MarvelousNews.com is reporting that the
previously seen X-Men Origins: Wolverine figures, including Deadpool, will be released March 1, 2009. This has yet to be confirmed on Hasbro's website, or with retailers. While the series is from the movie, the Deadpool figure features the "Classic" costume. The figures are 3 3/4" tall, which is the size of a G.I. Joe action figure. [
I can't wait. I'm so buying 5-6 of these. But where should he stand? With my GI Joes Or Cobra
O.O sweet.. I'm buying like 90 of these things thank you...
hey not fair, at least leave one for me plz :O!
Deadpool should stand between your cobra and GI Joe.
I have one! The figure is awesome, purchase on ebay, worth every penny to have before March. I believe they are available in Canada. My Deadpool is posed kickin both Cobra and Joe Booty!
I've been whating to get a Deadpool for a while, and the fact that he is 3 3/4 inches is great. I don't know about you guys but I always wanted to know who would win in a fight: Deadpool or Darth Maul.
I'm buying one. He'll probably stand with my Spider-Man stuff. Mainly because that's the only Marvel series I buy from.
I've always wanted the Merc with a mouth figure.
wasn't easy to find one of those in Germany but i did :D
its awesome exept for the left hand, wich isn't able to hold his sword correctly. But its still freakin awesome ^^
At least it is not Barakapool
In response to one of the "Anonymous" posts about the Darth Maul vs. Deadpool scenario: I think that it would go like this. Maul finds Deapool who makes a witty comment on his outfit and face paint which pisses Maul off and makes him attack Deapool and after a big fight where Maul seems to win, Deadpool drops a bomb blowing the place up. On the wreckage of the place Darthy's head (decapitated) is visible. After a few noises and grunts in the background Deadpool walks up to the head, picks it up, talks trash to it, and tosses it away and walks off, though as the cam zooms out hes missing his left arm and you hear him muttering "Dammit where is it!?" THat's my opinion at least :P
I bought one o' these. I put him standing next a model of the Delorean from Back to the Future, so Deadpool can travel back in time!
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