Tuesday, December 23, 2008

First Details About Deadpool in Messiah War

As previously announced, Deadpool will play some role in the upcoming Cable and X-Force crossover, Messiah War. Frequent Deadpool Bugle commenter and tipster ThisGuy has sent a clip from the January issue of Wizard magazine that gives a very brief description of Deadpool's role in the crossover.
Everyone's favorite crazy Canuck finds himself accidentally involved in the battle of the future when Cable and X-Force let him out of a freezer he locked himself in 400 years prior. After years of solitude in a cryogenic sleep, the crazier than ever Deadpool finally reunites with Cable!

Thanks again to ThisGuy for the tip.


Roq said...

What? 400 years? no way!

thats crazy!

Bob said...

i just wanna know his motivations for locking himself in a freezer -- to purposely induce a cryogenic sleep, or, he went in for a pizza and the door accidentally shut behind him...??

MrPopular said...

I can't wait!!!!! the More deadpool The better. I don't know which crossover i'm more excited for.

Widdle Wade said...

Thats sounds fucking awesome!

Emily said...

Cable & Deadpool back together again? OMG, FINALLY.

Widdle Wade said...

This and the thunderbolts crossover are the most anticipated Deadpool stories for me since we knew Deadpool was coming back in issue 13 of Agent X! There hasnt been any other upcoming DP stories since then that had me excited!

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