Saturday, May 3, 2008

Jesse Blaze Snider to Write Deadpool Story in Marvel Comics Presents #10

It was confirmed in an interview with UnderGroundOnline the son of rock legend and Twisted Sister frontman Dee Snider, Jesse Blaze Snider, will be the writer on the upcoming story featuring Deadpool in Marvel Comics Presents #10. The story is being drawn by Marco Checchetto.
Snider is a huge comic book fan, and a huge Deadpool fan
"But my favorite character of all time from Marvel comics is a character they had called Deadpool -also a big fan of Daredevil - but Deadpool is the one that I started really reading the comics with and he's this comedic person who constantly cracks jokes as he kills people for money. Which, uh, is kind of an odd thing. But he was the character I wrote for my first thing in Marvel Comics presents #10 I was featuring their character Deadpool. So it was really a dream come true to get to write that character. I'm a huge comic book fan, I read well over a hundred comics every month, that's like, that's my passion. I really love comic books and they really are, uh, its just one of my favorite things in the world."

There is still no knews on what the story will be about, but Marvel Comics Presents #10 will be in stores on June 25th. [SOURCE]


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