Thursday, August 21, 2008

Special Deadpool Edition of the Mighty Marvel Podcast has just posted a special Deadpool edition of their Mighty Marvel Podcast, featuring an interview with Daniel Way. Daniel Way is writing the new Deadpool solo series that starts on September 3, 2008. The only new information Way reveals that hasn't already been revealed in other interviews is that a future story arc will feature Deadpool versus at least some members of the Thunderbots, possibly long time associate of Deadpool, Bullseye. Way does confirm his plans for the first story arc featuring Secret Invasion and his plan to bring back characters from Deadpool's past into the new series. There is a significant amount of discussion about bringing back Bob, Agent of Hydra.

Daniel Way also answered fan questions, including questions about Deadpool Inc., breaking the fourth wall, and the Thunderbolts.

The podcast runs for 22:51 minutes and provides new insight into how writer Daniel Way is thinking about the new Deadpool series. [SOURCE]


Mr.Popular said...

Awesome, can't wait to listen!!!!