Friday, December 5, 2008

Bob: Agent of Hydra in Deadpool #7

Marvel has revealed the details for Deadpool #6 and #7, and it is revealed that fan favorite Bob: Agent of Hydra will make his return in Deadpool #7. Daniel Way confirmed in early interview that Bob: Agent of Hydra would be in the new series, but there were never any details to his involvement or when he would appear. Deadpool #7 is part of Dark Reign, which deals with the aftermath of Secret Invasion, so do not follow the link below if you do not want some details of Secret Invasion #8 spoiled. [SOURCE]


MrPopular said...

Best news I'll hear all week

pitalla said...

Yeah! Bob is back!
This is superb News =D, tought I think that this last covers could had been alot better =S, This one its ok but it doesnt capture the funny escence of Bob tought.

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