Tuesday, February 3, 2009

POSTER: Deadpool Poster by Greg Land out 2/4/2009

SIZE: 24"x36"
COST: $8.99

A new poster of Deadpool by Greg Land goes on sale tomorrow, 2/4/2009. The poster is also the cover to the upcoming Deadpool Annual: Games of Death.


MrPopular said...

Theres a 85% chance i'll be buying this

Cannon said...

Nice! Now if I can convince my wife that this is actual art...

Anonymous said...

On sale... where?

Deadpool Bugle said...

Check your local comic book shop, many also carry posters. If not, some places are selling it online as well. A quick search turned up this:

Anonymous said...

I am soo buying this tomorrow with my Deadpool 7.

btw Deadpool vol.1 its going to be a remake of deadpool cassics or something?

Deadpool Bugle said...

Deadpool Vol 1 is the first collection of the new series, and collects the first 5 issues of the series.

Anonymous said...

copped 2 posters with DP7

its realllllly nice

Anonymous said...

Damn my local shop didn't have it..

pitalla said...

same here, didnt have it :( but they ordered it for me and will have it next week so yippie!

BTW how come daniel way hasnt answered you yet DPbugle?
Not fair, he agreed to answer >=(

Anonymous said...

Who did he steal this from?

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