Thursday, September 25, 2008

Submit Questions to Ask Daniel Way

In a Deadpool Bugle exclusive, Deadpool writer Daniel Way has agreed to answer the top 5 questions from fans about the new series. Please leave a comment on this post with your question(s) for Daniel Way and the most common questions will be asked. Please note, anything that has been addressed in a previous interview will be excluded.

EDIT: Sorry, no more questions. The questions are being tallied, then sent to Daniel Way. Stay turned to see his responses, and thanks for all the questions.


Pat said...

Is the White Box related to something in Deadpool's past, or something new you've created for your take on the character?

How long until we find out what the deal is the White Box?

Any plans to bring back older characters that didn't appear much in C&D? (i.e. Siryn, Blind Al, etc.)

Any plans to bring back older tech that didn't appear in C&D? (i.e. Image Inducer, Teleporter, etc.)

"Deadpool" seems to be selling well. If it keeps it up, it could be around for a while. How long do you think you'd stick with it if given the chance?

bobagentofhydra said...

Fisrt, You're frickin rockin the Deadpool series and I'm looking forward to your future work with DP.

Second, the Question. Do you happen to have plans to bring back Letters to Deadpool column?

Thanks N Cheers, Bobagentofhydra

Anonymous said...

Any plans to bring back older characters? bo,b outlaw *drool*, sandi *more drool*?

MrPopular said...

Next year is Ryan Reynolds playing our favorite Merc. Is their any plans to have the Deadpool book storyline coincide with the movie in anyway?

Wade Wilsons Tailor said...

Just got a cameo question-

Are there any plans that Taskmaster will make an appearance anytime soon?

Anonymous said...

1) What marvel superheros and supervillians can we expect to see in future?

2) Can we expect to have Deadpool interact with his buddys Weasel or Bob in the future?

3) What new charcters can we expect to see?

4) Will the Ask Deadpool section be returning?

MrPopular said...

There are a great cast in the DP books from Blind Al to Agent x to Bob, but do you have plans to on creating a new original addition to the Deadpool gang?

Emily said...

Dear Mr. Way,

Any chance of bringing in Agency X/Agent X and that whole group at some point (and saving poor Alex from that American & arthritis gene mess)? I feel like all of Deadpool's supporting cast members are so strong that they deserve some page-time, and I love their interactions with Deadpool. (Also: more Taskmaster, please! :)

Thanks for answering our questions!


Daniel said...

Will you be answering any questions about T-Ray/Deadpool? Mercedes Wilson remembers a "College student" she married, but Deadpool remembers going into the military. Will Mercedes Wilson ever be dealt.

Also, what about Deadpool's love of Death/her love of him. Any plans to touch on the star crossed lovers?

Ashley said...

1. would it be possible to get at least something similar to what the re-cap page was like from Cable and Deadpool?

2. Also do we fond out what happened after Cable and Deadpool in regards to Agency x, Agent x, and the pet hydra agent, Bob

3.Oh, and will Deadpool be getting a romantic interest in this new series and if so would it be someone old (like Siryon or Death) or a new concoction?

Frederic said...

1. Is deadpool going to meet siryn again with possibilities of something romantic?

2.If T-ray returns, will he be as badass and evil as he where in the Joe Kelly days?

3.Any chances on co-writting an issue or a special with Joe Kelly now that he is back at marvel?

Dante said...

1.- Will we see anything about Deadpool's immortality curse by Thanos?? It wasn't ever mentioned or seen after that point.

Christopher said...

1. Is Deadpool ever going to use a teleporter or his holographic image changing device?

2. Will he ever fight Spider-Man?

3. What do you like most about Deadpool?

4. Is he the son of Loki?


to way: you rock!!! frickinw loooooove deadpool #2! it's bloody brilliant!!! i'll vote yes for an eisner for that!

second, pls pls pls pls pls let him beat the crap outta spiderman!

oh, and i totally loved the liefiel reference in the "deadpool fighting class"

to christopher above me: no he's not.

Olcas said...

Will this Deadpool series be in regular continunity with the rest of the MU, or will DP be making periodic guest appearances OOC in regards to his series like before?

Potato Farmster said...

1. Fabian Nicieza teased clearing up the whole T-ray thing, and who of him and Pool was the real Wade Wilson, but ended up leaving us just as confused as before. Any plans on clearing this up?

2. Thanos is just about the greatest villain in comics, I loved his interaction with Deadpool in Joe Kelly's run. Thanos is now dead, any plans for Deadpool to find out about/acknowledge Thanos' demise?

xtaoth said...

(this is my first post here, so hi everybody and congrats to your blog ^^)

- 1. First, I really liked DP#1 and DP#2, you're doing a good job, but there's some controversy about the Pool o' Vision. I'm not a big fan of PoV, and I've seen some opinions against it and some opinions praising it on the web. How's people reacting to PoV? It's your plan to maintain it?

- 2. I've been a big fan of DP, but what I like most is the way he mocks the entire Marvel Universe. I think DP writers loved to work in the comic because they can use DP to ridiculize some other 'heroes' clichés. Do you like that possibility? Who's the 'hero' (o villain) you would want DP to 'beat'?

- 3. I know DP was the star-guest in some other comics (not as many as Spiderman, ok, but DP hasn't as many clones as him, so it's normal), but is there any chance that T-ray, weasel or Bob make any appearance in any non-DP comic? (ok, perhaps is very unrealistic, but I want some 'hey, you are DP archnemesis... Hmmm, I don't know if I want to beat you or pay you a beer' lines XD).

- 4. Why DP - T-ray past is so complicated? Will you try to fix it or we'll need another "house of M" (like Wolverine had) to know the true? (altrought I might like the idea of a 'House of DP' ^^)

Pitalla said...

Dear Mr.Way
First of all I think you are doing a Marvelous Job with Deadpool! This 2nd issue was really exciting,funny and badass!
Many people seem to not be so sure about the P.O.V tough on this issue it was Fantastic!

My questions are:

1.will deadpool be using he's image inducer and teleporter again?

2. Is Deadpool going to get involved with siryn ? and I mean something passionally happen not just an adventure.

3. Any chances on deadpool going back to he's old place or a new place at san fran?

4. In cable n deadpool outlaw seemed to like deadpool, any chances of that developing?

As for some of this questions, it seems like t-ray left the name of wade wilson to deadpool , he said he didnt wanted that name etc...
I think it should had been left like that IMO.

Anonymous said...

Heres some numered questions
Cause I know Dp loves em!

1 Have you ever read a Deadpool comic Mr. Way? Just curious. And did Wades pure coolness inspire you to write about him or what?

2 Is it easy doing Deadpools humor?

3 What do you like more? POV or the two arguing boxes.

4 When're we gonna see how Medina draws Wade without his mask on.

5 This is not a question: But might I suggest a POV idea to you? How bout when Deadpool looks at Bob Agent of Hydra he imagines him as a green dog with big white eyes and yellow paws. Just becuase Deadpool always refers to Bob as a pet y'know

Anonymous said...

Any chance you could clear up the DP/T-Ray problems? Someone else mentioned the Mercedes Wilson wife situation. Can we see if he needs to get divorced? Will he reconcile? We need closure!

Anonymous said...

Concerning the t-ray/deadpool from many guys above.
Mercedez its T-Ray's actual Wife.
But people seem to be getting confused about if he is wade wilson or not well its complicated but here is how I see it.
Deadpool's stole T-ray's Identity and T-ray said to deadpool that he had stolen he's name wich wasrefering he's actual entity.
It really depends on ho is writting deadpool as he said it himself during cable and deadpool#48.

Anonymous said...

What kind of characters do you have in mind to foil off of 'Pool? And oh, please, tell me...ARE you going to bring Bob back? I sure hope so!

Daniel said...

Oh yeah, and will we be seeing the return of the badass merc Taskmaster instead of the goofy cape wearing Taskmaster?

Alex said...

1) Will we see a return of the teleporter?

2) Is Weasel coming back?

3) What do you have to say to fans who are hesitant about Pool-o-Vision?

4) The T-Ray/Deadpool identity crisis is a pretty big issue, and people on both sides will defend their position to the death. Will you be fencesitting or endorsing a side?

Pablo said...

t-ray said already that he didnt cared about the name wade wilson anymore because it was a looser's name and thus deadpool could keep it.

And I agree t-ray and taskmaster have become very goofy characters.

Any chances on seeing Siryn vs Typhoid Mary?

Also waths up between siryn and deadpool?

Anonymous said...

o btw, weasel and bob will be coming back aswell as Blind al.


will the olson twins will appear in the following issues? are there plans for that? WHY WONT YOU LET DEADPOOL HAVE A LITTLE FUN?!

Anonymous said...

1) Is Deadpool going to get gadget support from weasel again. i miss the teloporter?

2) Is Deadpool going to get any brand spanking new villians\enemys?

3)Any Deadpool team ups planed that havnt been done?

4)since you did punisher very well. can we accpect Deadpool & Punisher combo?

5)can you please make t-ray a bad ass?

6)Will Deadpool be killing Earthlings(not skrulls or zombies but humans\mutants and whatnots)in your comic or is he really gone good with a code of morals or something deadpool once proudly lacked.

Doody_Duty said...

I love how you don't overuse Pool-o-Vision, they way you use it makes it a very welcome surprise!

Anyway, a few Q's:

Is the White Box just Deadpool talking to himself, or is there something more to it?

Will DP have a supporting cast, a la the latter issues of C&D?

Will DP continue to make comments which not only break the fourth wall, but smash it to pieces?

Any chance of a Punisher/Deadpool team up or fight? The Punisher's seriousness and Deadpool's craziness would fit together hilariously.

Will there be a letters page or recap page written by the Merc himself?

Roleplay Adventures said...

Will you go back to the T-Ray story line ? I honestly hope you drop it, because I would like to see Deadpool with a new arch nemesis. ^_^

Kate said...

This is half question, half suggestion, and half plea.

BUT! Will you focus a little more on Deapool's inner struggle between hero and villian? Maybe a little of that drama we saw in Deadpool #22 (Guest staring Cable!)?

Seeing him working with Mr. Fury certainly was a plesant surprise. I'm on of those girls who can't help but believe Ol' Wade has some good in him.

You're doing a great job.