Friday, January 9, 2009

7 Page Preview From Deadpool #6 has just posted a 7 page preview from Deadpool #6. The art for these pages was previously shown, but this is the first preview to include the dialog from the issue as well. Deadpool #6 comes out January 14, 2009. [SOURCE]


poolman said...

The books actually getting funnier. xD
"Then he escaped from the city morgue 4 hours later"

Mike said...

Is it a typo? "Deadpool #6 comes out December 14, 2009." is'nt it January 14th 2009?

not-an-xman said...

As Mike said, December 14th 2009 is quite the wait...

Deadpool Bugle said...

Sorry. Fixed now.

Anonymous said...


I hope that DP punces that brat later on in the comic, or that tiger shark throws him at the sharks.

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