Thursday, December 11, 2008

Hugh Jackman Discusses Deadpool in Interview has posted an exclusive interview they had with Hugh Jackman, who plays Wolverine in the X-Men movies and will be staring in his own spinoff movie X-Men Origins: Wolverine. As previously reported, the movie will feature Deadpool played by Ryan Reynolds. In the interview Jackman discusses the various characters that were included in the movies, such as Gambit and Deadpool.
"And then Deadpool. I have to be very careful how I talk about Deadpool, because it’s something I’m really excited about in the movie, where it plays and how it plays. I just can’t think right now how I can tell you about it without giving away some really cool ideas!

That’s where David Benioff was really smart, how coolly he brought that character in.

The things I’m thinking about now I don’t want to tell you because the fans will go “Awwww, that’s cool”… Actually some fans might be pissed off but that’s ok. I think they’ll understand why we did it. We took some creative licenses with him."

A new trailer for the movies is set to debut on December 12th with the movie The Day the Earth Stood Still. [SOURCE]


RoQ said...

oh crap, what means creative licenses? no suit? no deformation? no cancer?

Anonymous said...

creative licenses is a term that scares me when fox is involved

Bob said...

i'm assuming whatever Jackman didn't want to say is something very integral to the plot, not something minor like his suit. perhaps it's not necessarily the DP fans that will be pissed, but rather the hardcore Wolvie fans...

it could be good or bad, it all depends on the context. for example, Chris Nolan took a lot of liberties in Batman Begins and The Dark Knight, and those were still bad ass.

poolman said...

uh-oh =(
now im nervous

supremespleen said...

I hope they don't mess this up.

Anonymous said...

creative license by fox.... I hope deadpool aint in high school there.

Alex said...

crap crap crap...

We took some creative licenses with him.

I'm scared..

bobagentofhydra said...

fox is known to destroy comics, but they might get Deadpool right. We'll just have to wait. Here's a link from the Deadpool Bugle that might bring a little hope..

bobagentofhydra said... has posted an interview they had with Fox co-chairman Tom Rothman to discuss upcoming 20th Century Fox projects, including Wolverine. When asked about Deadpool he had the following to say:

IESB: So, we get teased in the Wolverine trailer with Deadpool, he's a fan favorite, another second tier Iron Man-like character, and Ryan Reynolds has been dying to play this guy for years and I think that's why he even did the cameo because he wants a stand alone film. Any movement there?

TR: Yes and no, I mean, Deadpool is an integral part of X-Men Origins: Wolverine, we are in the process now, of doing all the CG work to create that character at an A +++ level, that's being done in truly as state of the art fashion as possible...

IESB: Scarring and all?

TR: It will be very rewarding for the fans, let's put it that way. It's a high level endeavor because he figures importantly in the movie, so whether he'll spin off into his own movie, if that's what you're asking, I don't know the answer. We will have to see.

So far little had been said about Deadpool's appearance or role in the movie, and this interview hints that he does have a fairly significant role and that his appearance will be closer to the comics than previously thought. [SOURCE]

Black Sword said...

OK im just a LIL bit worried. Im praying that they are doin' it right. Im very curious considering nearly all actors have been interview about their roles and have been posted on Dark Horizons, AICN, or Comingsoon/Superherohype, apart from Ryan Reynolds. I know he is the man , and that he knows the character. And that he wouldn't of signed on unless it was the Deadpool we all know and love.

The only thing I can think of , and what Hugh was talking about , why the fans might be upset. is because it doesn't have DP's origins correct. Say for instance he already is a mutant and they "experiment" on Wade to increase and advance his healing factor even further by giving him wolverine's which leaves him horribly scared etc etc...

if its just that. I will be ok with that.

wade wilsons tailor said...

"Actually some fans might be pissed off"

I don't know how to take that. But I'm almost sure he's talkin about the Deadpool fans. Either Deadpool's character is nothing like the Wade we know an love, or Deadpool is basically just used as a krutch for Wolverine's character in the sense Wolverine is really gonna f#$% up Wade throughout the movie.

And it sounds like Gambit has a bigger and more badass role in this then Deadpool. Fuck lol, It doesn't sound too good for Wade, but it doesn't sound horrible either. I just hope Reynolds as Deadpool is done well enough to create enough noise for a Deadpool spin-off but it really doesn't sound like it.

Bob said...

i also imagine it's something like that, Black Sword. they most likely made DP a mutant to conveniently fit into the plot. as long as it works in context, i'm alright with it.

i'm more worried about those old reports of Fox wanting Hood to edit the film to make it more 'kid-friendly'.

Anonymous said...

well x-men movies have never liked the whole costume thing so that may be what this is about but reall deadpool wasent in weapon x at the same time as wolvie so they screwed on that already which is ok and also they have been very clear on calling him Wade Wilson so they might just refer to him as his real name instead of deadpool but i admit im worried like i was at first then i was excited then i am back to being scared

Black Sword said...

I know they dont really do the whole costume thing well ( apart from spidey, daredevil, and iron man) the whole x-franchise seemed to try and make it more modern than glamourous colourfull superheroes of the 50's.

Lets just hope ok :)

As for is he Wade, or is he Deadpool
well its ineresting. 1 producer, and Hugh Jackman(above) have refered to him directly as Deadpool. But I have only ever seen 1 interview, when the person throwing the questions at the producer called him "Deadpool" to which the producer didnt respond with Deadpool, but in turn refered to him as "Wade Wilson".

As for the movie being kid friendly. god i hope not. especially when in that boot leg trailer ( i think its still floating around) wolvie says to sabertooth that hes going to cut his "god damn" head off.
Also I dont think you can really make it kiddy with both wolvie and sabertooth infront of a fireing squad. getting fired apon, and then from what stryker says " cut off a commanding officers head"

Kid friendly... i dont think so.

Wade Wilsons Tailor said...

I just saw a Wolverine Origins Trailer on [adult_swim]

Well I didn't see it, all I saw was the ending that had "Wolverine Origins" in that silver text, so I dont know if it has any Deadpool. But I'm just throwin this out there just incase someone else catches it. You could tell us if DP is in it.

Bob said...

i remember hearing Wolverine say he's gonna cut Sabretooth's "goddamn head off".

however, someone on the IMDb boards wrote a synopsis of the trailer, and the referred exchange is different --

"Finally Sabretooth asks Wolverine 'Do you even know how to kill me?' to which Wolverine replies 'I'm gonna cut your head off and see if that works' to which Sabretooth smiles and shows his fangs."

i haven't seen the trailer (no desire to watch DTESS), but i can only assume this is valid. maybe they didn't go all-out kid-friendly, but it appears they may have made some unfortunate edits in that direction.

Crimson Comedian said...

I think the pissed off comments are referring to the fact that he isn't giving anyone any information. No leaks from Jack.

Fire said...

I sure hope they didn't make him 'non-neutral' or he's lacking his insanity or something. They probably made him 100% good or bad; OR they took his insanity away. D:

Anonymous said...

Be quite cool if he talks to the audience or knowingly acknowledges hes in a film :)

Bob said...

honestly, i'd hope they don't do that in this film -- the majority of the audience will have no clue who DP is, and it will ruin the experience of the film to have someone break the 4th wall out of the blue. comedies can pull off a random thing like that, i don't think an action film can afford to.

however, if DP gets a spin-off...bring the noise.

Anonymous said...

deadpool costume is the one thing... that could possibly, in the future, if done well and marketed right, could be the next spiderman, in terms of popularity. Now, it could all start with the appearence of deadpool in wolverine movie... but they must do him right, second, there must be a spinoff, and third marvel must go on a major marketing campaign to finally have deadpool as marvels flagship character...This can happen!!!!

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