Thursday, February 19, 2009

Possible New Movie Version Deadpool Figure

A new photo of a movie version Deadpool action figure is being linked to in various forums. Please note that this picture is not verified and has not been confirmed by any other website. Thanks to Diana for the tip. [SOURCE]

UPDATE: Kyle(see his latest custom Deadpool figure eBay auction) has provided confirmation that this figure is real, and already available at some stores.[SOURCE]


Anonymous said...

whats wrong with his mouth ????

Liam said...

his mouth looks as if its been stitched up.
to stop him talking perhaps?

MrPopular said...

Whats up with the red painting? is that suppose to be scarring???? seriously i was excited hoping for alot of deadpool figures, but this is the suck. All this is not making me excited for the movie.... grrr

RoQ said...

The Merc with a Mouth... with no mouth!

still don't like the hand blades, but lets see the movie and cry later

atilla said...

deadpool is ruined! haha , i dont get it. I find him so much more appealing with normal katanas, i dont understand the logic in giving him crappy sword hands :S it just makes fans pissed!

Like hugh jackman stated when they took these "creative licenses"! well congratulations, im one of these many pissed fans =)

on a side note, can anyone make out what the description says on the back of the box? this may give us an insight for the crappy changes made......

Widdle Wade said...

well lets all say goodbye to a solo movie, cause how could they possibly push this sort of look and character to be the star of his own movie, uh-uh i dont think spin off here and im sure thats the plan.

BUT on a side note, it does look like at least they are giving the character a worthy part in the movie with a lot of plot development.

Kyle Robinson said...

Glad you got my pics... but damn if they dont piss me off, its DEADPOOL not baraka from mortal Kombat (cause that is all I see. :(*hVqAKxMfY4g6QHf44t8lg9gcbcJSB5Gb2TmvuQ5D*c87d0EzyaPXtzgn4gTxQL--IwQdqEjKax88kGBvF1y72m0HBclo4/baraka.jpg

atilla said...

hey kyle , what did the writing on the back of the box say?? jus really interested to know.....

Anonymous said...

Ya i wonder if there is anything on the back that explains.. I can guess the 1st bit... --Deadpool was "recruited" by william stryker---- thats about it.

atilla said...

Yep i noticed that first bit, and i can see it ends with the word WOLVERINE TM in the last bit of the description. i also made out the words ultimate mutant about halfway through the description....

atilla said...

oh dont mean to double post, but i just noticed the word indestructable too, after close inspection..

Anonymous said...

come on

is it so hard to hold the camera properly

seriously thats so LAME

atilla said...

i fink those red marks on him are supposed to be scars, howeverr.............INSTANT FAIL! haha... well the swords dont actually look like they are directly implanted, coz there is no bulge and the bandage seems to stay the same thickness, as if it is just holding the handles for the swords onto his wrists.... maybe...hopefully

Anonymous said...

guys u need to get back to reality

ok look i dont like much these blades but they are propably straped on.

for the disfigurment, what did u expect

be happy that they are evening try too add that
families and children will see this movie u have to be carefull with that kind of things

think about it

atilla said...

yeh but if they were gonna do this they might as well have just left deadpool out of the movie.. damn i thought toby maguires spiderman was badd....

mrPopular said...

Damn this movie version of Deadpool is so freakin' confusing..

Anonymous said...

Looks like Freddie Kruger.

Anonymous said...

I am sick to my stomach

atilla said...

does anyone else have clearer pictures of the back of the box? i really wanna know what the description says....

atilla said...

oh and i know im posting like crazy haha , but news i just read .. from imdb is that beaks character is now known as bolt. and apparently deadpool is a MUTANT mercenary :S WTF?? the only cool power i can fink of is something like pinpoint precision, explaining how he can dodge the bullets with swords....the link is below, the info is presented in 10 facts, the deadpool one is tenth...

Snivellus said...

"Yeah, yeah I know Deadpool has an awesome look and is one of the most kickass and beloved comic characters, but who cares about small details like that. This is how I picture it....Baraka meets Juggalo! Oh yeah, and his scars are now symmetrically patterned. Genius, right?"
"Actually, that kind of sucks..."
"Well then, you're fired"
"I was just kidding! It, uh, it rules."

TaurinH said...

deadpool wasn't a mutant, this deadpool looks like it will be an epic fail, much like wolverine and sabertooth being brothers.

MrPopular said...

The I hate caring so much about a side character. They don't release enough info about them. and our beloved Dp is not lookin' good

Also, props to Deadpool Bugle for always staying nonbiased in your posts. lol

dipper.f said...

so they painted the costume on his skin...*shocked*

bairdduvessa said...

im still waiting to casr judgement.

i still hold that the blades will only be there for a moment

Anonymous said...

i hope on the back of the box it says something like... "This is deadpool from when he was day dreaming that he was in mortal kombat..." HAHAHA... not. I hope this is just DP when he is escaping the deadpool and killing everyone. Like maybe he was all attached to some machine that was messing him up and he broke the bars that his arms were strapped too and started to bring down the house.

Anonymous said...

sorry to double post: but i hope his mouth isnt sealed shut for long cause i need to hear him rip on people and say things that make my ears want to shoot out mind bullets.

ilango said...

colin farrell as bullseye bad!

rogue-1102 said...

All the happy i had yesterday from seeing Ryan reynolds be badassed with katanas has no evaporated. Though the bandages do make you wonder "Why" He has a healing factor so why would he them?

Anonymous said...

oh guys so much negativity

u xpect him to get his costume after or before weapon X ?

so just tell me so I may pinpoint ur exact IQ!!!

Anonymous said...

ultimate universe bad!

Anonymous said...

That's it, Someone needs to set Tom Rothman on fire.

Oh, and Marvel really need to start buying back their movie rights.

Anonymous said...

The comments I'm reading aren't from thinkers. The blades are obviously strapped on and They seem to be meant to be used for a single fight scene.

Anonymous said...

just look at this website what do u expect ???

rogue-1102 said...

Once the initial shock wears off, it's not that big of a deal. You do have to at least realize that this character is beloved in his own little way. From the spidey rip-off costume, the inane banter, the weapons, to the Deathstroke inspired name..

So when you see such a seemingly drastic change to a character you enjoy so much it's quite shocking. I mean, not all of weapon X has adamantium bonded to why?

As noted by others, this is most likely a single fight scene moment. The scaring doesn't look bad...i mean it's a toy! How else are they gonna do it?

Anonymous said...

I don't think you can say anything is obviously anything until the movie comes out. Its all speculation until then. You can't say for certain that they are strapped on for only 1 scene. This could be the course that Fox has set for Wade Wilson. We wont know how bad or good it is until it comes out.

numb007 said...

The back of that says:
"Deadpool was transformed by William Stryker to be the ultimate mutant. He is a monster with a single purpose, to serve Stryker's will. He is an indestructible weapon with the ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Wolverine."

I got that much but I am missing those last 5 words.

Anonymous said...

Wish someone with the actual thing could read it to us...

Anonymous said...

I think if they do do a deadpool spin off it would be a reboot.

numb007 said...

the back of the box gives hope... he is brainwashed by stryker and gets a bunch of crap done to him... he is still wade in the head and that is all that matters. bat-s!@# crazy :)

atilla said...

i fink the last phrase says something like "with the same indestructable claws and his first test is wolverine."

nice decoding numb007 :)

this makes me feel slighty more relaxed about deadpools screwed up "scars, which kinda look like Dhalsim from street fighter...

numb007 said...

thanks atilla :)

I think I figured the rest out:

"Deadpool was transformed by William Stryker to be the ultimate mutant. He is a monster with a single purpose, to serve Stryker's will. He is an indestructible weapon with (no vulnerability and his first target is) Wolverine."

atilla said...

sounds about right. he does have one vulnerability though. magneto :D but im sure he won't be showing up in this movie.....but at least we have a better description now.

numb007 said...

yeah i feel a little better now, just a little

Spidey42410 said...

if Deadpool kicked ass dressed as marvel girl what makes you guys think that any change to his appearance is going to change his badassyness. I for one and still super psyched that they gave him a real role... it wouldnt matter if he gets painted like a carebear and has plastic flamingos coming outta his arms, he is still Deadpool... Chimichanga For Life

oafius said...

f*ck it. reboot this b*stard!

so annoying, i was actually really upbeat after seeing the footage yesterday. now, even the scarring has been screwed up. and don't get me started on this mouth issue....can't bloody believe they'd go as far to remove one of his most famous attributes...but given everything else it really wouldn't surprise me!

I'm seriously going to eat David Bienoff's head for this.

numb007 said...

I like the flamingo-armed carebear of death angle.

Spidey42410 said...

Thank You... I think Kyle Robinson should consider it for a custom

Anonymous said...

so after reading the back of the box :

Deadpool = Weapon XI


bairdduvessa said...

maybe they'll bother to explain the mind control liquid from x2 in this one since the scenes were cut

Anonymous said...

Wait, this could still actually work for a Deadpool spinoff. Striker makes Deadpool into sort of a mindless ultimate weapon against Wolverine, but it doesn't work. Striker dubs Wade a failure and sends him to the Workshop, where Wade regains control of his mind, but is buchered and driven mad by Dr. Killbrew. He escapes, adopts a costume with a mask, and becomes the Deadpool we know and love.

Anonymous said...

Uh, what the last guy said...I mean think about it. The film is about Wolverine...who we all know for a FACT has to LIVE through fighting Deadpool or he would not make it to X1. Deadpool fights Wolvie...Wolvie hands him his ass in a handbag...Striker is pissed at Deadpool thus tossing him to the "DEADPOOL" where all the screwed up experiments end up. Deadpool while in the "DEADPOOL" gets all burned up and loses the blades...thus going onto the end of the Film as the Merc With a Mouth Deadpool we all know and Love.

Anonymous said...

i don't care how crazy deadpool gets.. as long as by the end he is back to the merc we all love and care

realrobin said...

Ok I'm not sure if anybody else made the connection but the red marks on his chest look like the same line things Wolverine has on him when they're bounding the Adamantium to his skeleton so that would explain the scars, now Deadpool has always been scared and that is why he wears the costume now I doubt he'll wear it in the Wolverine movie but if he might in the spin-off and finally the markings on his face seem to be a precursor to the mask.


Spectre said...

Argh. BarakaPool=FTL.

I'm optimistic though because of the whole mysterious 'Weapon XI' character...which we know will be played by Reynolds' stunt double.
I'm hoping (not really hoping, but for the sake of saving Wade for a spinoff) Wade is both 'Weapon XI', and Deadpool.

Obviously, they aren't going to go into the Dr.Killbrew storyline in this movie. But w/o that, how does Wade get the name 'Deadpool' in this movie?
...this makes me believe he'll be given the name similar as to how he got it in the Ultimate universe...because we do see Wade in a military/jungle setting. Eh...I can live w/ that.

I see Striker manipulating Wade and turning him into a weapon, 'Weapon XI', to battle Wolverine in the big supposed climax fight...which fails...leaving Wade "disfigured", cracked out in the head, abandoned by Striker and the program, bringing him back to the DP we all know and love in the possible spinoff.

It'll be another failed movie version of a Marvel character, but I believe we're seeing the 'Weapon XI' version of Deadpool in this image...

We'll see. I'm trying to be optimistic, but it kinda makes sense to me.

Anonymous said...

DEADPOOL looke slike baraka and looks mad WACK!

im disgusted

Black Sword said...

Simple – it’s like we said it was, but now the scarring adds an extra hint. I reckon what they do in the film is try and build a better Wolverine to take him down, but it doesn’t work out, and the resulting surgery sends Deadpool a little mad…he doesn’t have natural claws, so they build some in.

The scars are interesting because in some areas they seem to be mimicking his costume (re: eyes and collar bone area). On top of that, they also seem to resemble the stencils that were used on Wolverine pre-adamantium surgery.

- Black Sword

atilla said...

haha i just had a funny thought. someone should spoof the original trailer, but instead of wolverines girlfriend being hunted down, it should be deadpools character.
i can imagine it now

" your breakfast, the trip to the cinema, knowing that the deadpool you love was about to be hunted down. join me and you shall have your revenge on fox.

then it can cut to deadpools comic book version at the end of the trailer saying do u even know how to kill me, then it zooms to a fox executive who says " im gonna give u blades and dodgy paint, see if that works"


atilla said...

and also, " im putting together a special mob, with special privelages, such as shouting angrily at fox studios..

Anonymous said...

guys seriously return to reality !

He can not get a costume inside weapon X or whatever.

and also hey just gave him a more streamlined disfig* its a movie ohmy not a comic book

u act like children think for one sec...

Anonymous said...

and it is a cheap toy dont expect Ryan 100% similarity

CLAY said...

Okay, after getting the back of the box text, here is what better happen.
Deadpool get mindfucked by Styker(a less effective way similar to X2).
They install the claws.
Wolverine beats the shit out of him.
Claws get removed with Wade's arms.
Arms grow back normally.
Wade breaks out of mind-control and becomes the Wade we all know and love.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone else find it funny that Deadpool's claws look like giant metal middle fingers?

Good god. You know, it's a little tough to expect Deadpool to still have the same personality in the movie when this action figure shows his mouth being sewn shut. It would be just a little tough to spout out one-liners in that condition.

I think I'd rather have Wade just look like Ryan Reynolds in a red shirt with a couple of katanas than this disaster. Those blades better not be permanent. And if they are, I hope we only see him like this for a minute or two at most, with his 'normal' self taking up the majority of his appearance in the movie.

Anonymous said...

wow this is complete crap!!!

erikthephantom7 said...

This might be Wade during experimentation at the Hospice!! Maybe that's what Wolverine meant when he said "I didn't sign up for this." Maybe he saw Killebrew's department. Maybe that's why Wade looks so drastic! I mean, mouth sewed shut - that reeks of Ajax, right? This could actually be interesting! Because then Wade's healing factor'll really kick in (maybe in his own spin-off) like in the comics and he'll be good ol' cancer scarred Deadpool!

wade wilsons tailor said...

I was already pissed at Deadpool wearing a vest and blocking bullets with his swords without even lookin like the upgraded Merc that he is, but this is just hilarious.

With all this bullshit out of the way, at least we know what to expect. The fight scenes will be good, and hopefully Reynolds pulls off all the dialogue like we'd expect Deadpool to.

Anonymous said...

I see wolverine cutting off his arms setting wade on fire to a crispy kruger look. wade comes back to life at the end with a mask and insane look on life.

Anonymous said...

I like the new look. Change is something that can work. I'm pretty sure Fox, the pricks they are, will learn their lesson.

Anonymous said...

this is depressing

Anonymous said...

You know when they take creative license over any adaptation-- the producers only care about one thing-- MONEY. So they hire writers and editors who've made them big bucks before, but don't know sh*t about the Characters they rip off.

We should make a petition, or something... this is utterly disgusting

Anonymous said...

guys u are noobs

show me an old deadpool toy before he got the costume

lets compare them

Anonymous said...

Ok guys I have a feeling we're all gonna be stumped in the movie when it comes to feeling is that this isnt really Deadpool yet but more like a pre-deadpool, i got a feeling he gets used as a weapon x type, yes maybe he is weapon xi, and he fails to kill wolverine or something and then he gets washed out to dr.killbrew's labratory, then he eventually escapes when it gets attacked by wolverine and silverfox or something like that, i hope thats what happens cause this cannot be the full real deadpool. besides i read a thread on imbd of someone who has family that works with the movie that deadpool wont get his mask in this movie, but there looking at giving him the spinoff(thats what the xtra dp scenes were for), and that fans will see him disfigured and is used as an experiment to kill wolverine. but im not losing full faith yet on my boy deadpool, only time and the movie will tell

numb007 said...

I will never loose faith in wade even if Fox decides to make him a woman. Its just sad when they deviate from the comics, and I understand why they do make things different. It still sucks, but I still believe that Deadpool is the one character that they can do anything to and people will still love. He is psychotic, manic, lonely, and so much that is awesome. That we will always love and support our Flamingo Armed Carbear of Death.

Spectre said...

Has anyone heard anything about Daken being in the film? I don't see anything on IMDB, but that doesn't necessarily mean anything.

We see Logans woman die...does she look pregnant in any of the trailers, I can't tell. Maybe it is supposed to be a surprise?
...because in the ORIGINS comic, DP and Wolverine are having an epic battle and Daken comes in and cuts off both of DP's hands...if Daken isn't in the movie, maybe somebody else does the deed? We all know they love keeping the general plot while skewing the original facts.

If this were the 'Weapon XI' version of DP...this could make sense! (in a Fox's traditional crappy kind of messing with original storylines kind of way). After his hands get cut off he'll return back to good 'ol Wade!?

Whether this is true or not, nobody will know until the movie actually comes sounds somewhat rational to me...but it's all in hopes that by the end of Origins, we'll have Wade back to normal.

Anonymous said...

i just hope some people lose their jobs for this

it will be only fair for what they did to Deadpool

Anonymous said...

Box office bomb

Anonymous said...

i just sold all of my comics to a local comic shop, i am done with marvel they screwed up big time!!!

numb007 said...

That is a slight over reaction, especially since Fox owns the rights to the wolverine franchise and fox made the movie.

Anonymous said...

I think this is awesome! This works perfectly. After he fails to kill Wolverine, he will freak out and go insane. That will be when he is the real Deadpool.

Anonymous said...

^Deadpool never fails

u are no real fan of DP

Wolverine lover

Anonymous said...

Complete Krap!

Anonymous said...

guys we need a petition we need to mass email Marvel

we need to act, we need to stop the ruining of our favorite character

please we need to group together against FOX we need to act NOW !

Anonymous said...

that is a good idea but it is probably too late

wade wilsons tailor said...

lol Everyone just needs to calm down. Movie Deadpool was lookin lame a long time ago with that red shirt. It's only right that over time it just got lamer. But we still got his comics.

Anonymous said...

There are a bunch of ignorant people posting. Blaming marvel for something they're not even making.

The guy who called the other guy a "Wolverine lover" doesn't seem to read much Deadpool if he thinks: "Deadpool never fails".

It's stupid to judge what you don't understand and don't know much about.

Anonymous said...

where can i sue FOX for ruining Deadpool for ever ?

Anonymous said...

The stuff on the back of the Deadpool Superhero Squad action figures reads:


With the ultimate mutant, Deadpool, on the loose, Logan and Victor Creed are forced to team up--or be destroyed."


The Weapon 11 program has created the ultimate mutant-DEADPOOL! As the mutant menace rampages across Three Mile Island, Logan and Victor Creed are forced to team up--or be destoyed."

from 4chan anon

numb007 said...

That is interesting... I wonder if that is Super Hero Squad storyline or if that will be in the movie...

If its in the movie, they really aren't hiding spoliers very well...

nice work

Anonymous said...

its confirmed

Deadpool = Weapon XI

poolman said...

Way to ruin an amazing character design by switching it with Baraka from MK...

D Way said...

Well this alters things....slightly.

AlexHayden said...

I love the internet.

Seriously, look at this. Deadpool is a character that is defined by his personality. I fail to see how Wade's appearance will factor into my enjoyment of the performance. Besides which, he shouldn't have his costume at this point, or have a fully formed psychotic personality either.

As for the claws, I'm figuring it this way: His healing factor comes from them basically just grafting a chunk of Logan's DNA onto Wade's. I don't think it's that far fetched for him to end up with some other aspects of Wolverine's physiology as well.

Anonymous said...

the fact that this is a crazy looking toy means he will be an insane person

Anonymous said...

what i'm afraid of is if marvel sells out deadpool, like what they did to spiderman.

After Spiderman's success on the big screen, Marvel fucked up the continuity to match the movie's-- so they could cater to the Movie audience

it's always about money....

Dead said...


i bet they made him this way becaus deadpool's healing factor is taken out of wolverine's,
and wolverine's DNA has the fangs so it got mixed with deadpool's dna.


D Way said...

Expect to see some changes in coming Solicitations for our boy Deadpool, you may dislike the changes, or you may like them depending on if you have had a chance to catch his newest incarnation on the movie screen.

All I'm allowed to say for now, other than don't worry!

Anonymous said...

At least there is still the comics! Thank goodness for the comics! The Thunderbolt crossover will be good, the cable crossover will be pretty good, and the suicide kings mini series will be good too.

Just becuase they have ruined him in the movie doesn't mean we should abandon all hope on our boy. Once again thank goodness for the comics.

Anonymous said...

All I know is they better not mess with the comics. After the crap they pulled with secret invasion, if they mess with deadpool i will sell all of my marvel comics and switch to only reading dc.

Anonymous said...

If the comicbook Deadpool turns into the one we are going to see on the silverscreen. I will freak out and so will most of the fans. So I think Marvel will leave him alone. We have proven that we love him, by getting him back from the cancellation point. So they know not to mess with something good in the comics.

Besides Marvel wouldn't do anything Fox does

MrPopular said...

there is no way deadpool would possibly go this long, then say... Oh shit i forgot i have these blades in my arm. lol. that would suck... and if that is the realy D Way posting.. that wasn't very reassuring to here about my fav charctor.

Anonymous said...

D Way please tell us

DP has claws ; YES or NO ????

Anonymous said...

i found one change in DP :

The Story: “BULLSEYE,” PART 1 OF 3
Norman Osborn is through playing around with Deadpool—it’s time to send in the big guns. The big, crazy guns that never, ever miss. He may be wearing a new costume, but he’s still the same ol’ psychopath…

new costume

numb007 said...

I think that means Bullseye is dressed up like Hawkeye. Not Deadpool in a new costume.

Anonymous said...

yeah bullseye was given hawkeye's costume by norman osborn for the dark avengers, so when osborn sends bullseye to kill deadpool he is dressed up like hawkeye.

Anonymous said...

Id say with 104 posts on this subject people are sufficiently pissed about how Deadpool looks for this trainwreck of a movie.

Widdle Wade said...

yup I would say im Pissed!!

Anonymous said...

That's not Deadpool, that's BARAKA!

Anonymous said...

I think this might work out well (as long as Baraka aint permanent)

Anonymous said...

What if this is an elaborate hoax? I can't find any proof of this outside of the sources that are linked. And even they don't lead to anything substantial. What if this is Anti-Marketing and spoiler fraud?

Anonymous said...

Why haven't we seen pics of any outside of the package? I am very skeptical of this. The only news of this I have seen is the posts on the message boards, not on ebay or anything.

Deadpool Bugle said...

Here is an eBay auction, which has a different picture than any on the forums or this site:

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This is horrible!
i am not entertained.

Catherine said...

So the paint is actually Deadpool's scars? Unbelievable. I really hope that those measly flesh wounds aren't the full extent of his scarring in the movie, because that's, quite frankly, pathetic.

Anonymous said...

Is Fox completely oblivious to what people want to see? Do they even consult with anyone?

bairdduvessa said...

im thinking he is going to get an unbreakable skeleton and claws only for his body to reject the implants after fighting logan. Remember what Stryker said about Deathstrike in X2...

numb007 said...

That is a good avenue. I don't care what he looks likes like as long as those darn arm blades fall off and his mouth isnt sewn together.

bairdduvessa said...

@numb007 thanks

Emily said...

Pretty much everyone on my journal thinks this is ridiculous:

My only thought is, although we know he does a few missions for the Department before he gets washed out, we don't really *see* him on those missions in the comics. (IIRC, we know he killed Slayback on one, and know a few of the mutants he worked with, but that's pretty much the extent of it.) So maybe they are using the movie to show some of that part of his life? Pre-washout, post-healing factor implant?

Still - it looks pretty crappy.

Anonymous said...

Here's a larger/close-up image of him out of package from TRU.COM. They've got him up for order.

Anonymous said...

Sorry. Guess you've got to copy/paste it.

numb007 said...

Awesome find, Sheds light on the "scars" that he gets in the movie.

Anonymous said...

WHAT THE BLOODY.. Ok NO ONE GO WATCH THIS. fight the urges Download it it if you must watch. Maybe Fox will give marvel the xmen back if this movie bombs... sadly they will mostly likly fuck gambit up as well.

Anonymous said...

i was on the boards and it seems that gambit does not have a french accent... just a rumor but seems to be the consensus over there.

Anonymous said...

No RED eyes!!!
Now no french accent!

well im starting an anti "woverine" movie boycott movement!

who's with me???

Digitalplagues said...

ME! after seeing this toy and all the crap foz has done I went to watch Hulk Vs Wolverine. Deadpool is great in that!

Jesse Atkinson said...

GAH I'm Pissed OFF! I'm gunna murder Fox if they any farther with this >=o! Poor Deadpool

Anonymous said...

btw gambit has a cajun accent

Anonymous said...

this isnt as bad as y'all make it out to be since it can all be fixed in dp's movie or mabee in this one and for all you dissipointed with marvel.....THEY DIDNT DO ANYTHING o and that one guy most likely didnt sell all his comics. but there still is a chance those blades are straped on

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