Tuesday, January 20, 2009

April Deadpool Comics

Marvel has released their April comic solicitations and there are a number of Deadpool comics. These include Deadpool #9, Thunderbolts #131, Deadpool: Suicide Kings #1, and the previously unannounced Wolverine: Weapon X Files. [SOURCE]

UPDATE: Deadpool will also appear in Cable #13.


Thisguy said...
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Thisguy said...

You missed Cable.

bairdduvessa said...

april...the month of yellow boxes...

Anonymous said...

Damn, i'm loving the Thunderbolts covers, but the deadpool covers not so much, they should change the artist.

Daylok said...

agreed i want a better cover artist. Id rather Paco did it over who ever it does it now. Whats one more drawing. Although i would love for deadpool to have the thunderbolts anJuggal0d war machine Cover artist

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I do not like the artist for the deadpool covers either.
They should get someone different.

Lets email Marvel about it so they change the artist.

pitalla said...

It seems like everyone here agrees that Deadpool should have someone else doing the covers.

Ed Mcguiness would be awesome , I would had liked Michael turner too.

Anonymous said...

Bring Joe Kelly back... or ill cry *cry*

Jeff said...

Im ok with deadpools covers but i guess compared to some other covers they look bad :(

Chris said...

The deadpool cover art has BEEN terrible. Luckily, the pages are much better.

Still, you'd think that with the upswing in popularity that DP has finally gotten, Marvel would want to try to maintain momentum with great writing and great art. The writing's there...

the art? DP deserves better.


rollo tomasi said...

let's all at least appreciate the fact that the month of April 2008 may shatter records for the most Deadpool related titles in one month.

Anonymous said...

i agree with a better cover artist too, but i'd MUCH rather have a crappy cover and awesome art in the actual book itself than the other way around.

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