CBR has posted an interview with Marvel X-Editors Nick Lowe, John Barber, Daniel Ketchum, and Axel Alonso. When asked about Deadpool, they revealed that Deadpool will also be in the upcoming
X-Force/Cable crossover, "
Messiah War". Deadpool's role in the crossover is unclear still, but this is the first news of his involvement. [
Damn, I have to catch up on this X-men stuff now. I've been looking forward to a Cable and Deadpool reunion for a while now.
Finally! The reunion to end all reunions! I've been waiting for this for so long...
Damn Deadpool is going to be just as busy as wolvie with all these cross overs.
i think anonymous is right, deadpool has suddenly developed the uncanny power of appearing in several books a month.
Now I just need him to appear in X-factor to settle any Siryn stuff so my dream of Peter David written Deadpool comes true.
it's funny you say that, Thisguy...i've been wanting to pick up the new X-Factor for a while, i was gonna scour the back issues today when i go to pick up DP #5. i remember Peter David's first run of X-Factor -- loved it.
and no joke about all these DP appearances...Way said he was gonna be thrust into the Marvel spotlight, but i had no idea they had all this in mind. it's great to see he's receiving the attention he deserves...i just hope they won't go overboard. after Wolverine hits theaters, the buzz will be even greater, i'm sure.
So deadpool's fiannly gonna meethe's old pal cable again huh? this should be interesting. I am very happy to see deadpool in all this crazy crossovers =D, DW was no kidding when he said that DP would be at th middle of the marvel universe.
Anyhow I really want to see him settle things with siryn to see waths up, maybe the x-factor writter does not want him to interfere with he's story.
And BTW, waths up with outlaw? I tought she liked DP.
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