Friday, March 13, 2009

Preview of Deadpool in Thunderbolts #130

IGN has posted a preview of the first 6 interior pages of Thunderbolts #130, featuring Deadpool. This issue is part two in the four issue crossover between Deadpool and Thunderbolts, Magnum Opus. Thunderbolts #130 comes out on March 18, 2009. [SOURCE]


Anonymous said...

WOW this is a real sweet cover and i cant wait for the comic to come out cant wait

numb007 said...

Yeah I am really looking forward to this issue.

wade wilsons tailor said...

HOE'lee shit...This looks awesome. I don't know what it is, but everything looks perfect. Deadpool' talkin to himself actually doesn't look forced. I don't know if it's the art or what. But all this, is working.

All I can hope for, even though it might not happen, is that Deadpool stop's fuckin running and turns around and unloads some kung-fu sword/gun toting mayhem where limbs will fly, where limbs will fly and those same limbs will land in someones soup.

Regardless though, this looks very good.

Anonymous said...

it's a shame de la torre ain't the artist, but still looks good

numb007 said...

I would really like to find that art without the Marvel Graphics on it!

Deadpool Bugle said...

Anonymous said...

Yeah this is awesome and confirms my theory.
Daniel way aint good enough to write deadpool. Shame on YOU SHAME ON YOU!

pitalla said...

Well I agree with you on this one, Dan WAY will have to step down eventually. He's deadpool seems forced and not smooth and flowy.

BTW, how come the current deadpool covers suck while the one of the thunderbolts kicks ass? xD...

Anonymous said...

HOLY SMOKES! After reading this I just realized that Daniel way... its not a good writter, at least not for deadpool.

Take him out and put someone else pleease sir!

MEGA PETITION! rally to me Deadheads! and we will WIN!

Bouncie said...

IMO Way isn't THAT bad at Deadpool - sum ideas really make me laugh :D but in fakt - my fave-run on DP was Simone/Udon!

wade wilsons tailor said...

I got caught up in the awesomeness, but yeah, that does suck that De La Torre won't be on this. I would have loved to see his take on Deadpool.

MrPopular said...

at least with DP being a bigger player in the marvel world we can get more crossovers

Kuno said...

....whoa, now this is how the 'Pool should be written.

Roleplay Adventures said...

This is how Way has been writing Deadpool. He is so freaking similar to the way he appears in Way's books. How is he different?


Anonymous said...

guys in deadpools crossovers hell be fighing
spiderman,wolverine,punisher,thunder bolts,dark avengers,and thay said lots and lots of more in the marvel universe

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