does pretty well at their movies, fox is who is bad...
Guys are you all serious, No actor reveals that kinda of info. Ryan Reynolds was totally bullshitting. You can even tell by his body language. Again that's probably Scott Adkins Weapon XI and once again that character is being use as a red herring to throw off whatever surprises they have for Deadpool. Think about the whole Ra al Ghul in Batman Begins. Remember later on the toys were with all Kent Watanabe first then with Liam Neeson after the movies came out. Come on guys!!!
March 18, 2009 10:33 PM
So there's still hope?
March 18, 2009 11:16 PM
Wait, maybe he is lying. He kind of laughs at 0:04. He can't be happy about it as a real Deadpool fan so maybe he is lying. Why would he smile about that?
RR's fidgeting/smiling/body language could simply be an uncomfortable reaction to a carefully worded interview response. think about it -- he's a huge Deadpool fan, and if Fox did a number on DP, Reynolds has to be careful not to voice any concerns too harshly. he's trying to market the movie, not stand up for his favorite character.
Paul brings up an interesting point with the Ra's al Ghul action figures...though honestly, i don't remember seeing any Ra's figures that resemble Neeson. (really unfortunate about Liam's wife...sad stuff, man.)
anyhow, if Fox wants to pull a fast one on us, by all means...'cause that'd be infinitely better than what this appears to be. they'd actually gain a lot of points by doing so, but i'm not holding my breath.
March 19, 2009 9:57 AM
I think it's just the fact that he was in Adventureland mode.. and Deadpool is off topic.. I'm sure once people start interviewing him on wolverine.. he will be much better..
RR has the same views as me.. at least Deadpool/Wade has now got his foot in the door. which is the 1st step.
March 19, 2009 12:06 PM
Dirty Dom
The new TV spot. WTF Deadpool not even shown or listed... But there is Emma Frost and Blob and cyclops! And Wade still doesnt appeared on the site. Maybe they cut deadpool's part off the movie?!
I'm simply going to hope that this is just another red herring to throw off the folks on the internet after half the freakin' movie was leaked.
March 20, 2009 2:27 AM
Whatever jack-off FOX exec came up with this idea should be severely beaten then hanged.
March 20, 2009 12:26 PM
If Scott Adkins is a simple stuntman than why is he listed as IMDB?
March 20, 2009 4:56 PM
is it possible this video will get onto youtube? i wanna watch, but im in uk, and it states that due to copyright laws, this video can't be shown outside US....
Ryan, Ryan, Ryan,..... please don't disappoint. Whenever I read DeadPool comics I hear him speaking with your voice!
March 20, 2009 9:02 PM
ok people lets be a bit realistic here... i m dissapointed with the changes too,but AS LONG AS I SEE the deadpool we all know in the end i don't care.. and second,y'all complain about the baraka arms and laser eyes.The story is that they put all of these in wade's body to stop wolverine.and he get's beaten,whereas the comic deadpool kicks his @$$ with a couple of katanas and machine guns.. now that's something u should complain about.. (p.s. btw,no motormouth??what the f**k??)
March 20, 2009 9:18 PM
Can't we sue Fox for raping Deadpool? They did it on South Park, and South Park is based on true events right? I wonder how Lucas and Spielberg are doing in jail right now...
March 20, 2009 11:49 PM
Think about it people, Ryan Reynolds in the Adventure land Interview said Deadpool will still be a smart mouth idiot After he is altered... Now how could he do that if his mouth is sealed shut, they are just telling you all this so that you can have a suprise and so they can please the fans when it comes out instead of spoiling it all before the movie comes out. So dont believe what they are saying.
March 22, 2009 8:42 AM
Could be anonymous 8:42 but don't hold your breath...
March 22, 2009 11:16 AM
I think they may pull this off as one of the experiments done on him in the weapon x program then later he becomes the merc with a mouth instead of the merc with no mouth
March 22, 2009 10:39 PM
March 22, 2009 11:20 PM
Weapon XI No individual with the 'Weapon XI' moniker has been seen, but John Sublime has mentioned it.
Scott Adkins has reportedly been cast as Weapon XI in the movie X-Men Origins: Wolverine[1] It has been revealed that his powers will be a mix of various other powers copied from other mutants, such as Wolverine's healing factor and Cyclops's optic blast among others. He will have a final confrontation with Wolverine at the end of the film.
In the ongoing Wolverine: Origins comic book series, it has been hinted by Nick Fury that Romulus, Wolverine's creator, intends for Weapon XI to be capable of killing Wolverine, and therefore he thinks Romulus' plan is to turn Wolverine's son Daken into Weapon XI by fusing the Muramasa blade (which is the only blade that could kill Wolverine) onto Daken's skeleton.
In the Wolverine: Spotlight (issue) Daniel states, "Now, that's very different from Daken, who is allowed in the house. He's like the next generation. He's Weapon XI."
i do find it interesting that the new TV spots show the names of Wolverine, Sabretooth, Emma Frost, Gambit, Blob, etc...and no Deadpool. but that's gotta be because Weapon XI is codenamed Deadpool, so they don't wanna give it away...
hopefully RR isn't actually Weapon XI, rather a portion of him (i.e. his sword fighting technique) -- or a failed step between Wolverine and Weapon XI -- after Weapon XI's defeat, Wade steals the Deadpool moniker, and away we go...
March 23, 2009 9:50 AM
Alright. Alright. Alright.
Ha anyone considered the fact that this 'Deadpool' might not even be the finished product? I mean, the whole purpose of the Weapon X program was to enhance certain mutants into what they considered the ultimate killing machine. From the way I see it, this image of Deadpool is only the experimental process, the so-called conceptual designs of a character that is sure to unleash some hellish fury.
Those markings on his body look like scars to me. Even if Deadpool has the same healing factor as Logan, I'm sure the scientists behind the Weapon X program incorporated some sort of anti-healing serum to help implant certain things.
Then you have the mouth, obviously sewn shut. Deadpool is the merc with the mouth, so I'm sure it's sewn shut for a reason. I mean, I'm sure all the scientists aboard the project would rather work in silence than listen to Wade jabber on and on, endlessly.
What you've seen in the trailer is in the movie but the Deadpool (clothed and otherwise wise mouthed merc) that we see later on in the trailer is indeed what Deadpool will look like the majority of the film.
March 23, 2009 11:11 AM
I'm sure there are hardcore DP fans here, and on IMDB someone said: "Deadpool jokes about how his mouth was sewn shut for 2 months during his fight with Kane. It's never shown on panel so who knows if it's true, but he did state it. "
kinda sorta. not sewn shut, but wired shut, i believe from a broken jaw. (X-Force #2)
March 24, 2009 1:06 PM
Thank you, thank you Bob, for all your help. Godspeed Bob, your a beacon of hope in another man's bleacin and dreary world!
March 24, 2009 3:41 PM
Ok I know Ryan Reynolds said it was him, but just look at his face when he says it. He's dicking with us, and we should know better. They've cast another actor as "weapon XI" anyhow, and personally, I think that doesn't even look like Ryan Reynolds. Not to sound gay or nothing, but if you compare the shape of that dude's body with Ryan Reynolds', they don't match. Watch that blade movie with him in it. I don't remember which one, only that it sucked. He's more narrow at the waist, and his shoulders are more pronounced. Not to mention the differently shaped skulls (look their temples). Now I know Fox has screwed around with the stories a lot so far, but they have yet to add several mutant powers to a single character. Have they? I'll believe this crap when I see it.
March 25, 2009 7:36 PM
This is before the workshop! We don't know what happened to Deadpool before the workshop! But where's his mouth? Three words: Merc with Mouth! But stop whining and watch the movie!
March 25, 2009 8:55 PM
seriosly all the whining one way or another yes at least we get deadpool an i dont care if they wanted to run one way or another with it but we all know we would have bein way happyr if they just would have given us comic dp seriosly why do they have to mess with stuff. theres so many good points in these post its maken my head spin lol but really why couldnt they just give us comic dp to start with. sadly theres nothing we can ever do. RR seem's like an awsome guy hes one of my fav actors an aside from maybe matthew lillard dont think anyone else could play him true (off topic i honestly think matthew lillard would make the most awsome carnage ever)so aside from the most pointless post ever i just wanted to post on the net never done it b4 lol 23 an finaly learning how to use one of these magic boxes sorry cant spell either im pretty not smart
March 27, 2009 12:31 AM
Hi, I'm here to spread some rumors!
That "Weapon XI guy" is actually Garrison Kane.
-From the Human Chainletter. (You know, from Kevjumba's videos.)
March 29, 2009 2:34 AM
um, yeah.
One of the reasons Deadpool is so great is due to his insane (and hilarious) banter. So why is his mouth sewn shut? I mean really.. lol, W. T. F.
April 1, 2009 6:20 PM
they messed up deadpool so much its awful saw it lastnight
April 1, 2009 9:42 PM
The merc
From what I heard is that ryan aka deadpool starts off with no scars and after the weapon x program it has an affect on him or it could have been planed that he can take other mutants powers like rogue and he takes wolverine's and cyclpos' powers but it later wares off and becomes the deadpool we love.
April 2, 2009 9:27 PM
DAMN they fucked him up but this is his beggingings more likley they will change him back during his movies but i am still pissed off about this i mean WTF is up with the laser eyes
April 3, 2009 1:19 AM
So has anyone even seen the leaked movie? That would put an end to the discussion pretty quick, don't you think?
April 3, 2009 12:04 PM
people just watch it first for crying out loud weve only seen trailers, im sure DP aint messed up but we should just be glad we got deadpool 'nuff said
April 3, 2009 3:17 PM
I just noticed in the leaked version of the movie my friend has when wade is stuck on the elevator with team X, he says " great, stuck on an elevator with 5 guys on a high protien diet. Dreams really do come true" then for a split second looks into the camera, he said in an interview this was a dream come true to play deadpool. YES ! score one for the home team, 4th wall !
April 3, 2009 8:18 PM
Watched it. Movie was good, but I'm way too pissed about how they f*cked up Deadpool to go see it in theatre.
I don't want to spoil too much, but they took away the best part about Deadpool.
April 3, 2009 8:25 PM
and then logan asks him if he ever shuts up he looks in the camera again and says " no ont when im awake" and since weapon xi in the movie cant talk, i dont think its wade or deadpool if you will
April 3, 2009 8:29 PM
Well I am going to see the movie no matter what. Deadpool as always been my favorite character, even if this movie mess him up he will still be my favorite. What I just don't get is the eyes that will shoot lasers out of them. I mean with his mouth shout which mean no more black comedy for any of the fans already made me sad, but the laser eyes was just random. I mean if they kept the mouth and the laser eyes it will still be random but atleast we could here a good joke afterwards.
April 4, 2009 1:22 AM
It is him, I have the workprint downloaded and it is him at the end of the film. So stupid!! How will there be a spin off now!!
April 4, 2009 8:36 AM
And he has all these powers because he has been experimented on further. Stryker says to him at the beginning 'If you didn't have that mouth on you Wade, you'd be the perfect soldier' thats why he sews his mouth up, and turns him into the perfect soldier with all of weapon x's abilities!
April 4, 2009 8:38 AM
Why do they want to ruin an awesome character? Hey, lets take a character that is funny and sarcastic and awesome and totally change him around,...OH!! and lets cover his mouth yeah!! good idea...oh and lasers yeah he needs lasers...and ditch the stupid costume... people don't even like that anyhow.... UGH!!!! STUPID FOX IDIOTS!!! oh wait and Ryan Renolds...the Dead-Pool fan... this was ok to him? He didn't speak up? come on... Worthless!!
April 6, 2009 6:08 PM
I was really hoping that since 15 min were missing that Dead-Pool would show up in the end and be like ewww what's that? What? you thought that was me? Thanks a lot guys. but I guess not... UGH!!
Ryan Reynolds didn't have anything to say, he wasn't a producer or anything, he was just a actor, and apparently Hugh Jackman could become producer because of his own company (?!?!).
April 8, 2009 9:52 PM
22:46 of the Workprint, Sabretooth tells Bolt that "Wade is Gone" At 1:26:52 when he sees Weapon XI's blades come out, Wolverine asks if it is Wade- Weapon XI tilts his head, and Wolverine says "Striker figured out a way to shut you up". The movie never actually says Wade is Weapon XI.
April 11, 2009 9:32 PM
His character isn't given too much detail in the movie. Saw a boot leg guys, get ready to be pissed.
April 11, 2009 11:59 PM
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
April 12, 2009 6:35 AM
I've got to a bit disappointed That this is Deadpool. But now That i think i about it It could be kinda cool. I Mean,There's a Dude That Never shuts up,Is Great with weapons,and Is Just plain cool. then,Give him all the mutants in the movie's Powers and have him fight wolverine......You gotta admit thats kinda cool....
April 13, 2009 3:29 AM
How can they do this to Deadpool? Deadpool never had blades that come out of his arms he cairys swords. He never was able to shoot any thing from his eyes he shoots guns. And my bigest problem with what they are doing to Deadpool is taking away his mouth how can he be the merc with the mouth if he has no mouth? The only good things I can say are that they picked a great actor in Ryan Reynolds to play him and that at lest he will not be that freak for the whole movie.
April 14, 2009 12:54 AM
Downloaded the workprint. Good movie..Ryan Renolds as Deadpool is sick!! Esp as Weapon 11.
April 14, 2009 10:39 AM
no wait a minute you are all forggeting the rumors that they kill dead pool i mean ryan renolds best actor for playing dead pool coulndt have had it any other way, but killing deadpool i mean fox killed this website if u guys come to think of it
April 14, 2009 2:49 PM
Killing Deadpool is a fact in the movie.
April 15, 2009 7:14 PM
You know, ryan reynolds is one of my favorite actors...he just seemed to be a perfect fit for the character of deadpool. He's the kind of actor who could pull off the quick wit that deadpool has. I think Ryan actually nailed it for the first half of the movie, but then the script took a horrible turn. When good old stryker said he pulled all the powers together and put them into a "deadpool," I cried. I had hoped casting such a big actor would lead to a film featuring deadpool, aka "the merc with a mouth." Now, he has no mouth at all, and his trademark swords come out of his arms. Atleast in an interview, Ryan seems to know that this character is not faithful to the comic at all. He said he would actually like to do a 100% faithful film adaptation in the future though. I just don't see how that is a possibility anymore. Why?! why?! why didn't you speak up about how off this incarnation was if you are a fan of Deadpool yourself, Ryan? You have effectively killed the chances of any real Deadpool movies from being created. I hope he reads this. Adventureland, loved it. But now, you have boned yourself out of getting any sweet action movies and must now become identified with only movies like The Proposal and Definetly, Maybe. Please Ryan, if you see this in time, make all attempts to stop the movie from coming out. Burn it. I'd gladly wait another year if you could fix this problem.
April 18, 2009 12:22 AM
wow bro im a fan and all but u know chill... how pathetic was that!! i mean wtf!? the movie sucks but it aint that bad... just chill gringo
April 21, 2009 10:34 AM
Well....I got pissed off a little when I found this out, but I thought about it a little more. Dont you guys remember all the crazy ridiculous universe shattering stuff that happened in the deadpool comic? I mean Shit, he was deadpool/Thor son of Loki for a little bit lol. Can you really be mad if he somehow gets laser beams? Who knows? Maybe he gets laser beams through equally ridiculous means.
April 23, 2009 4:42 PM
April 24, 2009 4:11 AM
Just remember what they did with the Punisher. They had the lame-ish one that was a full origin in 2003, then made an awesome action packed movie that re-did the origin properly and was in the spirit of the comics. having Wade Wilson turn into Weapon XI and then possibly into the full-on Deadpool character afterwards would still work. even though i've heard some bad stuff about the movie, the action sequences still look entertaining. Deadpool is my above all favorite character so i would love to see him in his own movie but getting Ryan Reynolds is a perfect casting choice. so if you can switch your brain off from nerd-rage mode and still like seeing a good performance, i'd say it'd be worth the watch. let's hope Deadpool gets his own movie to give him full reign to show how cool of a character he really is.
April 24, 2009 5:21 PM
To all saying that this is a different verse and as such is ok to butcher them, that is dumb it was dumb in Ultimate Universe and its dumb here, at that point don't bother basing it on anything and make your own story, and the redesign isn't even good, so it brings nothing to it... and for the dude saying that Reynolds plays Weapon XI, XI was played be Reynolds stunt double, not Reynolds.
April 27, 2009 11:07 PM
Wade Wilson was probably the best part of the movie, too bad he was there for 3 seconds.
April 27, 2009 11:09 PM
Let's all just cool and see the finished flick first... who was it somewhere that wisely said it seems like the laser-beam eye character seems like he's absorbed a lot of the other characters abilities... just a bit twisted... So Cyclops' beam, Wolvie's claws and healing factor, etc... So just wait and see... maybe this is DP before he's abilities normalize (or if you can call him normal >:D )... and Ryan rocks, so MAYBE we'll get an okay movie... keeping my fingers crossed!
April 27, 2009 11:28 PM
I've seen the leaked movie, and Ryan Renolds is a great Deadpool, pre-scars. (Slight spoiler alert)---- As for the Movie Weapon XI project, It was a combined genetic pool of all the mutants collected, so it may not of been Wade's body they used and turned into Baraka. (more slight spoilers) Scott's Cyclops power was used by weapon XI and you see Scott in the later films un-harmed, that is until X-Men 3 F-ed everything up.
April 28, 2009 1:32 AM
If 20th Century Fox is reading this, take a note. Jedi mind trick time. Wade "Deadpool" Wilson found out he had Cancer, and the Weapon X project knew how to save him using Wolverine's healing factor, but only if Wade donated his mutant DNA to weapon XI. Wade made his donation and received his treatment, and went his own way to be told in other movies with Ryan Renolds,(good Choice). Meanwhile Deadpools DNA is mixed with the other mutants to make that Bakura looking clone thing. Follow these instructions and save your ass Fox.
April 28, 2009 1:47 AM
The dude who suggested the "Jedi mind trick time." nice try, I mean it, but I think Jesus himself would be scratching his head trying to figure out how to fix it.
April 28, 2009 7:06 PM
*cough*secretendingafterspoilers*cough* SPOILERS
According to sources Wade Wilson (Ryan Reynolds) goes to the fight site and sees Weapon XI ("deadpool") and picks up the head and says "Who the hell is this". (in short, Deadpool LIVES)
April 30, 2009 3:06 AM
What secret ending ?? from a dvd version or an uncut version.
I've seen the movie last night (i'm in France) and the thing from the anonymous just above is NOT on the movie.
I don't know how they could fix that but they definitely told the audience that this guy is Deadpool.
And i hope that the 'jedi mind bla bla' is right !
This is what we all feared. However, the respect that Reynolds gives his character as Wade Wilson, is good enough for me.
but c'mon guyz!!! i read on IMDb it'z a completely different person!!!11
tHiZ iZn'T kEwL!!!!1111111
I looked at the pictures of the guy playing weapon xi and ryan reynolds and if u cross reference them you can tell that this is in fact ryan reynolds. He has the same ears, nose and the larger hair line. The other guys nose is obviously different and his ears, plus the other guy has more of a odd shaped head. Im really happy this isnt weapon xi and that it is deadpool. At least my brain can accept something true.
Well he is Weapon XI, but his name is Deadpool like...
Weapon X: Wolverine
I think its cool, I am glad that he is getting a little different look of deadpool/weapon xi...
This is not the 616 Universe, this is obviously a different # so why would it be 100% accurate?
People never think of that.
@anonymous 1:28pm ^
I'll admit I never thought of it that way. That is a good way to look at it though. Everything that happens in the X-Men Movies, Wolverine Movies, and all future spin offs happen in the Marvel Fox-Universe
So can someone give me a good reason NOT to torrent this? Unless me paying $12.50 is a solid guarantee that there will be a separate Deadpool movie, there isn't any reason to support this. I'll see it, but I refuse to pay for it.
@anon 1:28. Make no mistake, this is the 616 universe and this origin story is pretty much following what we have now. The only difference is the Weapon X team, which I understand because an Alpha Flight movie wouldn't be too entertaining I believe. This isn't a case of being 100% accurate, this is a case of being 0% accurate. I've never seen a more drastic departure from the comic character in ANY movie.
but at the same time why does fox feel it necessary to take such a staple character and alter it THIS much, i mean, it's not simply taking the character and making him look a bit different, like sabertooth. its taking deadpool, covering up his mouth and giving him frickin' laser beams! i mean, its insane honestly. it would be like giving wolverine the ability to teleport or freeze people. it just doesn't make sense. Iron man was not completely distorted, but xmen and now wolverine are?! why?! How are die-hard marvel fans just sitting it out? why do we continue to pay for movies that we don't like? We don't need more alternate universes, lol
Its because we are fans, and we can complain and moan, but when it comes down to it we want to see these characters. Even if we know it will not be want we want, we have to see what has happened to these characters so we can complain more or love it in the end. Its a cycle that will never be broken, even if they turned deadpool into wilma wilson we still would go see it and complain afterwards
There is no way this is the 616 none of the movies are, the only 616 is the normal continuity of marvel comics. The movies are not the books, therefore it isn't the 616. So Fox can do anything they want to these movies and not really feel they differed from the books becuase its just like AoA or Ultimate Universe its different.
I agree 100% I really didn't consider Astonishing X-Men as a 616 continuity book until issue 25, so there is no way the movies are in that universe. There is too many differences, the only way it would be a 616 movie is if they were 100% correct and that probably wont ever happen
wow.... fox..... its time for you guys to pay for this.. by- assuring fans a deadpool spinoff will happen and giving us fans a reason not to hate you now for what you guys done to our beloved deadpool
I guarantee that by the end of the movie, this "Weapon XI" will be on its way to becoming the Deapool we all know. I'm sure it's just a detour the makers of the flick took to allow there to be some huge climactic fight scene.
Am I happy about that? Not particularly ...
Am I still going to pay $13 to see it in theatres? Absolutely!
I think people are forgetting this isn't a Deadpool movie. It's called WOLVERINE ORIGINS. I would understand people getting mad if this was a Deadpool movie and all we were getting was this, but it's not a DP movie. And honestly, it's just a change of his origin. They're not fucking up his character because he isn't really Deadpool yet. He's Wade Wilson through out most of the movie until he becomes Weapon Xl. Then after possibly becoming to what we know and love as Deadpool, but that won't be shown because it's not the purpose of the movie.
valid, however, this is a Deadpool website
This is a Deadpool fan site but I see what Thisguy is saying, this is Wolvy's movie. The best part of this is Ryan Reynold's as Wade Wilson, everything else will get sorted out if a Deadpool movie is really meant to be. If not, we still have the books.
The only thing that really bothers me is the laser eyes... guess we'll have to see what's going on here.
I just don't see a full fledged Deadpool with the comic book personality blending in well with the tone of the film. It's something I don't think the "I'M GONNA WRITE ANGRY LETTERS TO FOX AND BOYCOTT THE FILM" people put into consideration. I think we're lucky we're even getting a mild deadpoolish Wade Wilson out of it for comedy relief, let alone making him the main villain so it could open the possibility of his own movie. Keep in mind, he was originally just meant to make a small cameo appearance.
I agree with Thisguy. I'm going to seriously enjoy the wise-cracking Wilson that Reynolds will definitely play. Anything along the lines of Hannibal King from Blade Trinity will be a-ok by me. I just appreciate that he's there at all.
Oh fudge. Oh well. I'll cry but I'll see the movie anyway. And it looks like it will be a really neat Wolverine film, at least.
I'm not happy with this, in fact I'm pissed.
But yeah it will be a neat Wolverine movie but Wade is screwed...
deadpools a failed project so that when the failing project part happens and he doesn't get his name deadpoo till he escapes from weapon x jail
This is horrible, i hate FOX. This looks like what deadpool always say's he has, like radio-active, laser shooting out of his eye's, bit by a spider, hit by a gamma bomb, ect. Maybe FOX thought he was seriuos.
ppl say we bitch, moan , but see it anyway, if you really wanna make a change then DONT see iot, show we want the characters we have, i know ill watch this on the internet, and wont buy the dvd, ill go with the hulk vs wolverine movie for my deadpoll fix, u should too...
hm...seems a lot of ppl hate this...well we know deadpool is a failed experiment an this weapon xi will fail at the end obviously an then hopefully we can get a descent DP movie in the future (hopefully not by fox). Either way I will be seeing this movie!
Well i can say right now, I am not going to see the movie if thats what Deadpool looks like
I'm still gonna see it. Actually i'm kinda excite. Blastphemous... i know. But different universe, different origin if they need be. As long as they don't end him like that, i'll be okay with it. But yeah Definantly Expect a response video after the movie.
well i or one dont belive yet until i see the movie for myself i mean fox did good with the xmen films look at the characters just like they where shown in the comics deadpool doesnt have lasers from his eyes, blades from his arms so if fox is going the smen route staying true to there charcters this may not be deadpool.
who knows maybe renoylds is throuhg us curve ball like m bay is doing with tformers film reveng of the fallen bay said there will be alot of false , & true leaked stuff that will be going ot be internet what you decide is to be true is your choice maybe thats what fox is doing lying to us & keeping deadpool true final form a scret like there doing with cobra commander.
but for right now im in the negative review side true or not true ill go see this film when its in theaters if i find out that truly is deadpool when this get released i will be pissed/dissapointed but until then ill wait patintly until i seee the film myself.
Ryan Reynolds holds more cred in my eyes than Imdb and Fox right now so i believe it... but this just blew my mind.
Ryan Reynolds really did calm me down from a frustrated state though with these interviews. I mean yeah, I know they F'ed up my favorite comic book character but he seemed to anesthetize the wound because he's in our shoes. It's like he took away the bitterness in all of our mouths and saved Fox from random onslaughts of arson that they would suffer on May 2nd. Reynolds was perfect for this character. No one would have been a better fit or deserved it more even if Fox killed it.
look, Wait til the movie comes out, only then will we know just how bad they screwed it up. if you dont want to pay to see it, then wait, surely on this website and 100 others people will write what they think about his portrayel. Ive loved deadpool since the begining, seriously, I bought the circle chase #1 when it was a new release. Ryan has all my respect he obivously loves the character. god knows they may find a good way to reconcile it at the end that sort of makes it ok. There is a large section of deadpools past missing and this could serve as some filler, a ridiculous one maybe, but a filler. If it ends up that bad, do what im going to do, write. we flood letter and websites and whatever and if it happens enough it should bring to light what a mistake it is to depart from a character this much. deadpool can be a martyr for future characters, he will be like Marvel's Jesus.
He mentions he plays the creature that BECOMES deadpool.
Can we stop talking about this now? The tattooed guy becomes deadpool, he said it himself.
umm...... hey look, i hate to sound like a buzzkill here, but checkout all the interviews, he seems to be avoiding or wording the questions differently to answer them, just my opinion of reading the answers, but we may be screwed...
WHAAAAT?!?!? That is "Scott Adkins" (Undisputed II
and he's!! playing the "baracka/cyclops dude" whick is weapon 11
not ryan reynolds
Personally, Im happy we got Deadpool at all! So all of you stop whining, and if you bombard Fox with hate, it will only encourage them to not make a spin off, cause they will think they failed adapting Deadpool. Where as if you send letters of praise, then they might green light, with Ryan Reynolds able to steer the course into something we all Love!
And on the topic of his origin! I actually like what theyre doing its giving him more depth as a character, more reasons to be pissed with his life...cause thats just not a healing factor theyre implanting in him, thats 4-5 different powers, hes gonna be fucked. So I like it, and im a long term Deadpool fan. This is the Movieverse, and if you want the real Deadpool your gonna have to read 616!
I'm seriously 100% okay with this..
The fact that Ryan Reynolds knows & respects the character is a good thing..
And i think the fact that it focuses on a part of his life we haven't seen.
Seeing How Ryan says you get to see home Wade becomes deadpool... so i assume that in the spin off or something they will say killbrew took away his powers except the healing factor and maybe the teleport power from Wraith.
as f'd up as fox made it i'm still kinda giddy about it.
When are they gonna sell a wade/deadpool poster i want 1/
I 2nd the poster comment!! I want my Deadpool poster too!!
lol Poor Reynold's, he's got a look on his face like he's expecting fanboys to hunt him down and burn him at the stake.
This "movie version" of Deadpool does suck really really, really, bad, but at the same time there aren't even that many great movie versions of comic book characters in general. Just so happens that Deadpool falls victim to the long list of corny adaptations.
But I think we should thank FOX for lettin us know ahead of time, as opposed to makin us wait for the movie. lol For a bunch of hacks, at least they showed us some mercy.
I really, really don't get it anymore.
I thought Scott Adkins was ognna play Weapon XI, but here Ryan Reynolds says he's playing the scarred guy! I really really am confused now.
If that's Reynolds, then who does Adkins play?
Are they screwing us?!?
honestly i think they are screwing with us. thats obviously not ryan reynolds in the trailers, and he really didn't seem like he was telling the truth for some reason.I pray this is all a joke. Some reason it just seems like something fishy is goin on....
Scott Adkins is his stunt double. So Adkins is Weapon XI/Deadpool but only as a stunt man. For close ups it is Ryan Reynolds.
not to sound like the type of guy that stares at ryan reynolds body, but those shots of weopon xi do not look like his body at all,it looks more compressed.
I think that the close ups are reynolds but the stune double is adkins, explains evrything
Marvel sucks at making movies. Iron Man and the recent Hulk were exceptions, but X-Men and Spider-Man 1-3 were so typically Hollywood "enhanced". Altered storylines why? So we can excite the masses.
Look what happened to Watchmen: blasted in the reviews despite the fact that it was 98% true to the source.
Screw, Marvel, screw Fox but...
After getting his book canceled years ago, I was scared it was the last I'd see of him. Now he's got a huge part in a movie. There is reason to celebrate.
If they hollywood DP the movie...I'll meet you guys up at Fox. You bring the gas cans and matches, I'll bring the hotdogs - BBQ anyone?
thats pretty bad, arson is serious man... its just a movie... plus Marvel does pretty well at their movies, fox is who is bad...
watchmen was more like 90%...
kinda rude
Guys are you all serious, No actor reveals that kinda of info. Ryan Reynolds was totally bullshitting. You can even tell by his body language. Again that's probably Scott Adkins Weapon XI and once again that character is being use as a red herring to throw off whatever surprises they have for Deadpool. Think about the whole Ra al Ghul in Batman Begins. Remember later on the toys were with all Kent Watanabe first then with Liam Neeson after the movies came out. Come on guys!!!
So there's still hope?
Wait, maybe he is lying.
He kind of laughs at 0:04.
He can't be happy about it as a real Deadpool fan so maybe he is lying. Why would he smile about that?
you guys might be looking too deep into this...
RR's fidgeting/smiling/body language could simply be an uncomfortable reaction to a carefully worded interview response. think about it -- he's a huge Deadpool fan, and if Fox did a number on DP, Reynolds has to be careful not to voice any concerns too harshly. he's trying to market the movie, not stand up for his favorite character.
Paul brings up an interesting point with the Ra's al Ghul action figures...though honestly, i don't remember seeing any Ra's figures that resemble Neeson. (really unfortunate about Liam's wife...sad stuff, man.)
anyhow, if Fox wants to pull a fast one on us, by all means...'cause that'd be infinitely better than what this appears to be. they'd actually gain a lot of points by doing so, but i'm not holding my breath.
I think it's just the fact that he was in Adventureland mode.. and Deadpool is off topic.. I'm sure once people start interviewing him on wolverine.. he will be much better..
RR has the same views as me.. at least Deadpool/Wade has now got his foot in the door. which is the 1st step.
The new TV spot.
WTF Deadpool not even shown or listed...
But there is Emma Frost and Blob and cyclops!
And Wade still doesnt appeared on the site. Maybe they cut deadpool's part off the movie?!
Check this out, I really hope this is a load of bullshit. Cause if this is the storyline it's gonna SUCK!!!
I'm simply going to hope that this is just another red herring to throw off the folks on the internet after half the freakin' movie was leaked.
Whatever jack-off FOX exec came up with this idea should be severely beaten then hanged.
If Scott Adkins is a simple stuntman than why is he listed as IMDB?
is it possible this video will get onto youtube? i wanna watch, but im in uk, and it states that due to copyright laws, this video can't be shown outside US....
Ryan, Ryan, Ryan,..... please don't disappoint. Whenever I read DeadPool comics I hear him speaking with your voice!
ok people lets be a bit realistic here...
i m dissapointed with the changes too,but AS LONG AS I SEE the deadpool we all know in the end i don't care..
and second,y'all complain about the baraka arms and laser eyes.The story is that they put all of these in wade's body to stop wolverine.and he get's beaten,whereas the comic deadpool kicks his @$$ with a couple of katanas and machine guns..
now that's something u should complain about..
(p.s. btw,no motormouth??what the f**k??)
Can't we sue Fox for raping Deadpool? They did it on South Park, and South Park is based on true events right? I wonder how Lucas and Spielberg are doing in jail right now...
Think about it people, Ryan Reynolds in the Adventure land Interview said Deadpool will still be a smart mouth idiot After he is altered... Now how could he do that if his mouth is sealed shut, they are just telling you all this so that you can have a suprise and so they can please the fans when it comes out instead of spoiling it all before the movie comes out. So dont believe what they are saying.
Could be anonymous 8:42 but don't hold your breath...
I think they may pull this off as one of the experiments done on him in the weapon x program then later he becomes the merc with a mouth instead of the merc with no mouth
Weapon XI
No individual with the 'Weapon XI' moniker has been seen, but John Sublime has mentioned it.
Scott Adkins has reportedly been cast as Weapon XI in the movie X-Men Origins: Wolverine[1] It has been revealed that his powers will be a mix of various other powers copied from other mutants, such as Wolverine's healing factor and Cyclops's optic blast among others. He will have a final confrontation with Wolverine at the end of the film.
In the ongoing Wolverine: Origins comic book series, it has been hinted by Nick Fury that Romulus, Wolverine's creator, intends for Weapon XI to be capable of killing Wolverine, and therefore he thinks Romulus' plan is to turn Wolverine's son Daken into Weapon XI by fusing the Muramasa blade (which is the only blade that could kill Wolverine) onto Daken's skeleton.
In the Wolverine: Spotlight (issue) Daniel states, "Now, that's very different from Daken, who is allowed in the house. He's like the next generation. He's Weapon XI."
i do find it interesting that the new TV spots show the names of Wolverine, Sabretooth, Emma Frost, Gambit, Blob, etc...and no Deadpool. but that's gotta be because Weapon XI is codenamed Deadpool, so they don't wanna give it away...
hopefully RR isn't actually Weapon XI, rather a portion of him (i.e. his sword fighting technique) -- or a failed step between Wolverine and Weapon XI -- after Weapon XI's defeat, Wade steals the Deadpool moniker, and away we go...
Alright. Alright. Alright.
Ha anyone considered the fact that this 'Deadpool' might not even be the finished product? I mean, the whole purpose of the Weapon X program was to enhance certain mutants into what they considered the ultimate killing machine. From the way I see it, this image of Deadpool is only the experimental process, the so-called conceptual designs of a character that is sure to unleash some hellish fury.
Those markings on his body look like scars to me. Even if Deadpool has the same healing factor as Logan, I'm sure the scientists behind the Weapon X program incorporated some sort of anti-healing serum to help implant certain things.
Then you have the mouth, obviously sewn shut. Deadpool is the merc with the mouth, so I'm sure it's sewn shut for a reason. I mean, I'm sure all the scientists aboard the project would rather work in silence than listen to Wade jabber on and on, endlessly.
What you've seen in the trailer is in the movie but the Deadpool (clothed and otherwise wise mouthed merc) that we see later on in the trailer is indeed what Deadpool will look like the majority of the film.
I'm sure there are hardcore DP fans here, and on IMDB someone said: "Deadpool jokes about how his mouth was sewn shut for 2 months during his fight with Kane. It's never shown on panel so who knows if it's true, but he did state it. "
Is this true?
@Anon 11:37 --
kinda sorta. not sewn shut, but wired shut, i believe from a broken jaw. (X-Force #2)
Thank you, thank you Bob, for all your help. Godspeed Bob, your a beacon of hope in another man's bleacin and dreary world!
Ok I know Ryan Reynolds said it was him, but just look at his face when he says it. He's dicking with us, and we should know better. They've cast another actor as "weapon XI" anyhow, and personally, I think that doesn't even look like Ryan Reynolds. Not to sound gay or nothing, but if you compare the shape of that dude's body with Ryan Reynolds', they don't match. Watch that blade movie with him in it. I don't remember which one, only that it sucked. He's more narrow at the waist, and his shoulders are more pronounced. Not to mention the differently shaped skulls (look their temples). Now I know Fox has screwed around with the stories a lot so far, but they have yet to add several mutant powers to a single character. Have they? I'll believe this crap when I see it.
This is before the workshop! We don't know what happened to Deadpool before the workshop! But where's his mouth? Three words: Merc with Mouth! But stop whining and watch the movie!
seriosly all the whining one way or another yes at least we get deadpool an i dont care if they wanted to run one way or another with it but we all know we would have bein way happyr if they just would have given us comic dp seriosly why do they have to mess with stuff. theres so many good points in these post its maken my head spin lol but really why couldnt they just give us comic dp to start with. sadly theres nothing we can ever do. RR seem's like an awsome guy hes one of my fav actors an aside from maybe matthew lillard dont think anyone else could play him true (off topic i honestly think matthew lillard would make the most awsome carnage ever)so aside from the most pointless post ever i just wanted to post on the net never done it b4 lol 23 an finaly learning how to use one of these magic boxes sorry cant spell either im pretty not smart
Hi, I'm here to spread some rumors!
That "Weapon XI guy" is actually Garrison Kane.
-From the Human Chainletter. (You know, from Kevjumba's videos.)
um, yeah.
One of the reasons Deadpool is so great is due to his insane (and hilarious) banter. So why is his mouth sewn shut? I mean really.. lol, W. T. F.
they messed up deadpool so much its awful saw it lastnight
From what I heard is that ryan aka deadpool starts off with no scars and after the weapon x program it has an affect on him or it could have been planed that he can take other mutants powers like rogue and he takes wolverine's and cyclpos' powers but it later wares off and becomes the deadpool we love.
DAMN they fucked him up but this is his beggingings more likley they will change him back during his movies but i am still pissed off about this i mean WTF is up with the laser eyes
So has anyone even seen the leaked movie? That would put an end to the discussion pretty quick, don't you think?
people just watch it first for crying out loud weve only seen trailers, im sure DP aint messed up but we should just be glad we got deadpool
'nuff said
I just noticed in the leaked version of the movie my friend has when wade is stuck on the elevator with team X, he says " great, stuck on an elevator with 5 guys on a high protien diet. Dreams really do come true" then for a split second looks into the camera, he said in an interview this was a dream come true to play deadpool. YES ! score one for the home team, 4th wall !
Watched it. Movie was good, but I'm way too pissed about how they f*cked up Deadpool to go see it in theatre.
I don't want to spoil too much, but they took away the best part about Deadpool.
and then logan asks him if he ever shuts up he looks in the camera again and says " no ont when im awake" and since weapon xi in the movie cant talk, i dont think its wade or deadpool if you will
Well I am going to see the movie no matter what. Deadpool as always been my favorite character, even if this movie mess him up he will still be my favorite. What I just don't get is the eyes that will shoot lasers out of them. I mean with his mouth shout which mean no more black comedy for any of the fans already made me sad, but the laser eyes was just random. I mean if they kept the mouth and the laser eyes it will still be random but atleast we could here a good joke afterwards.
It is him, I have the workprint downloaded and it is him at the end of the film. So stupid!! How will there be a spin off now!!
And he has all these powers because he has been experimented on further. Stryker says to him at the beginning 'If you didn't have that mouth on you Wade, you'd be the perfect soldier' thats why he sews his mouth up, and turns him into the perfect soldier with all of weapon x's abilities!
Why do they want to ruin an awesome character? Hey, lets take a character that is funny and sarcastic and awesome and totally change him around,...OH!! and lets cover his mouth yeah!! good idea...oh and lasers yeah he needs lasers...and ditch the stupid costume... people don't even like that anyhow.... UGH!!!! STUPID FOX IDIOTS!!! oh wait and Ryan Renolds...the Dead-Pool fan... this was ok to him? He didn't speak up? come on... Worthless!!
I was really hoping that since 15 min were missing that Dead-Pool would show up in the end and be like ewww what's that? What? you thought that was me? Thanks a lot guys. but I guess not... UGH!!
Ryan Reynolds didn't have anything to say, he wasn't a producer or anything, he was just a actor, and apparently Hugh Jackman could become producer because of his own company (?!?!).
22:46 of the Workprint, Sabretooth tells Bolt that "Wade is Gone" At 1:26:52 when he sees Weapon XI's blades come out, Wolverine asks if it is Wade- Weapon XI tilts his head, and Wolverine says "Striker figured out a way to shut you up". The movie never actually says Wade is Weapon XI.
His character isn't given too much detail in the movie. Saw a boot leg guys, get ready to be pissed.
I've got to a bit disappointed That this is Deadpool. But now That i think i about it It could be kinda cool. I Mean,There's a Dude That Never shuts up,Is Great with weapons,and Is Just plain cool. then,Give him all the mutants in the movie's Powers and have him fight wolverine......You gotta admit thats kinda cool....
How can they do this to Deadpool? Deadpool never had blades that come out of his arms he cairys swords. He never was able to shoot any thing from his eyes he shoots guns. And my bigest problem with what they are doing to Deadpool is taking away his mouth how can he be the merc with the mouth if he has no mouth?
The only good things I can say are that they picked a great actor in Ryan Reynolds to play him and that at lest he will not be that freak for the whole movie.
Downloaded the workprint. Good movie..Ryan Renolds as Deadpool is sick!! Esp as Weapon 11.
no wait a minute you are all forggeting the rumors that they kill dead pool i mean ryan renolds best actor for playing dead pool coulndt have had it any other way, but killing deadpool i mean fox killed this website if u guys come to think of it
Killing Deadpool is a fact in the movie.
You know, ryan reynolds is one of my favorite actors...he just seemed to be a perfect fit for the character of deadpool. He's the kind of actor who could pull off the quick wit that deadpool has. I think Ryan actually nailed it for the first half of the movie, but then the script took a horrible turn. When good old stryker said he pulled all the powers together and put them into a "deadpool," I cried. I had hoped casting such a big actor would lead to a film featuring deadpool, aka "the merc with a mouth." Now, he has no mouth at all, and his trademark swords come out of his arms. Atleast in an interview, Ryan seems to know that this character is not faithful to the comic at all. He said he would actually like to do a 100% faithful film adaptation in the future though. I just don't see how that is a possibility anymore. Why?! why?! why didn't you speak up about how off this incarnation was if you are a fan of Deadpool yourself, Ryan? You have effectively killed the chances of any real Deadpool movies from being created. I hope he reads this. Adventureland, loved it. But now, you have boned yourself out of getting any sweet action movies and must now become identified with only movies like The Proposal and Definetly, Maybe. Please Ryan, if you see this in time, make all attempts to stop the movie from coming out. Burn it. I'd gladly wait another year if you could fix this problem.
wow bro im a fan and all but u know chill... how pathetic was that!! i mean wtf!? the movie sucks but it aint that bad... just chill gringo
Well....I got pissed off a little when I found this out, but I thought about it a little more. Dont you guys remember all the crazy ridiculous universe shattering stuff that happened in the deadpool comic? I mean Shit, he was deadpool/Thor son of Loki for a little bit lol. Can you really be mad if he somehow gets laser beams? Who knows? Maybe he gets laser beams through equally ridiculous means.
Just remember what they did with the Punisher. They had the lame-ish one that was a full origin in 2003, then made an awesome action packed movie that re-did the origin properly and was in the spirit of the comics. having Wade Wilson turn into Weapon XI and then possibly into the full-on Deadpool character afterwards would still work. even though i've heard some bad stuff about the movie, the action sequences still look entertaining. Deadpool is my above all favorite character so i would love to see him in his own movie but getting Ryan Reynolds is a perfect casting choice. so if you can switch your brain off from nerd-rage mode and still like seeing a good performance, i'd say it'd be worth the watch. let's hope Deadpool gets his own movie to give him full reign to show how cool of a character he really is.
To all saying that this is a different verse and as such is ok to butcher them, that is dumb it was dumb in Ultimate Universe and its dumb here, at that point don't bother basing it on anything and make your own story, and the redesign isn't even good, so it brings nothing to it... and for the dude saying that Reynolds plays Weapon XI, XI was played be Reynolds stunt double, not Reynolds.
Wade Wilson was probably the best part of the movie, too bad he was there for 3 seconds.
Let's all just cool and see the finished flick first... who was it somewhere that wisely said it seems like the laser-beam eye character seems like he's absorbed a lot of the other characters abilities... just a bit twisted... So Cyclops' beam, Wolvie's claws and healing factor, etc... So just wait and see... maybe this is DP before he's abilities normalize (or if you can call him normal >:D )... and Ryan rocks, so MAYBE we'll get an okay movie... keeping my fingers crossed!
I've seen the leaked movie, and Ryan Renolds is a great Deadpool, pre-scars.
(Slight spoiler alert)----
As for the Movie Weapon XI project, It was a combined genetic pool of all the mutants collected, so it may not of been Wade's body they used and turned into Baraka.
(more slight spoilers)
Scott's Cyclops power was used by weapon XI and you see Scott in the later films un-harmed, that is until X-Men 3 F-ed everything up.
If 20th Century Fox is reading this, take a note.
Jedi mind trick time.
Wade "Deadpool" Wilson found out he had Cancer, and the Weapon X project knew how to save him using Wolverine's healing factor, but only if Wade donated his mutant DNA to weapon XI.
Wade made his donation and received his treatment, and went his own way to be told in other movies with Ryan Renolds,(good Choice).
Meanwhile Deadpools DNA is mixed with the other mutants to make that Bakura looking clone thing.
Follow these instructions and save your ass Fox.
The dude who suggested the "Jedi mind trick time." nice try, I mean it, but I think Jesus himself would be scratching his head trying to figure out how to fix it.
*cough*secretendingafterspoilers*cough* SPOILERS
According to sources Wade Wilson (Ryan Reynolds) goes to the fight site and sees Weapon XI ("deadpool") and picks up the head and says "Who the hell is this". (in short, Deadpool LIVES)
What secret ending ?? from a dvd version or an uncut version.
I've seen the movie last night (i'm in France) and the thing from the anonymous just above is NOT on the movie.
I don't know how they could fix that but they definitely told the audience that this guy is Deadpool.
And i hope that the 'jedi mind bla bla' is right !
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