The official trailer for X-Men Origins: Wolverine was released online today on MySpace and frequent Deadpool Bugle commenter MrPopular has provided a number of screenshots from the trailer. The last two pictures are not definitely of Deadpool, but they appear to be of a scarred figure wearing red attacking Wolverine. Thanks again to MrPopular for the pictures. [SOURCE]

has to be him surely.
if its not him who is it??
I doubt they'll go with the cancer angle though, probably a fire or something, would tie in with jackman's talk of 'creative license' anyway.
id still want the cancer brought into the solo outing though, too important to his character.
I hope he is not Wade cause that guy on the pic has blades comin' out from his arms..he can be Weapon XI
I really hope fox not gonne screw up deadpool's look...
and thats just it...I noticed the blades coming outta the arms too. 100 bucks says that hes some kinda super healing freak with blades in his arms. THAT is what the creative lisencing is. some people will find that cool, and others such as myself think its total BS. I get the parallels to wolvie's claws, but who cares. Why does a good thing have to be messed with? Its the same kinda "creative" changes they made to Deathstrike in X2. LAME.
They show Gambit charging items. Is it so hard to just show the fans a caner infested Deadpool.. That way I can sleep at night until May lol.
yeah i didnt notice these blade things,
how disappointing...god dammit.
well maybe they just can't show him scarred up in the trailer cause its so hideous....please god....
i've just had a really horrible thought....
apparently this guy who is playing weapon xi is also ryan reynolds stunt double in the film. what if theres been some wires crossed, and deadpool ends up getting wrist blades put in and becomes weapon xi? i mean they show him with the swords in the trailer, so maybe theyre having it as an upgrade weapon x style kind of thing?
im panicking here, but seriously, its not like fox havent sodomised characters before...
that would be ridiculous. in fact i can't believe ive even typed this.....someone please tell me how wrong i am...please!
if you guys will go nuts, there realy is no hope for me!
i think that that guy with the blades is NOT deadpool. dont forget theres a huge list of charaters to this film.
i can onky hope that fox\marvel will be so kind to let us know SOMETHING about the frigging movie!
and if they did some BS changes in the character like they did to... almost every comic based movie... then i'll go nuts!!!
I don't think those are wristblades, they might be "Sai"s. He used them in the comics more then once, in a similar style.
Then we got a scarred DP fighting Wolverine with style :D
okay, my mate has got some pretty decent screen grabs:
to me this definitely isn't ryan reynolds at the very least, but then it could be the stunt guy standing in for him. im not even that sure hes all scarred up, it looks like they could just be slashes from wolverine.
its still inconclusive with these wrist blade things, some of them look like there is something coming out but its still blurry.
i think im just gonna have to stop worrying. way i see it if they really screw it up then they'll just have to reboot it hulk style for his solo outing! or i'll fucking eat their heads! haha ...but seriously...i will.
they look like nun chucks
They got to be sai's... otherwise I'll kill everyone in fox
I was wondering what the hell you guys were talkin about . I couldnt see the "blade" that was coming out of the guys fist at first , till i saw those high res pics ( thanks David)
Doesnt look like Ryenolds at all . So im not too worried. the only thing i can think of is.... Omega Red? It could explain alot. along with the rival American Team X and the russian Red Room.
Black Sword
theres no way thats deadpool in the high res pics, thats somebody else....i also think omega red, or someone completely different
dont forget the biggest problom we have:
the f'ing actor.
those bastards dont give a s*** about ANYTHING (theyre nihilist), all they want is tha camera to show theyr face as long as possible.
so if you thinj were gonna get a classic deadpool... think again! i'll bet thats what jackman was talking about...
please, no blades coming from wrists! please NO!!! deadpool will look silly like Baraka from Mortal Kombat if they do something like that blades coming out from the wrists...
man, i completely missed this scene in the trailer...a few thoughts...
is it DP?? i dunno...wolverine3.jpg from David (thanks, btw!!) looks like there is some sort of disfigurement on the cheek. too tough to say, though.
i don't see blades...i see a chain or, like Anonymous up there said, nun chucks -- something that isn't fixed straight. (either that, or they definitely use rubber stunt blades...)
the thought of Omega Red is interesting -- could be tendrils...but the look is waaaay too far off (though i wouldn't put it past Fox to do such a thing).
whatever this is, it doesn't look like anything to panic about just yet...perhaps if it is DP, it could be that he just broke out of captivity from experimentation. he clearly wouldn't have a mask or costume, at that point, and could still adopt those subsequent to this encounter.
(one final thought...if it IS Deadpool, stunt man or not, Reynolds will have had to shave his head during production...anybody seen him recently?? no interview appearances yet...curious...)
I'm pretty sure that is deadpool, because in the marvel pulse newsletter i just got it says this.
Wolverine takes on Sabretooth, Deadpool, helicopters and more in the first action-packed trailer to the May 2009 blockbuster!
as for his arms, i think those are either sai, or possibly a chain or some sort of other weapon, and hope it isnt something coming out of his arms
I think there is a good chance it is deadpool bc awhile back on a youtube deadpool mudvayne video , some guy claimed he talked to one of the guys who did the props and said they were going to give deadpool "claws" and that the transformed deadpool would be done by a martial artist, psossibly ray park. Well I hope that guy is full of bs but those arm blades might be the "claws" he was referring to.
Deadpool could easily be the scarred figure. Think about the introductions of The Leader in the newer Hulk film, and War Machine in Iron Man, then remember how Wade became Deadpool while in Weapon X. Marvel TOTALLY has this down.
Except for introducing Elektra during Daredevil. Oops.
I was spooked when I watched the trailer. In motion it does look like the bald guy has something in his hand...(that's what actually lead me to this page. I had to find pics). i initially thought it was a sai, then read all these posts...i really hope they don't give deadpool 'claws'.
Though that MAY not be Deadpool. Just before that clip, you see wolverine slashing at cages or something..each cage has a person wearing red inside, so if this bald guy has blade hands, it very well might be just a random baddy in red and not deadpool.
I agree w/ SPACE CADET...I'm sure we won't see a mask on deadpool till the very end of the movie (if at all)...it'll be like watching Venom all over again. ugh. I'm fine w/ seeing Ryan Reynolds as Wade, then deformed Wade, but PRAY that at some point they show him with his mask. What would Spiderman be w/o his mask? Though they did Bullseye w/o his mask :-/
If those are blades coming from his arms...I'm aiming to think it's Weapon XI. I think it's safe to assume that XI be a creation similar to wolverine, whom will want/need to battle wolverine...and since there is no past description of who Weapon XI is, we can assume the character is disposable and will die.
I doubt wade will be getting the full on costume, but I really doubt they'd fudge up bad enough as to give him claws...though it wouldn't be the first time they've messed up a character in the xmen series. *crosses fingers*
it most likely is, i mean this is a wolverine movie not a deapdool one, and deadpool is getting a glorified cameo, intertwining his origin with wolverines. at least once said and done and if we do get a DP movie we wont have to waste any time on origins, straight into his own flow of things at the expense of Wolverine.
But if he does have claws I will be pissed the fuck off!
I read somewhere that Jackman said in an interview that certain "liberties" were taken with Deadpool.
I've also read a rumor that, in the movie, DP ends up having slimy skin and looking more like Voldemort from the Harry Potter movies, with blades that come out from his arms (think Baraka from Mortal Kombat), among other new abilities that piss me off.
Again, this is just a rumor and I hope it's wrong.
The interview about taking liberties with Deadpool is here:
It MIGHT be Deadpool, in the comics he does spar in a red Gi, with the Deadpool logo on it, and it looks to be pretty close to the shade of the shirt Ryan Renolds is wearing.
That said, I've given the high quality ones a good look through, and the only one I can make out anything coming from his hands is the last one, and I hate to say, but they are too long to be sai.
The good news is, they appear to be handheld, because I can only see one blade, rather than the three that Wolverine has, and they don't line up with his knuckles, so they could be short swords. Wilson is a blade bloke rather than a gun guy.
As for the stunt double, if Ryan Renolds can do that move, he moves up in my esteem. It might be the stunt man for the fight, it might be the stunt man wearing prosthetics for when Wade gets cancer (the reason he was in Department K) or it might be someone else completely.
I live in hope that they won't ruin him, because if they turn him into a wolverine clone, I shall not be happy. Words will be said. Pointed words.
Pointed words are not so much fun, pointed knives, that's more the merc's style.
Guys and gals, I hate to say it, but this is Fox we're talking about. FOX... That's spelled
F-O-I'm going to screw with WB after they made Watchmen and not before-X.
They cannot make good movies (AvsP 1 & 2 anyone?) , and the choices they make about characters... yeah. Deadpool is not the main character in the film so he's gonna get what I like to call the Fox character development shaft.
His character will be as screwey as DP's head in the comics,
I'm not holding my breath for this.
deadpool being in this movie makes zero sense to begin with. Deadpool was in weapon x years afther wolverine, and he washed out into weapon k! his healing factor really starts to kick in weapon k and that's when he becomes deadpool. Still if they just introduce deadpool in this movie, give him his healing factor and icky face, and let him live. Ill be happy. I think hoping for a deadpool with mask and logo isn't realistic.
i hate to break it to ya, Anonymous of 1/19, but the words 'adapted for film' come to mind, here...just because something isn't 100% true to the source material doesn't mean it won't make sense in context. just wait to see the movie and don't get yourself too worked up about it.
Ugh im getting nervous now too...but at the same time i took into consideration of what alot of u guys said like "spectre". idk i guess we'll all find out when we see the movie or until better clips or pics. =/
Hate to be the Bearer of Badnews but this link might resolve some of this questioning:
I think i have some good news i've been watching IMDB and they have listed Scott Adkins as Weapon XI and if you look at his profile pic next to the hi res pics at this site: http://www.nerdfellowship.com/2009/03/new-x-men-origins-wolverine-trailer-plus-screenshots-of-deadpool-from-the-trailer/ you can see a close resemblence, so I feel safe in saying that it is not deadpool in these above posts.
*Forgot to mention that in the trailer on above mentioned sight you can see DP/reynolds fighting through guards after showing weapon XI, looks normal and minus the blade arms
I already saw it. It's deadpool. He has claws, his mouth is sewn shut, he can teleport and he dies.
it is him. they messed the movie up. i have it on bootleg with out the cgi edits.
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