Saturday, April 19, 2008

Daniel Way Talks About New Deadpool Series at NYCC

CBR has an interview that Daniel Way gave about his upcoming Deadpool series at the New York ComicCon. He gives lots of new details about the book, answering many questions fans have. Way confirms that his current "Pool-O-Vision" that we see in Wolverine: Origins, where we see through Deadpool's eyes, will continue in the new series. Way also confirmed that fan favorite Bob: Agent of Hydra will also be in the upcoming book.
"You'll see people like Bob at the right moment. You've got to make him count because Fabian Nicieza [the writer of "Cable &Deadpool" and creator of Bob] put a lot of work into him. You can't just have him moping around saying, ‘What are we going to do today Deadpool?' That's a bit disrespectful to Fabian."

Way will also be including other characters from Deadpool's past, including former love interest Siryn and the villain Taskmaster. Way also gives a number of details regarding Deadpool's involvement in Secret Invasion. [SOURCE]