Monday, January 19, 2009

Deadpool #6 Reviews

Another big thanks to Tom for the amazing job he does collecting reviews.

Comics Bulletin - 3.5/5
Although Way has given the character more psychoses to explore, he hasn't provided him with that same warmth as other writers, such as Fabian Nicieza and Joe Kelly. While that isn't a slight on series, it will be interesting to see how this issue's special guest will affect the tone of Deadpool in the future.

CBR - 1.5/5
Turning “Deadpool” into a darker book was a choice that made a lot of sense considering his job as an assassin but, instead of gallows humor, Daniel Way opts for gratuity and senseless violence. The opening three pages actually show some promise of wit, but the remaining 19 pages reveal them as nothing more than an aberration.

Bookspot Central
The 6th issue I think displays the weaknesses and strengths of the series thus far. What could be called ‘filler’ could also be viewed as a solid, self-contained, adventure within the bigger framework of the Dark Reign arc going through the Marvel U. What is essentially a telling of a violent fight between Deadpool and Tigershark combined with an (not so) innocent ‘”impress the girl” dalliance that at times threatens to be both charming and fun.

Weekly Comic Book Review - C+
While not quite as strong as other issues, I still consider the Merc’s latest story a hell of a fun read. In addition, it serves as a nice, lighthearted appetizer before the Deadpool/Thunderbolts crossover takes the series into darker territory. Check it out.

IGN - 7.4/10
Deadpool continues to impress, even if it isn't quite as exciting or relevant as it was in the first arc. I'm sure that will change, temporarily at least, with "Magnum Opus". For now, I can't be too down on one of the few Marvel characters who still remembers how to have fun in the wake of Dark Reign.

Seriously, this series is great and Way's inner Deadpool continues to shine while Medina's art impresses again. If you're not reading this title, Deadpool will probably make fun of you in the next issue. Probably. If not, we'll probably make fun of you.


Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the issue but not as much as the previous ones, it's kinda obvious that Way is killing time waiting for Magnus Opus, last issue ended with wade in the water with tigershark and this issue ended the same way.
Still was a fun read.

Bob said...

Way drags these stories out way too long. consider Wolverine: Origins 21-25 -- could have been fit into one double-sized issue. i fear the same with the TB's cross-over...4 issues of a drawn out story, each issue contributing very little. Way seems to be killing time, yes, and it seems to be because he doesn't have a solid story to drive the book.

i don't hope for bad reviews, but Marvel needs to wake up and realize the positive sales aren't because of Way's name on the title. maybe Benson's limited series will show other writers can give the character substance. i'd kill to have Kelly back writing on DP...

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