Big thanks to Tom for collecting review(again!).
This issue contained everything a kick-ass Deadpool book needs: comedy, explosions and moments of insanity that border on brilliance. Way gets into the character so well I'm beginning to question his sanity. But if craziness allows such fun comics, then sanity is certainly over-rated.
What's making this depiction of the character so compelling, and a buy-on-sight title is the mixture of lunacy and cunning that makes everything work out in interesting and often funny ways. There's not much that can be said without spoiling the fun, but the zombies manage to be funnier and less cliche than many depictions. Great stuff.
Graham Crackers - 7/10
Standard DEADPOOL takes on a contract and things don't go the way he figures. Nothing deep, no multi-title crossovers, just fun Deadpool lunacy like you'd expect.
So for all of you naysayers of Daniel Way (like Ron) and those who arent huge fans of Deadpool....Please, please give this title a try. I will swear by my own life that this title is just as fun as Incredible Herc, Captain Britain, Nova, Guardians of the Galaxy, and any other Marvel title that is out right now.
Comic Pants
A bit wonky, what with the back and forth time-jumpiness, but Way still exceeds all expectations with Deadpool. The jokes are funny and Medina’s art looks all energetic and snazzy. And come on, Deadpool versus zombies…What’s not to love?
The Hachiko - 2.5/5
The biggest problem is that with all the jumps forward and backwards into time, it was hard concentrating on the plot and figuring where what situation went where. The book helps the reader out by giving convenient timetables, but it's still hard to accurately follow the story from one plot point to the next.
Weekly Comic Book Review - A
What else can I say? The latest issue of Deadpool worked for me in every way. I highly recommend it.
It isn't a bad comic by any stretch of the imagination... just an unsatisfying one. Way really set up a strong storytelling formula in the first arc, one that I think he could perfect in time. But because he chose to riff on somewhat tired territory -- as well as crafting a solution that wasn't nearly as clever as the Deadpool vs. Skrulls arc -- it just felt a little light.