IGN has posted a new interview with the writers of X-Force and Cable discussing Deadpool's involvement in the upcoming X-Force/Cable crossover, Messiah War. Along with the interview there is also four pages of preview art. [SOURCE]
Art and DP's humor is already AMAZING!!?!? This is exactly what we need to get over all the crap dWay calls writing. dWay should use this preview as a standard to meet for his take on DP or he should just stick to writing characters without a sense of humor. They DEFINATELY should add DP to the X-Force roster, they owe us!!!!
Well as long as they keep him manic and throwing in random pop culture jokes I'm behind it. Just none of the randomness and inane pointlessness that Fabian threw at us.
March 21, 2009 9:12 PM
His suit and mask looks really cool and realistic! and the face expresion is just awsome! hope there will be a future deadpool spin-off, kinda post apocalyptic, universe-X with deadpool starring in it!!!
March 22, 2009 5:09 AM
Wade Wilsons Tailer
F#$% yes.
The art is cake. Delicious AND moist. And I don't think I've laughed that hard while readin Deadpool in awhile.
But as much as I like to see Wade whacked out of his mind, I do like to see him get a lil serious and murder everything every now and then. That's one thing I love about Daniel Way's Deadpool, he definitely has Deadpool goin after big game.
March 22, 2009 5:22 AM
Beautiful art, beautiful. I love the design as well, with the stitching around his eye patches it makes him look more...crazy? Bad ass? :D
Some of the best art I have seen in any comic for a long, long time.
March 22, 2009 6:36 AM
Wow...that art is brilliant.
March 22, 2009 7:11 AM
Widdle Wade
I dont think you should count this Deadpool out WW's tailor, cause hes been touted as being much more dangerous!! than any previous incarnation of Wade Wilson/ Deadpool thats ever come before him!!
Thats what gets me excited!
March 22, 2009 8:12 AM
The art is indeed astounding. *__*
But since when are his eyes blue?? x-(
March 22, 2009 11:45 AM
Widdle Wade
"But since when are his eyes blue?? x-("
He's always had blue eyes, just look at Deadpool -1 or Deadpool/Death annual for reference.
March 22, 2009 12:20 PM
"He's always had blue eyes"
But what about: http://www.marvel.com/universe/Deadpool
ref sidebar
March 22, 2009 12:45 PM
Widdle Wade
I see what you mean, but from my own reading, Ive always known DP to have Blue eyes.
damn, this looks great. to echo some other posts, it's funny how such simple writing can truly be laugh-out-loud stuff.
looks like i'm gonna have to add this to my list.
March 23, 2009 10:10 AM
From the picture you posted alone of DP with halo guns lol... I don't even want to look at it anymore.... HOLY CRAP APRIL 1st Is Going to be an expensive week.
Thats an awesome panel, my 2 favorite Marvel people on the same page. I hope Messiah War is as good as it sounds.
This preview was actually literally laugh out loud funny. I can't wait. Daniel Way has only gotten a smile and a small chuckle out of me so far.
Holy crap, that art is ridiculous(ly awesome)!!!
HE LOOKS REAL. That is amazing. Seeing Deadpool as more of a 3D person as opposed to flat colors on a page. <3
Yeah those are pretty funny. Really looking forward to it. I just need to catch up on my Cable and X-Force now.
Art and DP's humor is already AMAZING!!?!? This is exactly what we need to get over all the crap dWay calls writing. dWay should use this preview as a standard to meet for his take on DP or he should just stick to writing characters without a sense of humor. They DEFINATELY should add DP to the X-Force roster, they owe us!!!!
humina humina humina!
Deadpool is using both the Halo pistol and the Halo Assault Rifle xD
This is how Deadpool should of looked in the movie.
Hahaha Nice observation!
BTW I am sick of wolverine always going al Dick and stabbing Deadpool.
DP should impale he's swords on wolve's arse one day.
Good thing DP and friends keep poking him and cyclops.
Well as long as they keep him manic and throwing in random pop culture jokes I'm behind it. Just none of the randomness and inane pointlessness that Fabian threw at us.
His suit and mask looks really cool and realistic!
and the face expresion is just awsome!
hope there will be a future deadpool spin-off, kinda post apocalyptic, universe-X with deadpool starring in it!!!
F#$% yes.
The art is cake. Delicious AND moist. And I don't think I've laughed that hard while readin Deadpool in awhile.
But as much as I like to see Wade whacked out of his mind, I do like to see him get a lil serious and murder everything every now and then. That's one thing I love about Daniel Way's Deadpool, he definitely has Deadpool goin after big game.
Beautiful art, beautiful. I love the design as well, with the stitching around his eye patches it makes him look more...crazy? Bad ass? :D
Some of the best art I have seen in any comic for a long, long time.
Wow...that art is brilliant.
I dont think you should count this Deadpool out WW's tailor, cause hes been touted as being much more dangerous!! than any previous incarnation of Wade Wilson/ Deadpool thats ever come before him!!
Thats what gets me excited!
The art is indeed astounding. *__*
But since when are his eyes blue?? x-(
"But since when are his eyes blue?? x-("
He's always had blue eyes, just look at Deadpool -1 or Deadpool/Death annual for reference.
"He's always had blue eyes"
But what about: http://www.marvel.com/universe/Deadpool
ref sidebar
I see what you mean, but from my own reading, Ive always known DP to have Blue eyes.
Deadpool also had blond hair. And then brown hair. And then blond again. And then brown. So who knows? It's part of that T-Ray/Wade Wilson madness.
He has light brown hair.
He used to have blonde hair but they changed it to brown cause it looked cooler than the old style.
As for the eyes.. well lets say that each tie they blast them they regrow in a different colour xD...
Dunno rly, it really depends on the colourist.
damn, this looks great. to echo some other posts, it's funny how such simple writing can truly be laugh-out-loud stuff.
looks like i'm gonna have to add this to my list.
From the picture you posted alone of DP with halo guns lol... I don't even want to look at it anymore.... HOLY CRAP APRIL 1st Is Going to be an expensive week.
Yeah, either that or they will push some of them.
They did it with thunderbolts :(
this is the deadpool i remember...
someone get that writer to swap with Way!
lol is it just me or is deadpool toting a halo battle rifle, pistol and assault rifle?
ahh sweet sweet halo refs
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