Monday, October 20, 2008 Psych Ward: Deadpool

In's latest Psych Ward article, where they analyze the psychology of Marvel characters, is focused on Deadpool. There isn't any news in the article, and just goes over some of the bigger things in Deadpool's past. [SOURCE]


bobagentofhydra said...

HA!!! Sounds about right.. I think T-ray's face is gonna get smashed in soon.... Can't wait to read on 11/05

zariplz said...

Oh god. That was great. XD
hallucinations of yellow boxes with his thoughts in 'em?


Christopher said...

They sure hit the nail on the head.

Emily said...

Hah, that was hilarious!

Like anyone could actually psycho-analyze Deadpool!

P.S. Wait 'til you see what I got last weekend...

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